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      • Aurora Metro Publications Ltd.

        Aurora Metro is a an award-winning indie publisher established over 25 years ago in the UK. We publish fiction, non-fiction, YA fiction, drama, cookery, biography. Over 200 international authors published and over 20 works in translation.

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      • Metis Publishers

        Metis list includes both fiction and nonfiction. Some literary authors are Gerbrand Bakker, John Berger, Maurice Blanchot, Anne Carson, Rana Dasgupta, Carlos Fonseca, Georgi Gospodinov, Alasdair Gray, Ursula K. LeGuin, Norman Manea, Javier Marias, Georges Perec, Per Petterson, Andrei Platonov, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Marguerite Yourcenar.  Metis nonfiction list -in History Society Philosophy, Literary Criticism, Arts and People, Critical Science, Gender Studies series- features works of prominent authors such as Benedict Anderson, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Walter Benjamin, Wendy Brown, Susan Buck-Morss, Judith Butler, Byung Chul-Han, David Harvey, Kojin Karatani, Tim Parks, Adam Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Edward Said, Renata Salecl, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj Zizek and Alenka Zupancic. World-class literary theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin, Gyorgy Lukacs and Tzvetan Todorov, philosophers such as Roland Barthes, Paul Ricoeur and Ludwig Wittgenstein and psychoanalytic masters including Didier Anzieu, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan and D.W. Winnicott are amongst the authors Metis has published.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019


        Folge nicht der Herde

        by O'Porter, Dawn / Übersetzer Strüh, Christine

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Ethnography for a data-saturated world

        by Hannah Knox, Dawn Nafus

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        September 2009

        Im neuen Job

        Überlebenstipps für die ersten 100 Tage

        by Achterhold, Gunda; Parisi, Dawn

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora

        by Jamie Littler, Jamie Littler, Nadine Mannchen

        In "Die Legende von Frostherz 2. Flucht aus Aurora" setzt Jamie Littler Ashs und der Frostherz-Crews abenteuerliche Reise fort, während sie in der eisigen Festung Aurora nach Hinweisen suchen, die Ash zu seinen Eltern führen könnten. Die Ankunft in Aurora bringt jedoch nicht die erhoffte Sicherheit, sondern konfrontiert die Gruppe mit neuen Gefahren: Eine rücksichtslose Pionier-Kapitänin hat es auf alle Klangweber abgesehen, und Ash muss erneut fliehen. Die spannende Suche führt die Crew quer durch das gefährliche Schneemeer, wo sie sich unerwarteten Herausforderungen stellen müssen. Dieser Band vertieft die Themen Freundschaft, Mut und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, verpackt in eine mitreißende Geschichte voller fantastischer Elemente und lebhafter Charaktere. Littlers Erzählung, angereichert mit seinen eigenen beeindruckenden Illustrationen, bietet eine fesselnde Fortsetzung der Trilogie, die Fans von Abenteuern in magischen Welten begeistern wird. Fortsetzung der Erfolgstrilogie: "Flucht aus Aurora" baut auf dem fesselnden Fundament des ersten Bandes auf und steigert die Spannung, während sie Leser tiefer in die magische Welt von Frostherz zieht. Für Fans magischer Abenteuer: Perfekt für junge Leser*innen, die Geschichten à la Harry Potter und Percy Jackson lieben, mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Magie, Freundschaft und Heldentum. Beeindruckende Illustrationen: Jamie Littlers eigene Kunstwerke bereichern jede Seite und vertiefen das Eintauchen in die Geschichte, indem sie Charaktere und Szenen zum Leben erwecken. Tiefe Charakterentwicklung: Neben packenden Abenteuern bietet das Buch wertvolle Einblicke in die Entwicklung junger Charaktere, die sich mit Identität, Freundschaft und dem Überwinden von Ängsten auseinandersetzen. Empfohlen für Leser*innen von 9 bis 11 Jahren: Zielgruppengerechte Sprache und Themen, die junge Leser ansprechen und zum Nachdenken anregen, während sie unterhalten. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Die Reise beginnt Band 2: Flucht aus Aurora Band 3: Das Erwachen des Weltenfressers

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Popular television drama

        Critical perspectives

        by Jonathan Bignell, Stephen Lacey

        Popular television drama: critical perspectives' is a collection of essays examining landmark programmes of the last forty years, from 'Doctor Who' to 'The Office', and from 'The Demon Headmaster' to 'Queer As Folk'. Contributions from prominent academics focus on the full range of popular genres, from sitcoms to science fiction, gothic horror and children's drama, and challenge received wisdom by reconsidering how British television drama can be analysed. Each section is preceded by an introduction in which the editors discuss how the essays address existing problems in the field and also suggest new directions for study. The book is split into three sections, addressing the enduring appeal of popular genres, the notion of 'quality' in television drama, and analysing a range of programmes past and present. Popular television drama: critical perspectives will be of interest to students and researchers in many academic disciplines that study television drama. Its breadth and focus on popular programmes will also appeal to those interested in the shows themselves.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Gothic television

        by Helen Wheatley

        Gothic television is the first full length study of the Gothic released on British and US television. An historical account, the book combines detailed archival research with analyses of key programmes, from Mystery and Imagination and Dark Shadows, to The Woman in White and Twin Peaks, and uncovers an aspect of television drama history which has, until now, remained critically unexplored. While some have seen television as too literal or homely a medium to successfully present Gothic fictions, Gothic television argues that the genre, in its many guises, is, and has always been, well-suited to television as a domestic medium, given the genre's obsessions with haunted houses and troubled families. This book will be of interest to lecturers and students across a number of disciplines including television studies, Gothic studies, and adaptation studies, as well as to the general reader with an interest in the Gothic, and in the history of television drama.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Horizontal together

        Art, dance, and queer embodiment in 1960s New York

        by Paisid Aramphongphan

        Horizontal together tells the story of 1960s art and queer culture in New York through the overlapping circles of Andy Warhol, underground filmmaker Jack Smith and experimental dance star Fred Herko. Taking a pioneering approach to this intersecting cultural milieu, the book uses a unique methodology that draws on queer theory, dance studies and the analysis of movement, deportment and gesture to look anew at familiar artists and artworks, but also to bring to light queer artistic figures' key cultural contributions to the 1960s New York art world. Illustrated with rarely published images and written in clear and fluid prose, Horizontal together will appeal to specialists and general readers interested in the study of modern and contemporary art, dance and queer history.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Incest in contemporary literature

        by Miles Leeson

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Genre and performance: film and television

        by Christine Cornea

        Looking at contemporary film and television, this book explores how popular genres frame our understanding of on-screen performance. Previous studies of screen performance have tended to fix upon star actors, directors, or programme makers, or they have concentrated upon particular training and acting styles. Moving outside of these confines, this book provides a truly interdisciplinary account of performance in film and television and examines a much neglected area in our understanding of how popular genres and performance intersect on screen. Each chapter concentrates upon a particular genre or draws upon generic case studies in examining the significance of screen performance. Individual chapters examine contemporary film noir, horror, the biopic, drama-documentary, the western, science fiction, comedy performance in 'spoof news' programmes and the television 'sit com' and popular Bollywood films.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015

        Aurora Sea

        Romantic Fantasy Roman

        by Stenglein, Nadine

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        First World War
        November 2015

        The silent morning

        Culture and memory after the Armistice

        by Edited by Trudi Tate and Kate Kennedy

        Now available in paperback, this study of the cultural impact of the Armistice of 11 November 1918 contains fourteen new essays from scholars working in literature, music, art history and military history. The Armistice brought hopes for a better future, as well as sadness, disappointment and rage. Many people in all the combatant nations asked hard questions about the purpose of the war. These questions are explored in complex and nuanced ways in the literature, music and art of the period. This book revisits the silence of the Armistice and asks how its effect was to echo into the following decades. The essays are genuinely interdisciplinary and are written in a clear, accessible style.

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