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      • Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

        Babel-Bridge specialises in translation rights representation world-wide on behalf of publishing houses and agencies.   At Babel-Bridge, every single book is carefully selected for its potential ability to travel, be it for its universal theme, its commercial hook or stunning artwork, or indeed all three.   Babel-Bridge represents mainly books from the Nordics and the UK, but we wish to grow the portfolio to include beautiful books that tick the aforementioned boxes from other corners of the world. To that end, Babel-Bridge will rely on close collaboration with subagents, who are strongly placed to identify the books that are most likely to travel, but where the rights holder lacks the network abroad.

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        July 2021



        by Natalie Bakopoulos

        Die Journalistin Mira ist nach dem Tod ihrer Eltern nach Athen zurückgekehrt. Hier in der Stadt ihrer Kindheit will sie einen Neuanfang wagen. Das pulsierende Leben der Metropole, die ewig wiederkehrenden Wellen des Meeres, das flirrende Licht des Sommers sind ihre Begleiter, ebenso wie die Menschen um sie herum: die Freunde aus Jugendtagen, engagierte Künstler und ihr neuer Nachbar, ein ehemaliger Kapitän …Natalie Bakopoulos hat einen wunderbaren und packenden Roman geschrieben: über die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, über Erwartungen und Hoffnungen, über Vertrauen – und vor allem über die Liebe in ihren unterschiedlichsten Facetten.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021



        by Natalie Bakopoulos, Katharina Förs

        Die Journalistin Mira ist nach dem Tod ihrer Eltern nach Athen zurückgekehrt. Hier in der Stadt ihrer Kindheit will sie einen Neuanfang wagen. Das pulsierende Leben der Metropole, die ewig wiederkehrenden Wellen des Meeres, das flirrende Licht des Sommers sind ihre Begleiter, ebenso wie die Menschen um sie herum: die Freunde aus Jugendtagen, engagierte Künstler und ihr neuer Nachbar, ein ehemaliger Kapitän …Natalie Bakopoulos hat einen wunderbaren und packenden Roman geschrieben: über die Suche nach der eigenen Identität, über Erwartungen und Hoffnungen, über Vertrauen – und vor allem über die Liebe in ihren unterschiedlichsten Facetten.

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        History of Art / Art & Design Styles
        October 2016

        Hot metal

        Material culture and tangible labour

        by Jesse Stein. Series edited by Bill Sherman, Christopher Breward

        The world of work is tightly entwined with the world of things. Hot metal illuminates connections between design, material culture and labour between the 1960s and the 1980s, when the traditional crafts of hot-metal typesetting and letterpress were finally made obsolete with the introduction of computerised technologies. This multidisciplinary history provides an evocative rendering of design culture by exploring an intriguing case: a doggedly traditional Government Printing Office in Australia. It explores the struggles experienced by printers as they engaged in technological retraining, shortly before facing factory closure. Topics explored include spatial memory within oral history, gender-labour tensions, the rise of neoliberalism and the secret making of objects 'on the side'. This book will appeal to researchers in design and social history, labour history, material culture and gender studies. It is an accessible, richly argued text that will benefit students seeking to learn about the nature and erosion of blue-collar work and the history of printing as a craft.

      • Trusted Partner

        Little Unicorn Finya Brightstar. Read-Aloud Stories from the Wishing Wood

        by Mila Berg/Marina Krämer

        In the secret Wishing Wood, a wonderful world of unicorns is just waiting to be discovered! Enjoy magical adventures in the company of the little unicorn Finya Brightstar and her friends, Trixie the goblin girl and Kalle the bat. When they leave their tent one night, the three brave friends find out the cause of some strange noises. They come up with a clever plan to help the big unicorn Elara, who has been feeling horribly sad for several days. And when Finya and Trixie have a nasty quarrel, Kalle succeeds in getting them to make up. Because after all, best friends are always there for one another! Twelve stories to read aloud, on a wide range of subjects, all sheer delight! With beautifully designed four-colour illustrations by Marina Krämer on every page, and fine foil embossing on the cover. Ideal for bedtime reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020


        The Fantastic Mutations of Heavy Metal

        by Jörg Scheller

        How did heavy metal get started? What’s behind the fascination of many bands with the occult? Which women liven up the scene? What is the Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship in Finland about? Jörg Scheller invites you to find out more about the mainstream trends as well as less well-known bizarre facts. Heavy metal began in the 1970s in the subculture of British industrial centres and until today it is an unruly and agile art form. Wellknown warhorses like Iron Maiden or Metallica still pack stadiums, while new trends come from the strong Scandinavian scene. Scheller credits the genre with “exciting synchronism of freedom and order, rebellion and retreat, scepticism and enthusiasm, toughness and diversity”.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Benachbarte Metalle

        Ausgewählte Gedichte

        by Friederike Mayröcker, Thomas Kling

        »Benachbarte Metalle« enthält eine Auswahl von Friederike Mayröckers Gedichten aus über dreißig Jahren, besorgt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Thomas Kling. In die nichtchronologische Anordnung ist schwerpunktmäßig Lyrik aus ihren Gedichtbüchern aufgenommen, beginnend mit dem fulminanten Zyklus Tod durch Musen, der ihrem ersten Gedichtbuch 1966 den Namen gab. Ein Schwergewicht der Benachbarten Metalle liegt bei den Gedichten der achtziger Jahre aus Winterglück, dem vielleicht wichtigsten Gedichtband der Grande Dame der deutschen Gegenwartsdichtung.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        National Missile Defence and the politics of US identity

        A poststructural critique

        by Natalie Bormann

        Why adopt a poststructural lens for the reading of the military strategy of national missile defence (NMD)? No doubt, when contemplating an attack on US territory by intercontinental ballistic missiles, consulting Michel Foucault and critical international relations theory scholars may not seem the obvious route to take. The answer to this lies in another question: why has there been so much interest and continuous investment in NMD deployment when there is such ambiguity surrounding the status of threat to which it responds, controversy over its technological feasibility and concern about its cost? Posed in this manner, the question cannot be answered on its own terms - the terms given in official accounts of NMD that justify the system's significance on the basis of strategic feasibility studies and conventional threat predictions guided by worst-case scenarios. Instead, this book argues that the preferences leading to NMD deployment must be understood as satisfying requirements beyond strategic approaches and issues. In turning towards the interpretative modes of inquiry provided by critical social theory and poststructuralism, this book contests the conventional wisdom about NMD and suggests reading the strategy in terms of US identity. Presented as an analysis of discourses on threats to national security, around which the need for NMD deployment is predominantly framed, this book is an effort to let the two fields of critical international relations theory and US foreign policy speak directly to each other. It seeks to do so by showing how the concept of identity can be harnessed to an analysis of a contemporary military-strategic practice. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018


        by Speer, Natalie

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015



        by Speer, Natalie

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        Kompass neues Denken

        Wie wir uns in einer unübersichtlichen Welt orientieren können

        by Knapp, Natalie

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