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      • Veronika Engler

        Best-selling author Veronika Engler was born in 1982 in the beautiful state capital of Munich. Even today she lives and works there with her husband and their son. As the daughter of an Oscar winner in film technology, she came into contact with the world of stories and entertainment at an early age. One day, her love of reading gave her the idea of ​​writing a novel according to her wishes. This is how her first love story came about in 2014, which was published that same year. Today she inspires a wide readership in all age groups 18+ with her romance novels from the genres of erotic, new adult and romantasy.

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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Tropen der Freiheit

        Die Haitianische Revolution und die Dekolonisierung des Politischen

        by Jeanette Ehrmann

        Die Haitianische Revolution (1791-1804) war die einzige erfolgreiche Revolution versklavter Menschen und begründete mit der Republik Haiti den dritten Verfassungsstaat der modernen Welt. Dennoch verschwindet sie in Geschichtsschreibung und Philosophie häufig hinter der Amerikanischen und der Französischen Revolution. Im Anschluss an die postkoloniale und feministische politische Theorie legt Jeanette Ehrmann sowohl eine umfassende Deutung der revolutionären Ideen und Praktiken als auch der Dialektik der Emanzipation vor. Sie zeigt, wie tief Kolonialismus, Versklavung und Rassismus in das Selbstverständnis der Moderne eingeschrieben sind und eröffnet einen kritischen Horizont für eine Dekolonisierung des Politischen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        The Malleus Maleficarum

        by Peter Maxwell-Stuart

        A shocking glimpse into the mind of a medieval witch hunter. In 1487, the zealous Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer wrote a treatise that would have a remarkable influence on European history. Blaming women for his own lust, and frustrated by official complacency before what he saw as a monstrous spiritual menace, Kramer penned a practical guide to aid law officers in the identification and prosecution of witches. Fusing theology, lurid anecdotes and advice for those engaged in combating sorcery, The Malleus Maleficarum transports the reader into the dark heart of medieval belief - where fear of the supernatural provokes a gripping struggle for understanding and control. Kramer's book led to the burning of numerous innocents and had a lasting impact on the popular image of witchcraft. It remains a sinister symbol of fanaticism and cruelty to this day.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022



        by Djuna Barnes, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Jeanette Winterson

        Djuna Barnes (1892–1982) gehört zu den größten amerikanischen Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nightwood ist ihr wichtigstes Buch, ein Klassiker der Moderne par excellence. Der Roman, erschienen 1936, wird neu, mit einem Nachwort von Jeanette Winterson, vorgelegt. Nachtgewächs, der Roman der Liebe einer Frau zu einer anderen Frau – einer Leidenschaft, die unstillbares Verlangen in der einen und tiefe Einsamkeit in der andern weckt –, wäre nicht geschrieben worden, wenn die Liebe zu der Bildhauerin Thelma Wood die Autorin nicht bis in die tiefste Verzweiflung geführt hätte.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2005

        Schriften zur Ethnologie

        by Fritz Kramer, Tobias Rees, Tobias Rees

        Die eigene Welt mit den Augen einer fremden Welt zu sehen, das ist identisch mit der Anstrengung, eine andere Gesellschaft aus sich selbst heraus zu verstehen. Zur Frage steht also: Wie sehen wir außereuropäische Kulturen, wie stellen wir sie dar — und umgekehrt, wie sehen andere Kulturen uns? In den hier gesammelten Essays geht Fritz Kramer diesen Fragen sowohl in ethnographischer wie genealogischer Perspektive nach.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        How to save politics in a post-truth era

        by Ilan Zvi Baron

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1999

        True and Fair View in der Konzernrechnungslegung.

        Zur Geltung der Ansatz- und Bewertungswahlrechte im Recht des Konzernabschlusses.

        by Kramer, Philipp

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        March 2020


        by Colleen Hoover

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        February 2024

        Code Name Verity


        by Elizabeth E. Wein

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        Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
        July 2013

        Jeanette Winterson

        by Susana Onega

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021


        An intellectual history of post-concepts

        by Herman Paul, Adriaan van Veldhuizen

        Postmodern, postcolonial and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the 'post boys' responsible for this? Post-everything examines why post-Christian, post-industrial and post-bourgeois were terms that resonated, not only among academics, but also in the popular press. It delves into the historical roots of postmodern and poststructuralist, while also subjecting more recent post-constructions (posthumanist, postfeminist) to critical scrutiny. This study is the first to offer a comprehensive history of post-concepts. In tracing how these concepts found their way into a broad range of genres and disciplines, Post-everything contributes to a rapprochement between the history of the humanities and the history of the social sciences.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Transitional justice in process

        Plans and politics in Tunisia

        by Mariam Salehi

        After the fall of the Ben Ali regime in 2011, Tunisia swiftly began dealing with its authoritarian past and initiated a comprehensive transitional justice process, with the Truth and Dignity Commission as its central institution. However, instead of bringing about peace and justice, transitional justice soon became an arena of contention. Through a process lens, the book explores why and how the process evolved, and explains how it relates to the country's political transition. Based on extensive field research in Tunisia and the US, and interviews with a broad range of international stakeholders and decision-makers, this is the first book to comprehensively study the Tunisian transitional justice process. It provides an in-depth analysis of a crucial period, examining the role of justice professionals in different stages, as well as the alliances and frictions between different actor groups that cut across the often-assumed local-international divide.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        The Little Prince

        by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Irene Testot-Ferry

        Zwischen 1939 und 1959 erschien in dem Londoner Verlag Penguin eine Buchreihe, die den Namen „King Penguin Books“ trug und am Ende 76 Bände umfasste. Die Anregung dazu stammte aus Deutschland, und zwar durch die 1912 gegründete Insel-Bücherei. Der Buchhistoriker Russell Edwards schrieb dazu: „The ambition of King Penguins was to rival the celebrated Insel books which had been so much admired“. Warum also nicht einzelne Bände der Insel-Bücherei auf Englisch erscheinen lassen? Den Anfang macht „Der kleine Prinz“…

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