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      • Tamer Institute for Community Education

        TAMER Institute for Community Education is an educational non-governmental non for profit organization established in 1989 as a natural and necessary response to the urgent needs of the Palestinian community during the first intifada (uprising). The most important of these is the need to acquire means to help people learn and become productive. Focusing principally on the rights to education, identity, freedom of expression, and access to information,Tamer works across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, primarily targeting children and young adults to encourage and deepen opportunities of learning among them. Our program aims to contribute to enhancing reading, writing and all forms of Expression among children and young adults. It also aims at contributing to a Palestinian environment that is supportive to learning processes, and at supporting the literary and scholar production on child culture in Palestine.

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      • Bernd Liske

        Bernd Liske, born in 1956, studied mathematics in Chemnitz and is the owner of Liske information management systems. From its founding in 1998 until May 2015, Bernd Liske was a member of the main board of BITKOM, where he worked in the defense, education and knowledge management working groups. In the course of his efforts to deal with the revelations of Edward Snowden in the NSA affair, he was expelled from BITKOM in 2015. From 1998 to 2003 he was a member of the board of the Association of Organizations and Information Systems (VOI). Bernd Liske has been dealing with socio-political issues for many years. In his analyzes and concepts, he deals with social, political and economic problems in our society in order to make contributions to maintaining Germany as a business location. His book “PRISM A Lesson for our Democracy”, published in September, grew out of this. The diversity of the topics he deals with as well as the systemic principles used for their treatment can be followed on his homepage at and on his TWITTER channels @BerndLiske, @LiskeAphorismen and @LiskeZitate. He now regards his aphorisms as an open source operating system for the analysis and design of social processes and has been using them successfully for years.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1999

        Das Lexikon unbekannter Bekannter

        Geflügelte Namen von Achilles bis Graf Zeppelin

        by Lewinsky, Tamar

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Displaced Poets

        Jiddische Schriftsteller im Nachkriegsdeutschland, 1945–1951

        by Lewinsky, Tamar

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1985

        Das Problem der Intersubjektivität

        Neuere Beiträge zum Werk George Herbert Meads

        by Hans Joas, Hans Joas

        Joas, Hans: Einleitung: Neuere Beiträge zum Werk George Herbert Meads. Wenzel, Harald: Mead and Parsons. Die emergente Ordnung des sozialen Handelns. Rehberg, Karl-Siegbert: Die Theorie der Intersubjektivität als eine Lehre vom Menschen. George Herbert Mead und die deutsche Tradition der »Philosophischen Anthropologie«. Bergmann, Werner: _. Hoffmann, Gisbert: Mead und die Tradition der Phänomenologie. Cook, Gary Allan: Moralität und Sozialität bei Mead. Übersetzt von Hans Joas. Krappmann, Lothar: Mead und die Sozialisationsforschung. Tenbruck, Friedrich H.: George Herbert Mead und die Ursprünge der Soziologie in Deutschland und Amerika. Ein Kapitel über die Gültigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit soziologischer Theorien.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Die Reste frieren wir ein

        Weihnachten mit Renate Bergmann

        by Renate Bergmann

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Ich bin nicht süß, ich hab bloß Zucker

        Eine Online-Omi sagt, wie's ist

        by Bergmann, Renate

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2016

        Versinkende Inselstaaten.

        Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Staatlichkeit kleiner Inselstaaten.

        by Bergmann, Nina

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Raum und Geist

        Zur Erdung und Beheimatung der Religion – eine theologische Ästh/Ethik des Raumes

        by Bergmann, Sigurd

      • Trusted Partner

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