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Business, Economics & LawSeptember 2020Neoliberal lives
by Robert Chernomas, Ian Hudson, Mark Hudson
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Humanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2013The annals of St-Bertin
Ninth-century histories, volume I
by Janet L. Nelson
The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2022Researching urban space and the built environment
by Jonathan Blaney, Simon Trafford, Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin, Elaine Tierney, Charlotte Wildman
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December 2023Verantwortung
Philosophische Grundlagentexte
by Christoph Halbig, Jörg Löschke, Philipp Schwind
Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung für unsere Handlungen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer moralischen Praxis. Aber sie wirft schwierige philosophische Fragen auf. Müssen wir beispielsweise über einen freien Willen verfügen, um für unsere Handlungen verantwortlich zu sein? Ist Verantwortung ein einheitliches Phänomen oder gibt es verschiedene Arten von Verantwortung? Und können wir nur für unsere Taten verantwortlich sein oder beispielsweise auch für unsere Überzeugungen? Der Band versammelt – zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – die zentralen Texte der philosophischen Debatte über Verantwortung, u. a. von Stephen Darwall, Harry G. Frankfurt, H. L. H. Hart, Thomas Nagel, Peter Strawson, Susan Wolf und Iris Marion Young.
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October 2001Magische Schwestern
Die Weetzie-Bat-Bücher
by Block, Francesca Lia / Deutsch Koppe, Susanne; Deutsch Thiesmeyer, Ulrike
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September 2009Mit dem Sternenhimmel die Schöpfung verstehen
Ein Arbeitsbuch für Gemeinden
by Block, Detlev
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2021The Irish tower house
Society, economy and environment, c. 1300–1650
by Victoria L. McAlister
The Irish tower house examines the social role of castles in late-medieval and early modern Ireland. It uses a multidisciplinary methodology to uncover the lived experience of this historic culture, demonstrating the interconnectedness of society, economics and the environment. Of particular interest is the revelation of how concerned pre-modern people were with participation in the economy and the exploitation of the natural environment for economic gain. Material culture can shed light on how individuals shaped spaces around themselves, and tower houses, thanks to their pervasiveness in medieval and modern landscapes, represent a unique resource. Castles are the definitive building of the European Middle Ages, meaning that this book will be of great interest to scholars of both history and archaeology.
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The ArtsJanuary 2025Gestures
A body of work
by Alice Butler, Nell Osborne, Hilary White
Gestures: A body of work is a cross-disciplinary collection of feminist approaches to 'gesture' that considers the term's complex registers across embodied, aesthetic and political scenes. Attending to gestural movements, languages, feelings and communications, the book argues that gestures can unsettle gendered, sexed and racialised relations, norms and affects. Contributors activate the lens of gesture to offer innovative readings of art and literary works from the 1960s onwards and in transnational contexts. Experiments in art writing and autotheory reflect on the entanglement of the body, gesture and feminist practice. The book proposes that gesture be rethought as a mode of feminist practice that includes art, writing, performance and theory. Mixing disciplines, forms, genres and voices, these contributions and the book's gestural structure offer a bold intervention into the conventions of critical writing.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2025The Strand
A biography
by Geoff Browell, Eileen Chanin
The first history of one of London's most extraordinary streets. Running along the Thames's northern shore and spanning three-quarters of a mile from Trafalgar Square to Temple Bar, the Strand has been a witness to London's growth and change from the earliest years of the city's existence. In The Strand: A biography, Geoff Browell and Eileen Chanin uncover the deep history of this remarkable street. Tracing its origins in the Roman era, they reveal how it grew in importance as authority shifted from church to aristocracy, then to commerce, media and law. Over time, everything that mattered converged on the Strand: tradition and ceremony clashed with rebellion and destitution. By 1910, the street was known as the 'centre of the world'. Drawing on remarkable archival discoveries, Browell and Chanin present the most complete and compelling history of the Strand ever written. Filled with surprising, untold stories, The Strand: A biography is a must-read for lovers of one of the world's greatest cities.
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March 2008Die Welt ist flach
Eine kurze Geschichte des 21. Jahrhunderts
by Thomas L. Friedman, Michael Bayer, Hans Freundl, Ekkehard Knörer, Thomas Pfeiffer
Der Weltbestseller im Taschenbuch, erweitert und aktualisiert: Thomas L. Friedmans kontrovers diskutierte Bestandsaufnahme der Gegenwart ist zugleich packende Reportage und prägnante Einführung in das, was die Welt von heute im Innersten antreibt. Globale Wertschöpfungsketten und Insourcing, RFID und Workflow: Friedman schildert die Hintergründe der Schlagworte, stellt uns Menschen vor, deren Visionen unsere Zukunft bestimmen, und führt hinter die Kulissen der Wirtschaftswelt, ob in Bangalore, Indien, wo der asiatische Boom kulminiert, oder in Bentonville, Arkansas, wo das Herz von Wal-Mart schlägt, dem größten Unternehmen der Erde. Er zeigt, welche Veränderungen auf jeden von uns zukommen – weder alarmistisch noch unreflektiert enthusiastisch. Vor allem aber: Friedman doziert nicht, Friedman erzählt.
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January 2019Mein Arena Prickel-Block / 80 Lieblingstiere zum Aufstellen und Spielen
Mein dicker Arena Prickel-Block
by Beurenmeister, Corina
Für alle, die schon eine Prickelnadel haben, gibt es den extradicken Prickel-Block mit lustigen Tieren. Und so einfach geht‘s: Tier wählen und ausmalen. Das Blatt auf eine Filzmatte legen, die Figur mit der Prickelnadel ausstanzen und aufstellen. Fertig ist die Aufstellfigur!
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September 2005Die L. A. Tagebücher
Mein Leben am Abgrund
by Brown, James / Übersetzt von Henrici, Axel
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