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View Rights PortalMuddy Pearl is an independent publisher of thoughtful Christian books and lovely general-market gift titles. Established in 2013 in Edinburgh by Richard and Stephanie Heald, our editorial policy is to invest in developing new authors who have deep insights into life or a valuable story to share. We publish on parenting, politics, technology, love, loss and belief, all from a perspective of Christian faith, and seeking to know better the Lord we love and serve. We try to produce our books to the highest standard, drawing wherever possible on the traditional skills and resources available in Scotland.
View Rights PortalThis sourcebook collects together for the first time in English the major documents relating to the life and contemporary reputation of Joan of Arc. Also known as La Pucelle, she led a French Army against the English in 1429, arguably turning the course of the war in favour of the French king Charles VII. The fact that she achieved all of this when just a seventeen-year-old peasant girl highlights the magnitude of her achievements and also opens up other ways of looking at her story. For many, Joan represents the voice of ordinary people in the fifteenth century; the victims of high politics and warfare that devastated France. Her story ended tragically in 1431 when she was put on trial for heresy and sorcery by an ecclesiastical court and was burned at the stake. This book shows how the trial, which was organised by her enemies, provides an important window into late medieval attitudes towards religion and gender, as Joan was effectively persecuted by the established Church for her supposedly non-conformist views on spirituality and the role of women. Presented within a contextual and critical framework, this book encourages scholars and students to rethink this remarkable story. It will be invaluable reading for those working in the fields of medieval society and heresy, as well as the Hundred Years' War.
Reading, writing and the influence of Harold Bloom takes the work of the world's best-known living literary critic and discovers what it is like to read 'with', 'against' and 'beyond' his ideas. The editors, Alan Rawes and Jonathon Shears, introduce the collection by assessing the impact of Bloom's brand of agonistic criticism on literary critics and its ongoing relevance to a discipline attempting to redefine and settle on its collective goals. Firmly grounded in, though not confined to, Bloom's first specialism of Romantic Studies, the volume contains essays that examine Bloom's debts to high Romanticism, his quarrels with feminism, his resistance to historicism, the tensions with the 'Yale School' and his recent work on Shakespeare and genius. Crucially, chapters are also devoted to putting Bloom's anxiety-themed ratios into practice on the poetry of Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and D. H. Lawrence, amongst others. The Harold Bloom that emerges from this collection is by turns divisive and unifying, marginalised and central, radical and conservative.
This sourcebook collects together for the first time in English the major documents relating to the life and contemporary reputation of Joan of Arc. Also known as La Pucelle, she led a French Army against the English in 1429, arguably turning the course of the war in favour of the French king Charles VII. The fact that she achieved all of this when just a seventeen-year-old peasant girl highlights the magnitude of her achievements and also opens up other ways of looking at her story. For many, Joan represents the voice of ordinary people in the fifteenth century; the victims of high politics and warfare that devastated France. Her story ended tragically in 1431 when she was put on trial for heresy and sorcery by an ecclesiastical court and was burned at the stake. This book shows how the trial, which was organised by her enemies, provides an important window into late medieval attitudes towards religion and gender, as Joan was effectively persecuted by the established Church for her supposedly non-conformist views on spirituality and the role of women. Presented within a contextual and critical framework, this book encourages scholars and students to rethink this remarkable story. It will be invaluable reading for those working in the fields of medieval society and heresy, as well as the Hundred Years' War. ;
In this book, Michael R. Lynn analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.
This guide gives patients up-to-date information based on solid medical and scientific facts. It teaches them how they can use omega-3 oil to - improve health and successfully prevent disease, - increase physical and mental performance, - make the most of their medication and therapy, and - improve quality of life and increase vitality. Small changes can make a surprising improvement in health!
Now available in paperback, Michael R. Lynn's book analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.
Zwanzig »Jahrhundertfrauen« erzählen die Geschichte ihres Lebens: Was hat ihnen die Kraft gegeben, in schweren Zeiten durchzuhalten und immer wieder das Glück zu suchen? Ute Karen Seggelke stellt in Text- und Bildporträts charakterstarke Frauen und deren erstaunliche Lebensgeschichten vor. Ob prominent oder unbekannt, was uns die Bildhauerin, Gärtnerin, Schauspielerin, Dramaturgin, Übersetzerin, Kauffrau, Politikerin, Restauratorin, Karikaturistin oder Äbtissin in diesem Buch erzählen, lesen wir mit Bewunderung, denn die Lebenswege dieser »Jahrhundertfrauen« machen uns Mut, alt zu werden.
The war that won't die charts the changing nature of cinematic depictions of the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, a significant number of artists, filmmakers and writers - from George Orwell and Pablo Picasso to Joris Ivens and Joan Miró - rallied to support the country's democratically-elected Republican government. The arts have played an important role in shaping popular understandings of the Spanish Civil War and this book examines the specific role cinema has played in this process. The book's focus is on fictional feature films produced within Spain and beyond its borders between the 1940s and the early years of the twenty-first century - including Hollywood blockbusters, East European films, the work of the avant garde in Paris and films produced under Franco's censorial dictatorship. The book will appeal to scholars and students of Film, Media and Hispanic Studies, but also to historians and, indeed, anyone interested in why the Spanish Civil War remains such a contested political topic.
The war that won't die charts the changing nature of cinematic depictions of the Spanish Civil War. In 1936, a significant number of artists, filmmakers and writers - from George Orwell and Pablo Picasso to Joris Ivens and Joan Miró - rallied to support the country's democratically-elected Republican government. The arts have played an important role in shaping popular understandings of the Spanish Civil War and this book examines the specific role cinema has played in this process. The book's focus is on fictional feature films produced within Spain and beyond its borders between the 1940s and the early years of the twenty-first century - including Hollywood blockbusters, East European films, the work of the avant garde in Paris and films produced under Franco's censorial dictatorship. The book will appeal to scholars and students of Film, Media and Hispanic Studies, but also to historians and, indeed, anyone interested in why the Spanish Civil War remains such a contested political topic.
Wolfgang Hildesheimer wurde am 9. Dezember 1916 als Sohn jüdischer Eltern in Hamburg geboren und starb am 21. August 1991 in Poschiavo in der Schweiz. 1933 emigrierte er über England nach Palästina, wo er eine Schreinerlehre absolvierte. 1937 begann er an der Central School of Arts and Crafts (London) Malerei, Textilentwurf und Bühnenbildnerei zu studieren und nahm von London aus am Sommerkurs für Bühnenbild bei Emil Pirchan in Salzburg teil. Anfang 1939 gestaltete er in London am Tavistock Little Theatre sein erstes Bühnenbild. Nach dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs kehrte er nach Palästina zurück, arbeitete als Information Officer, war Englisch-Lehrer am British Institute und leitete zusammen mit einem Freund einige Zeit die Werbeagentur »HW«. Er beteiligte sich an Kunstausstellungen und veröffentlichte einige Gedichte, Essays und Kritiken. 1946 kehrte er nach London zurück, um Bühnenbildner zu werden, wurde aber für die Nürnberger Prozesse engagiert. Im Januar 1947 reiste er nach Nürnberg, dolmetschte für die amerikanische Besatzungsmacht und beteiligte sich wieder an Kunstausstellungen. 1949 zog er nach Ambach am Starnberger See, um als freier Maler und Grafiker zu arbeiten, schrieb im Januar 1950 aber eine Geschichte für Kinder – der Beginn seiner literarischen Karriere. Bereits 1951 wurde er zur Gruppe 47 eingeladen, 1955 erhielt er den Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden und im selben Jahr wurde zudem sein erstes Theaterstück von Gustav Gründgens uraufgeführt; ebenfalls in diesem Jahr begann er auch wieder zu malen. Nachdem er 1953 nach München gezogen war, übersiedelte er 1957 nach Poschiavo und widmete sich einer neuen Art von Theaterstücken, deren Besonderheiten er 1960 mit der Rede Über das absurde Theater fundierte. Anlässlich der Internationalen Theaterwoche der Studentenbühnen in Erlangen gehalten, sorgte diese für Aufsehen. Sein Prosabuch Tynset wurde 1966 mit dem Georg-Büchner-Preis und dem Bremer Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet. Sein Bestseller Mozart (1977) beeinflusste das Theaterstück und den Film Amadeus. Seit 1961 beteiligte er sich wieder an Ausstellungen, seit 1965 wurde sein bildkünstlerisches Werk in rund fünfzig Einzelausstellungen gezeigt. 1980 hielt Hildesheimer die Eröffnungsrede der Salzburger Festspiele Was sagt Musik aus. Neben seinen literarischen Werken verfertigte Hildesheimer auch Collagen, die er in mehreren Bänden sammelte. Spektakulär war 1984 seine Ankündigung, angesichts der drohenden Umweltkatastrophe nicht mehr zu schreiben, sondern zur bildenden Kunst zurückzukehren.
Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, Karen Garner documents international women's history through the lens of the long-established Western-led international organisations that defined and dominated women's involvement in global politics from the 1925 founding of the Joint Standing Committee of Women's International Organisations up through the UN Decade for Women (1976-85). Documenting specific global campaigns in episodes that span the twentieth century, Garner includes biographical information about lesser known international leaders as she discusses important historic debates regarding feminist goals and strategies among women from the East and West, North and South. This interdisciplinary study addresses questions of interest to historians, political scientists, international relations scholars, sociologists, and feminist scholars and activists whose work promotes women's and human rights. ;