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      • Editora do Brasil

        Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Popular cinema in Brazil, 1930–2001

        by Stephanie Dennison, Lisa Shaw

        Brazil has one of the most significant and productive film industries in Latin America. This ground-breaking study provides an entertaining insight into the Brazilian films that have most captured the imagination of domestic audiences over the years. The recent international success of films such as Central Station and City of God, has stimulated widespread interest in Brazilian film, but studies written in English focus on the 'auteur' cinema of the 1960s. This book focuses on individual films in their socio-historical context, drawing on extensive fieldwork in Brazil and Latin America. It argues that Brazilian cinema has almost always been grounded in intrinsically home-grown cultural forms, dating back to the nineteenth century, such as the Brazilian music-hall, the travelling circus, radio shows, carnival, and, later, comedy television. Combining a chronological structure with groundbreaking research and a lively approach, Popular cinema in Brazil is the ideal introduction to Brazilian cinema.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2012

        Workers, state and development in Brazil

        Powers of labour, chains of value

        by Benjamin Selwyn

        How do changing class relations contribute to processes of capitalist development? Within development studies the importance of class relations is usually relegated to lesser status than the roles of states and markets in generating and allocating resources. This book argues that the changing class relations are central to different patterns of capitalist development and that processes and outcomes of class struggle co-determine the form that development takes. Workers, State and Development in Brazil, nominated for the International Political Economy Group (IPGG) Book Prize 2013 and now available in paperback, illuminates these claims through a detailed empirical investigation of class dynamics and capitalist development in North East Brazil's São Francisco valley. It details how workers in the valley's export grape sector have won significant concessions from employers, contributing to a progressive pattern of regional capitalist development. The book will appeal to students and researchers interested in processes of capitalist development, agrarian political economy and international political economy. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2013

        Photography and documentary film in the making of modern Brazil

        by Luciana Martins, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        Photography and documentary film in the making of modern Brazil provides a major contribution to the field of visual culture through a study of still and moving images of Brazil in the first four decades of the twentieth century, when the camera played a key role in making Brazilian peoples and places visible to a variety of audiences. The book explores what is distinctive about the visual representation of Brazil in an era of modernisation, also attending to the significance of the different technical properties of film and photography for the writing of new histories of visual technologies. It offers new insights into the work of key writers, photographers, anthropologists and filmmakers, including Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mário de Andrade, Silvino Santos and Aloha Baker. Unearthing a wealth of materials from archives in the USA, Britain, and Brazil, the book seeks to contribute to the postcolonial theoretical project of pinpointing locally distinctive histories of visual technologies and practices. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Brazil in the world

        by Sean W. Burges

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2012

        Workers, state and development in Brazil

        by Ben Selwyn

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        Where is Russia Heading?

        by Jens Siegert

        Vladimir Putin has been ruling Russia for 25 years. There is no end in sight to his dictatorship. He relies on repression at home and is waging a war of destruction against a neighbouring country. The conflict with the West has long become a systemic conflict between an illiberal-autocratic ideology and liberal-democratic principles. Nothing will change as long as Putin remains in power. Nevertheless, as far as can be ascertained under unfree conditions, the majority of the population seems to be supporting Putin. Does this mean that too many people in Russia do not want democracy or peace? Will everything remain the same after Putin? Or is there a chance that Russia will eventually take a different, more democratic path? Whatever the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia is not going to disappear. We will still have to deal with our big neighbour in the east. This makes it all the more important to focus on longer-term developments. As a recognised expert on Russian history and society, the author outlines what the post-Putin era might look like. His in-depth analysis makes it clear that Russia is partly Putin, but Putin is not everything about Russia.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2022

        Germany's Russia problem

        The struggle for balance in Europe

        by John Lough

        The relationship between Germany and Russia is Europe's most important link with the largest country on the continent. But despite Germany's unparalleled knowledge and historical experience, its policymakers struggle to accept that Moscow's efforts to rebalance Europe at the cost of the cohesion of the EU and NATO are an attack on Germany's core interests. This book explains the scale of the challenge facing Germany in managing relations with a changing Russia. It analyses how successive German governments from 1991 to 2014 misread Russian intentions, until Angela Merkel sharply recalibrated German and EU policy towards Moscow. The book also examines what lies behind efforts to revise Merkel's bold policy shift, including attitudes inherited from the GDR and the role of Russian influence channels in Germany.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Beef, Bible and bullets

        Brazil in the age of Bolsonaro

        by Richard Lapper, Leighton Pugh

        Backed by Brazil's wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain's brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro's tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil's rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called 'Trump of the Tropics' has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1988

        Über Deutschland reden

        by Martin Walser

        Seit zehn Jahren beschäftigt sich Martin Waiser mit einem Thema, das in der öffentlichen Meinung, bei den Politikern und bei den Intellektuellen als obsolet gilt: Deutschland. Und er beharrt darauf, daß das Wort Deutschland nicht nur im Wetterbericht Verwendung findet. Für Waiser bezeichnet dieses Wort vielmehr ein Fehlendes, das nicht dadurch einfach zu beseitigen ist, daß man es als geschichtlich notwendig ansieht, als verdientes, zu bejahendes Resultat der Geschichte. Eine solche Auffasssung ist für Waiser gerade unhistorisch - versperrt sie doch von vornherein die Möglichkeiten jedweden historischen Prozesses.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Deutschland und Israel

        by Amos Oz, Lydia Böhmer, Norbert Lammert

        Als Kind im Jerusalem der 40er Jahre erlebt Amos Oz den Hass auf Deutschland als etwas Absolutes, Unverrückbares. Die Deutschen sind Mörder, ihre Sprache, ihre Produkte geächtet, das Wiedergutmachungsabkommen von 1952 noch als Schande verschrien. Und in jedem Pass des jungen Landes steht "Gültig für alle Länder – mit Ausnahme von Deutschland". Doch dann sind da die Bücher, die Literatur, dann liest er und das ganze Land Lenz, Böll, Grass, und ein Wandel vollzieht sich, im Kleinen wie im Großen, in ihm wie im Staate Israel … Amos Oz kombiniert persönliche Erfahrungen mit historisch-politischem Nachdenken. Auf diese Weise liefert er eine beeindruckende Bestandsaufnahme des alles andere als normalen Verhältnisses zweier Nationen. Ein Buch über Deutschland, über Israel, über den mehr als sechzig Jahre währenden Prozess der Verständigung. Und zur gleichen Zeit ein Plädoyer für die brückenschlagende Kraft des Erzählens.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1992

        Über Juden in Deutschland

        by Gert Mattenklott

        Der Schriftsteller und Literaturwissenschaftler Gert Mattenklott schaut hinter die großen Linien historischer Darstellung, fragt nach dem Innenleben, den Erfahrungen von Juden in Deutschland. Hier ist der Plural genau zu nehmen: Mattenklott zeichnet eine Vielzahl jüdischer Lebensgeschichten nach, die alle zu der einen Geschichte von Juden in Deutschland und zu deren tiefem Einschnitt nach 1933, der Entrechtung, Vertreibung und dem Völkermord, gehören. Am Leitfaden von Korrespondenzen zeichnet Gert Mattenklott nach, wie sich jüdisches Bewußtsein äußert. Das Spektrum reicht von unbekannten Kaufleuten der frühen Neuzeit bis zu den großen Briefschreibern des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Gegenwart ist nicht durch Briefe, sondern durch Gespräche dargestellt, die Gert Mattenklott geführt hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1995

        Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland

        1933–1945. Die Entfesselung der Gewalt: Rassismus und Krieg

        by Ludolf Herbst, Hans-Ulrich Wehler

        Das vorliegende Buch von Ludolf Herbst macht es sich zur Aufgabe, diese Prozesse zu untersuchen. Dabei stehen Krieg und Rassenpolitik im Mittelpunkt. Sie werden jedoch nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern mit wesentlichen innenpolitischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen verknüpft. Dies geschieht in der Annahme, daß die außerordentliche Dynamik, mit der das nationalsozialistische Deutschland in der Außen- und Rassepolitik agierte, wesentlich von diesen korrespondierenden Bereichen mitgeprägt wurde.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2016

        Love and authority in the work of Paula Rego

        Narrating the family romance

        by Ruth Rosengarten

        Rosengarten explores the narrative operations of Rego's work by mobilising both psychoanalytic theory and social history. She confronts, as case studies, three complex figure paintings from different moments in Rego's oeuvre: The Policeman's Daughter (1987), The Interrogator's Garden (2000), and The First Mass in Brazil (1993). The content of the three specimen paintings links them to the political context of the Estado Novo, the fascist-inspired regime that dominated Rego's childhood. Plotting links between the spheres of the political and the personal, Rosengarten throws light on the complex intertwining of state power and parental authority in Rego's work, focusing on the "labour of socialisation and resistance" that Rego's work evinces in relation to the Freudian model of the family romance. Rosengarten unveils the political context of Portugal under Salazar, and the workings of colonial fantasy, Catholic ideology and gender construction. In prodding the inalienable link between love and authority, this study offers a reading of Rego's work that interrogates, rather than subverts, the Oedipal model structuring the patriarchal family.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2010

        Love and authority in the work of Paula Rego

        Narrating the family romance

        by Ruth Rosengarten

        Rosengarten explores the narrative operations of Rego's work by mobilising both psychoanalytic theory and social history. She confronts, as case studies, three complex figure paintings from different moments in Rego's oeuvre: The Policeman's Daughter (1987), The Interrogator's Garden (2000), and The First Mass in Brazil (1993). The content of the three specimen paintings links them to the political context of the Estado Novo, the fascist-inspired regime that dominated Rego's childhood. Plotting links between the spheres of the political and the personal, Rosengarten throws light on the complex intertwining of state power and parental authority in Rego's work, focusing on the "labour of socialisation and resistance" that Rego's work evinces in relation to the Freudian model of the family romance. Rosengarten unveils the political context of Portugal under Salazar, and the workings of colonial fantasy, Catholic ideology and gender construction. In prodding the inalienable link between love and authority, this study offers a reading of Rego's work that interrogates, rather than subverts, the Oedipal model structuring the patriarchal family. ;

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        Society & culture: general


        by Harald Jähner

        A dance among the ruins: Harald Jähner’s major new portrait of Germany’s post-war societyCountless former soldiers drift through the towns and cities; countless children grow up without a father. The old order has been destroyed and although the streets seem eerily empty, the traditional annual street carnivals are soon back in full swing, jazz can be heard among the ruins, intellectuals rekindle a culture of discussion and debate.Harald Jähner’s book is the first history of Germany’s national mentality in the immediate post-war period. It focusses on the German people in all their diversity: the “re-educators” Alfred Döblin and Rudolf Herrnstadt, who tried in two different zones of occupation to win the trust of their fellow Germans; Beate Uhse, owner of a mail order company for “marital hygiene”, who questioned the old moral code governing what was deemed proper; the many nameless black market traders, pockets stuffed with Lucky Strike cigarettes; stylish housewives sitting at kidney-shaped coffee tables that were to become emblematic for a freer and affordable world. Using major political developments as a backdrop, this book weaves a series of life stories into a nuanced panorama that makes the monumental changes affecting the nation tangible for its readers. 1945 to 1955 was a raw, wild decade poised between two eras, portrayed here as a period that proved decisive for Germany’s future development – and one starkly different to how most Germans imagine it today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Beef, Bible and bullets

        by Richard Lapper

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Right-Wing Judges in Germany

        AfD judges, prosecutors and jurors: a danger to democracy?

        by Joachim Wagner

        — How politics are increasingly influencing the rule of law in Germany — Systematic failures of democracy to protect itself — Based on numerous interviews with different members of Germany's legal system Ever since the right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD) secured representation in the Bundestag and in all state parliaments, Germany’s judiciary is facing a new challenge for which it is unprepared: AfD-affiliated judges and public prosecutors are attracting attention through right-wing biased decisions and investigations. Other members of the legal system cause further damage by ignoring the right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic background of crimes and thus punishing offenders too leniently or not at all. Both the judiciary and policy-makers have so far underestimated the new danger from the right. As a result protection against the appointment of right-wing legal professionals has been insufficient. Joachim Wagner systematically analyses numerous examples from German courts in recent years. He calls on the democratic judiciary to remember the principles of a well-fortified democracy.

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        by Uys, Errol L

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