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      • Canongate Books Ltd.

        Canongate is an independent publisher: since 1973 we’ve worked to unearth and amplify the most vital, exciting voices we can find, wherever they come from, and we’ve published all kinds of books – thoughtful, upsetting, gripping, beatific, vulgar, chaste, unrepentant, life-changing . . . Along the way there have been landmarks of fiction – including Alasdair Gray’s masterpiece Lanark, and Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, the best-ever-selling Booker winner – and non-fiction too. We’ve published an American president and a Guantanamo detainee; we’ve campaigned for causes we believe in and fought court cases to get our authors heard. And twice we’ve won Publisher of the Year. We’re still fiercely independent, and we’re as committed to unorthodox and innovative publishing as ever. Please find the link to our latest Rights Guide with digitial content here: Rights Guide and our Canons Guide here: Canons Guide

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        December 2017

        Breast Cancer

        by Fischer/Baum

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        Activating the Knee

        120 exercises for osteoarthritis and after joint placement, injuries and surgery

        by Joachim Merk and Thomas Horstmann

        Activating the Knee provides 120 exercises to stretch, strengthen and improve mobility, with detailed photographs and clear instructions. They can be combined to create a personalized exercise program.

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        June 1967

        Das Lächeln am Fuße der Leiter

        by Henry Miller, Herbert Zand

        Henry Miller wurde als Sohn deutschstämmiger Auswanderer am 26. Dezember 1891 in New York geboren und wuchs in Brooklyn auf. Sein Studium am City College of New York brach der rebellische junge Mann nach zwei Monaten ab. 1922 schrieb er sein erstes Buch Clipped Wings, zwei Jahre später widmete er sich ganz der Schriftstellerei zu konzentrieren. Ab 1928 reiste Miller durch Europa, wo er u.a. Anais Nin, T.S. Eliot, Lawrence Durrell und Dylan Thomas kennenlernte. Während seines Aufenthalts in Paris entstand Im Wendekreis des Krebses (Tropics of Cancer, 1934), das zwar jahrelang verboten und umstritten war, mit dem er aber international bekannt wurde. 1940 kehrte Miller zurück in die USA, reiste jedoch später immer wieder nach Europa. Seine Werke waren wegen des Vorwurfs der Obszönität und des Verstoßes gegen die Moral bis in die sechziger Jahre in den USA und Großbritannien verboten. Henry Miller starb am 7. Juli 1980 in Pacific Palisades / Kalifornien.

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        May 2007

        Paris, Joyce, Paris

        by Djuna Barnes, Karin Kersten, Kyra Stromberg

        »Ein Liebhaberbändchen zum Mit-sich-Herumschleppen (nicht nur in Paris), zum Fotos-Anschauen (Paris, wie es einmal war, von unnachahmlichem Zauber), zum Sich-Freuen, daß es solche Bücher noch gibt.« BuchJournal

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Beef, Bible and bullets

        Brazil in the age of Bolsonaro

        by Richard Lapper, Leighton Pugh

        Backed by Brazil's wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain's brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro's tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil's rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called 'Trump of the Tropics' has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Alone Is Not a Color

        by Azimeh Maleki, Hannah den Hartog, Mira Maiworm, Kristina Wüstefeld

        Ten-year-old Emma has cancer and is undergoing her first days in hospital. There are many feelings connected with this: she is worried about the treatment and misses home. Because she can’t go to a friend’s birthday party, she feels increasingly lonely. A conflict occurs with her roommate, but this resolves into a friendship. The two of them talk about their problems and are able to help each other. They start to make life on the children’s cancer ward as pleasant as possible. This book aims to help children affected by cancer to cope with their worries and feelings. It shows the children that they are not alone and that others are having a similar experience to theirs. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who havecancer• parents and relatives• therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Die Geheimnisse von Paris

        Vollständige Ausgabe. Zwei Bände in Kassette

        by Eugène Sue, Helmut Kossodo, Helmut Kossodo

        Paris 1838: Ein geheimnisvoller deutscher Herzog kämpft in den verrufensten Gegenden der Stadt für Gerechtigkeit, denn im Labyrinth der nächtlichen Gassen treiben so allerhand finstre Gestalten ihr Unwesen. Eugène Sue (1804-1857) gehört zu den meistgelesenen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Geheimnisse von Paris wurden bei Erscheinen 1843 schlagartig zum Bestseller. Einer der spannendsten und furiosesten Romane der europäischen Literatur!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Paris. Eine Liebe


        by Urs Faes, Nanne Meyer

        Milde Septembertage in Paris: Nach fast dreißig Jahren kehrt Eric zurück in die Stadt, von der er einmal gehofft hatte, sie würde ihm die Erfüllung bringen. Statt dessen brachten ihn die Tage mit Claudine an den Rand der Verzweiflung – Claudine mit ihren hellen, fast weißblonden Haaren, die Hände in den Taschen ihres grünen Mantels vergraben. Jetzt scheint eine Wiederbegegnung möglich. Und es stellt sich die Frage, ob »einer nicht genauso aus dem besteht, was er nicht gelebt hat, wie aus dem, was durch Zufall seine Wirklichkeit geworden ist«. -- Mit Zeichnungen von Nanne Meyer.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        A history of humanitarianism, 1755–1989

        In the name of others

        by Silvia Salvatici

        The book traces the history of international humanitarianism from the anti-slavery movement to the end of the cold war. It is based on an extensive survey of the international literature and is retold in an original narrative that relies on a close examination of the sources. The reconstruction of humanitarianism's long history unfolds around some crucial moments and events: the colonial expansion of European countries, the two world wars and their aftermaths, the emergence of a new postcolonial order. In terms of its contents, narrative style, interpretative approach the book is aimed at a large and diverse public including: scholars who are studying and teaching humanitarianism; students who need to learn about humanitarianism as part of their training or research; operators and volunteers who are engaged in the field; non-specialist readers who are interested in the topic because of its relevance to current events.

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