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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents

        by Dean Elbe, Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-Butler, Adil S. Virani

        Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for children and adolescents. The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents” is a unique resource to help you make the right choices about psychotropic medications for younger patients. The ffth edition of this widely acclaimed reference has been fully updated and expanded. • Updated information on psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents • U nique comparison charts (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions …) that allow you to see at a glance which medication is the most suitable for each patient • Instantly recognizable icons in full color throughout, a llowing you to quickly fnd all the information you seek • G eneral information on medications, availability, and indications • D rug action, dosing, pharmacokinetics, and related areas• Warnings and precautions • P atient­related information, such as lab monitoring recommendations, nursing implications, and patient advice• Clearly written patient and caregiver information sheets as printable PDF fles

      • Trusted Partner
        Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours
        May 2015

        Anne Clifford's Great Books of Record

        by Jessica L. Malay

        In her Great Books of Record Anne Clifford places herself within the dynamic history of the ancient Clifford family, providing an unbroken view into medieval and early modern life for nearly six centuries. In this annotated edition, we glimpse the lives of simple widows, traders, farmers, and labourers juxtaposed with the adventures of soldiers, lords and ladies, princes and princesses. Throughout, Anne Clifford asserts the centrality of women to the success of noble families, including the monarchy. Her Great Books draws upon medieval traditions and early modern scholarship and builds upon these through biographies of the Clifford lords and ladies, along with an extended biography of her mother Margaret Russell and her own autobiographical 'Life of Mee'. Those interested in the lives of medieval and early modern women, changes in culture, the effect of the political upon individuals, and the inspiring life of Anne Clifford will find this a rich and rewarding book.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Breastfeeding Book for Special Children

        Breastfeeding and Caring for Premature, Ill, or Disabled Newborn Babies

        by Brigitte Benkert

        The practical handbook for nurses, midwives, and breastfeeding counselors that explains breastfeeding problems that may be encountered with premature and newborn babies, and shows how these special children can be breastfed successfully. The author defines and describes how the time of birth affects a premature baby’s development and explains the concept of “gentle care for premature babies,” presenting it as a resource-oriented, development-supporting approach to care. She explains what is required in order to breastfeed successfully, clearly distinguishing between various difficult starting scenarios for breastfeeding.   Target Group: Nurses, midwives, and breastfeeding counselors

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 1905

        The First Book of Farming

        by Charles L. Goodrich

        This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Things. My 200 Picture Book

        by Magdalena Skala

        The very smallest children can identify and name objects from their homes in this award-winning, large-format board book. Magdalena Skala’s fantastic illustrations use bright colours and clear forms to depict the most important objects from the nursery, kitchen, garden, lounge, bathroom – in short from children’s everyday worlds: a great start into the world of words – and books! Magdalena Skala was awarded the 2019 Meefisch Prize and the Marktheidenfeld Prize for picture book illustration for THINGS. MY 200-PICTURE BOOK.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nutritional Practice Infants, Children, Adolescents

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Dr. Ute Alexy, Dr. Annett Hilbig and Frauke Lang. Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich

        Anyone giving responsible advice about questions on nutrition must have sound expert knowledge. This must not only be scientifically reliable, but must at the same time be relevant and practicable in the individual context. The concept behind the book series Nutritional Practice is to provide the necessary translation of current research results and guidelines into recommendations suitable for everyday use. In accordance with this consistent, practical approach, the focus is on the individual person in his or her particular stage in their life. The present volume is based on the various stages in life between infancy and adolescence. It therefore covers all questions about nutrition in health and disease from the first day of life to young adulthood

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Paul Klee

        by Daniel Kupper

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        The Official Record

        Oversight, national security and democracy

        by Peter Finn, Robert Ledger

        The construction, control and preservation of the Official Record is inherently contested. Those seeking greater openness and (democratic) accountability argue 'sunlight is [...] the best of disinfectants', while others seek stricter information control because, to their mind, sound government arises when advice and policy are formulated secretly. This edited volume explores the intersection of the Official Record, oversight, national security and democracy. Through US, UK and Canadian case studies, this volume will benefit higher level undergraduate readers and above to explore the Official Record in the context of the national security operations of democratic states. All chapters are research-based pieces of original writing that feature a document appendix containing primary documents (often excerpts) that are key to a chapter's narrative. As a result, this book interrogates the boundaries between national security, accountability, oversight, and the Official Record.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Preparing Children for School Through Play

        by Astrid Wirth, Efsun Birtwistle, Anna Mues, Frank Niklas

        Playful learning is an excellent way to help children acquire skills from an early age. This book illustrates ways to promote the development of preschool- age children through play in everyday family and kindergarten life – entirely without expensive resources!  Promotion of (written) language development and mathematical development forms a focus of this book, while preparing your child optimally for the two school subjects English and Mathematics. For:• parents and guardians• interested laypeople• educational specialists (such asteachers, childcare workers, socialworkers)

      • Trusted Partner

        Developing the Potential of Children with Special Needs

        A Skill-based Perspective on Early Childhood Movement Development

        by Jeremy Krauss

        Jeremy Krauss, one of the last students of Mosché Feldenkrais, has been practicing the Feldenkrais Method for over 40 years and has developed the Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) during the past 15 years in his work with children with special needs. This interprofessional approach can provide skill-based support for children with a variety of developmental delays. Krauss looks back on treatment successes with atypically developed individuals whose difficulties are located in the neurological, psychological, or socioemotional domain. Using numerous case studies, Krauss reflects on his experiences, which are connectable to topics such as motor learning, neuroplasticity and developmental psychology. Didactically, JKA is based on close observation of movement sequences and individual movement patterns. The focus is on variations in the dynamic transition from one position to another and the associated individual developmental steps.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Helping Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

        by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

        Obsessive-compulsive disorders usually cause a high degree of suffering and can significantly impair the quality of life of the affected child or adolescent. The new edition of this guidebook describes the manifestations of obsessive thoughts and compulsive acts as well as the causative, triggering and perpetuating conditions, considering current findings in obsessive-compulsive research. Part I of the guide is aimed at adult readers and Part II at affected children and adolescents, who receive the most important information on obsessive-compulsive disorders in easy-to-understand language. The case studies make it comprehensible how an individual disorder model can be developed, how goals for coping with the compulsions can be derived from it, and finally how the treatment of the obsessive-compulsive disorder can be planned and carried out. The children and adolescents as well as their parents and educators receive concrete advice on how to help themselves and how to cope with compulsions. For:• affected children and adolescents• parents• teachers• therapists• relatives

      • Trusted Partner

        Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Children and Adolescents

        A Treatment Manual for Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobias, and Separation Anxiety

        by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

        This title provides a semi-structured guide for an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adolescents between the ages of 9 and 17 who suffer from panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias, or separation anxiety.   It describes each step of the therapy in details, pays special attention to fear management, and enables the children to largely cope with the fears by themselves. The treatment modules can be used in the context of short-term therapy in individual or mixed individual and group setting. The manual allows for the therapy to be adjusted to the individual needs of the child or adolescent and some parts can be used also when working with younger children. Parents are trained to be co-therapists, supporting their children during the confrontational exercises but also insuring that parents do no unknowingly enable their child to maintain the anxiety disorder. All necessary worksheets can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM.   Target Group: child and adolescent psychotherapists and psychiatrists, students and teachers of psychology, pediatricians, psychotherapists, specialists for psychosomatic medicine, school psychologists

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        A book of monsters

        Promethean horror in modern literature and culture

        by David Ashford

        This books traces the rise to prominence in the twentieth-century of a sub-genre of gothic fiction that is, emphatically, a horror of enlightenment rationality rather than gothic darkness, examining post-modern revisions of Modernist "Promethean" tropes in an eclectic range of gothic, fantasy and SF writing. Whether the subject be terror of London's churches in the psychogeographical fiction of Iain Sinclair and Alan Moore, the Orcs in the linguistic fantasies of J.R.R. Tolkien, King Kong, killer-computers, or demon-children in post-war British science-fiction, A Book of Monsters offers illuminating perspectives on the darker recesses of the post-modern imagination, setting out a compelling, and comprehensive, overview on our contemporary unconscious.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Yummy Books!

        In 50 Rezepten durch die Weltliteratur

        by Cara Nicoletti, Tanja Handels, Susanne Kammerer

        Cara Nicoletti liebt zwei Dinge im Leben: Lesen und Kochen. Warum also nicht beides vereinen? Denn Nicoletti ist nicht nur Konditorin, Köchin und die mit Sicherheit charmanteste Metzgerin in ganz Brooklyn, sondern auch ein ausgesprochener Bücherwurm. Wer könnte also besser die beiden schönsten Dinge im Leben zusammenbringen als diese hungrige Leserin? Angefangen hat alles in der Fleischerei des Großvaters in Boston, Massachusetts, in der Cara bereits als Mädchen stapelweise Bücher verschlang. Später zog es sie nach New York, wo sie zwischen dem Bücherwälzen fürs Literaturstudium und der Arbeit in Brooklyns bekanntester Metzgerei schließlich auf die Idee kam, aus ihrer Doppelleidenschaft eine einzige zu machen – indem sie die kulinarischen Passagen ihrer Lieblingsbücher nacherzählte und die besten Rezepte kurzerhand nachkochte. Von Pippi Langstrumpfs »Buttermilchpfannkuchen« über das »perfekt gekochte Ei« von Jane Austen bis hin zu Jonathan Franzens »Schokoladen-Cupcakes mit Pfefferminz-Buttercreme« – Nicoletti lässt uns nicht nur das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen, sondern verführt uns auch zum Nachlesen und Nachkochen. Ein perfektes Geschenk für Lesewütige und ein Buch, das rundum glücklich macht.

      • Trusted Partner
      • The Arts
        March 1905

        Concerning the Spiritual in Art

        by Wassily Kandinsky

        A pioneering work in the movement to free art from its traditional bonds to material reality, this book is one of the most important documents in the history of modern art. Written by the famous nonobjective painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), it explains Kandinsky's own theory of painting and crystallizes the ideas that were influencing many other modern artists of the period. Along with his own groundbreaking paintings, this book had a tremendous impact on the development of modern art. Kandinsky's ideas are presented in two parts. The first part, called "About General Aesthetic," issues a call for a spiritual revolution in painting that will let artists express their own inner lives in abstract, non-material terms. Just as musicians do not depend upon the material world for their music, so artists should not have to depend upon the material world for their art. In the second part, "About Painting," Kandinsky discusses the psychology of colors, the language of form and color, and the responsibilities of the artist. An Introduction by the translator, Michael T. H. Sadler, offers additional explanation of Kandinsky's art and theories, while a new Preface by Richard Stratton discusses Kandinsky's career as a whole and the impact of the book. Making the book even more valuable are nine woodcuts by Kandinsky himself that appear at the chapter headings. This English translation of Über das Geistige in der Kunst was a significant contribution to the understanding of nonobjectivism in art. It continues to be a stimulating and necessary reading experience for every artist, art student, and art patron concerned with the direction of 20th-century painting.

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