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      • Christine Heimannsberg

        Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023

        Defending Eastern Europe

        by Jacek Lubecki, James W. Peterson

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        April 2019

        Was uns zusammenhält

        Eine Naturgeschichte der Gesellschaft

        by Moffett, Mark W. / Übersetzer Vogel, Sebastian

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        Political parties
        September 2008

        The Labour governments 1964–1970 volume 2

        International policy

        by John W. Young

        This book is the second in the three volume set The Labour governments 1964-1970 and concentrates on Britain's international policy under the Labour governments in the 1960s and is available for the first time in paperback. The coverage ranges from defence policy and the government machine to European integration, NATO and the Vietnam war. Harold Wilson and his ministers have often been accused of betraying the sense of promise that greeted their victory in 1964. Using recently released archival evidence, John Young argues that a more balanced view of the government will recognise the real difficulties that surrounded decision-making, not only on Vietnam, but also on Aden, the Nigerian civil war and Rhodesia. Economic weakness, waning military strength, Cold War tensions and the need to placate allies all placed limits on what a once-great but now clearly declining power could achieve. Furthermore the government proved of pivotal importance in the history of Britain's international role, in that it presided over a major shift from positions East of Suez to a focus on European concerns, a focus that has remained until the present day. The book will be of vital importance to students of British history and international relations during this exciting period. Together with the other books in the series, on domestic policy and economic policy, it provides a complete picture of the development of Britain under the premiership of Harold Wilson.

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        Schöpfung ohne Schöpfer

        Was war vor dem Urknall?

        by Atkins, Peter W

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        Entstehung - Verlauf - Therapie. Eine klinisch-psychologische und psychopathologische Studie

        by Rosenberger, Peter W

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        September 2008

        Emergent Freedom

        Naturalizing Free Will

        by Haag, James W.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2004

        Victorian demons

        Medicine, masculinity, and the Gothic at the fin-de-siècle

        by Andrew W. M. Smith

        Victorian demons provides the first extensive exploration of largely middle-class masculinities in crisis at the fin de siècle. It analyses how ostensibly controlling models of masculinity became demonised in a variety of literary and medical contexts, revealing the period to be much more ideologically complex than has hitherto been understood, and makes a significant contribution to Gothic scholarship. Andrew Smith demonstrates how a Gothic language of monstrosity, drawn from narratives such as 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' and 'Dracula', increasingly influenced a range of medical and cultural contexts, destabilising these apparently dominant masculine scripts. He provides a coherent analysis of a range of examples relating to masculinity drawn from literary, medical, legal and sociological contexts, including Joseph Merrick ('The Elephant Man'), the Whitechapel murders of 1888, Sherlock Holmes's London, the writings and trials of Oscar Wilde, theories of degeneration and medical textbooks on syphilis. ;

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        March 1989

        Not by Theory alone ...

        The Economics of Gustav von Schmoller and Its Legacy to America.

        by Balabkins, Nicholas W.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Instruments of international order

        Internationalism and diplomacy, 1900-50

        by Thomas W. Bottelier, Jan Stöckmann

        During the first half of the twentieth century, world politics was reshaped in pursuit of a new international order. The ideological foundations of the 'new diplomacy' (and its fate during the interwar period) are well known. This book instead examines the practices of internationalism and diplomacy from the First Hague Conference of 1899 to the aftermath of the Second World War. By focusing on these practices, such as disarmament regimes or public diplomacy, and their use as instruments to build international order(s), it emphasises the constructed, contested, and experimental character of what subsequently became a standard repertoire of international politics. Essays from a range of interdisciplinary scholars address well-established principles such as self-determination, and also less prominent practices such as small arms control or parliamentary inquiry. The book makes a major contribution to the growing historiography on twentieth-century internationalism.

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        November 2010

        Probleme der Moralphilosophie

        by Theodor W. Adorno, Thomas Schröder, Theodor W. Adorno Archiv

        Theodor W. Adornos 1963 gehaltene Vorlesungen über Probleme der Moralphilosophie sind in den letzten Jahren auf breites Interesse gestoßen. Judith Butler etwa hat sie in ihrer Kritik der ethischen Gewalt zum Ausgangspunkt genommen. Im Durchgang durch klassische Texte und Positionen der Moralphilosophie spürt Adorno hier dem problematischen Status der Moralphilosophie selbst nach. Wenn es »kein richtiges Leben im falschen« geben kann, was heißt das für das Philosophieren über Moral? Wie verhält sich die Moralphilosophie als Theorie zur alltäglichen Moral als Praxis? Adorno hat zu Lebzeiten keine praktische Philosophie publiziert, und so entpuppen sich diese Vorlesungen, die den Widersprüchen zwischen Theorie und Praxis einer Moralphilosophie nach Auschwitz nachgehen, als das Werk, das einer praktischen Philosophie Adornos am nächsten kommt.

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