Coach House Books
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalBetween 1983 and 1987, mercenaries adopting the pseudonym GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación, Antiterrorist Liberation Group) paid by the Spanish treasury and relying upon national intelligence support were at war with the Basque militant group ETA (Euskadi (e)Ta Askatasuna, Basque Country and Freedom). Over four years, their campaign of extrajudicial assassinations spanned the French-Spanish border. Nearly thirty people were killed in a campaign comprised of torture, kidnapping, bombing and the assassination of suspected ETA activists and Basque refugees. This establishment of unofficial counterterrorist squads by a Spanish Government was a blatant detour from legality. It was also a rare case in Europe where no less than fourteen high-ranking Spanish police officers and senior government officials, including the Minister of Interior himself, were eventually arrested and condemned for counter-terrorism wrongdoings and illiberal practices. Thirty years later, this campaign of intimidation, coercion and targeted killings continues to grip Spain. The GAL affair was not only a serious example of a major departure from accepted liberal democratic constitutional principles of law and order, but also a brutal campaign that postponed by decades the possibility of a political solution for the Basque conflict. Counter-terror by proxy uncovers why and how a democratic government in a liberal society turned to a 'dirty war' and went down the route of illegal and extrajudicial killing actions. It offers a fuller examination of the long-term implications of the use of unorthodox counter-terrorist strategies in a liberal democracy.
"Die junge Generation hat auch heute Respekt vor dem Alter, allerdings nur noch beim Wein, beim Whisky und bei den Möbeln." Norman Mailer bezeichnete Truman Capote als „vollkommensten Schriftsteller meiner Generation“: „Bissig wie meine Großtante schreibt er die besten Sätze, Wort für Wort, Takt für Takt.“ Und Tennessee Williams ergänzt: "Er ist eine entzückend lasterhafte alte Dame." Die besten Aussprüche und Boshaftigkeiten aus Truman Capotes Werk sind in diesem Band versammelt.
This bestselling title is a practical handbook on the concept of basic stimulation in nursing and its application for patients suffering from perceptional deficits, developmental delays and mental handicaps. It enables nurses to develop, improve and stabilize physically and mentally handicapped people with impaired perceptional, communicative and motor skills. Target Group: Nurses
Concept maps are graphical representations of interrelationships in complex care situations. They show patterns from the features and characteristics of a situation and thus visualize the specific image of the patient. In the process of concept mapping, the case-related nursing situation can be analyzed and assessed in a differentiated manner within the framework of the nursing process. Concept maps visualize case-related assessment data as well as nursing diagnoses and their relationships to each other in a bundled way. Thus, nursing interventions are derived to solve or alleviate current or potential health problems. Nursing goals and desired nursing outcomes can be named. The book is a valuable toolbox for teaching, training, and studying nursing and the nursing process.
Truman Capote, geboren 1924 in New Orleans, starb 1984 in Los Angeles. Seine Romane Frühstück bei Tiffany und Kaltblütig machten ihn zu einem der berühmtesten Autoren der amerikanischen Literatur. 2004 verkörperte ihn Philip Seymour Hoffman in dem Film Capote. Annemarie Seidel (1894-1959) war Schauspielerin, Lektorin und Übersetzerin, verheiratet mit Peter Suhrkamp von 1935 bis zu seinem Tod 1959. Sie übersetzte, in Zusammenarbeit mit Friedrich Podszus, Truman Capotes Roman Die Grasharfe ins Deutsche.