Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali SrL
Rosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali is a literary and editorial agency, representing domestic and international rights of Italian authors.
View Rights PortalRosaria Carpinelli Consulenze Editoriali is a literary and editorial agency, representing domestic and international rights of Italian authors.
View Rights PortalExamines the nature of the first regime ever to have effective control of the British Isles and the impact that it had on England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and on Britain's international reputation. One of the few stuides to view the period as one of acheivement rather than merely a reactionary regime. Examines the aspirations of the Cromwellian Protectorate and underlines their committemnt to a radical vision, despite the pressures and crises that the regime faced. Examines the international dimension of the rules of Oliver and Richard Cromwell. Containing many key documents of the period and a bibliographical essay, considers A and AS level requirements as well as being valuable to undergraduates and general readers. ;
This is a book for all those who have been absorbed and moved by Brief Encounter in the seventy or so years since its first appearance. It explores the central relationship of the film, where two people who fall unexpectedly in love come to realise that there is more to life than self-gratification. Mores have undoubtedly changed, for better or worse, but that essential moral choice has never lost its power. While acknowledging this, the book goes further in an effort to account for the way the film has passed into the wider culture. People born decades after its first appearance are now adept at picking up references to it, whether a black-and-white scene in a much later film or a passing joke about a bald man in a barber's shop.
Whether for reasons of family, food, shopping or religion, it's hard to imagine a British winter without Christmas, or to think of a more traditional national festival. But how and when did Christmas cards, pantomimes and advertising become part of that tradition? This book looks at how people in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries experienced Christmas and how today's priorities and rituals began and endured. It explores the origins of our deeply held notions around Christmas traditions and demonstrates how those ideas were in fact shaped by the fast-paced modernisation of English life. A fascinating account of the development of many things we now take for granted, the book touches on the history of childhood and the family, philanthropy and work, and the beginnings of consumerism that shaped the Christmas we know today.
An innovative & different princess story! • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant! Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…
Advent calendar book with detachable pages. Plonkety plonk! Daisy Dormouse is rudely awakened from her winter sleep. Outside her den is a present. It says on the wrapping: “To Sunny Bunny for Christmas”. What on earth is Christmas? And who is Sunny Bunny? Daisy quickly packs a few things and sets off to deliver the present. During her journey she makes many new friends and learns all about Advent garlands, Christmas carols, biscuits, sledging, and of course Christmas itself. By the end of her journey, Daisy is sure of one thing: she must never again miss this wonderful time, with all these beautiful customs and traditions! A story in 24 chapters.
It’s winter in the pleasure park. The Little Engine is dreaming of Christmas, as he does every year. It would be so nice to see a real Christmas for himself. Suddenly something terrible happens up in the sky: Father Christmas comes crashing down to earth with his overloaded sleigh. Fortunately, no one is hurt, but the sleigh is broken. This is the Little Engine’s chance. He makes Father Christmas a great offer – and so he saves this year’s Christmas.
There are 24 days to go until Christmas. In the mouse house there is a delicious smell of punch, and Tilda busily hunts through her pantry: she wants to do some baking. The best of all flavours is still Aunt Emily’s frost-hip jelly. Christmas can’t come without that. But what a shock! There are no frost hips left! And it’s so difficult to get fresh ones, because they only grow in the north. Without further ado, Tilda sets off on an exciting journey through the winter forest, and she has the most weird and wonderful Christmas adventures on the way…
Emmo would also like to celebrate Christmas for a change. He’s lucky that his best friend Gwendoline, the Snow Fairy, is there to help him with his preparations. A Christmas tree, presents, delicious biscuits, sweet-smelling baked apples, and of course glittering white snow - all in readiness for the most wonderful Christmas party the Silver Forest has ever seen. With Stefanie Dahle’s enchanting illustrations, this solid, read-aloud picture book will accompany big and little picture-book lovers through a wonderfully harmonious Advent and Christmas.
Rosalinde von Christine Nöstlinger hat ein Loch im Socken, einen Verband ums Knie, einen Marienkäfer in der Hand, eine Kette um den Hals und: Rosalinde hat Gedanken im Kopf. Geheime Gedanken, Freudengedanken und Mutgedanken. Rosalinde möchte nämlich Kapitänin werden oder Pilotin. Aber das geht nicht, sagt der Fredi, "so ein Kapitän, der braucht viel Mut. Der braucht dreimal so viel Mut, wie ein Mädchen überhaupt haben kann!" Doch da wird Rosalinde richtig wütend! Denn Rosalinde ist eine liebenswert-eigensinnige Heldin mit viel mehr als nur Flausen im Kopf.
Despite its enduring popularity as a national festival, Christmas has been largely neglected by English historians. Neil Armstrong offers the first study to examine both the experience and representation of Christmas during the formative period of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This book explores the origins of our deeply held notions of the traditional nature of Christmas and demonstrates how they were shaped by English modernity. A study of both continuity and change, Christmas in nineteenth-Ccntury England makes an important contribution to cultural and social history, and is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of childhood, the family, philanthropy, work and consumerism. Scholarly yet accessible, it will be enjoyed by academics, students and the general public alike. ;
Die aufgeweckte und neugierige Rosalinde hat ein Loch im Socken, einen Verband ums Knie und einen Marienkäfer in der Hand und stürmt damit durch das Leben. Rosalindes Kopf ist voller Gedanken – geheime, freudige und mutige Ideen begleiten sie, während sie davon träumt, Kapitänin oder Pilotin zu werden. Doch als ihr Freund Fredi behauptet, dass solche Träume für ein Mädchen zu mutig seien, beweist Rosalinde, dass sie viel mehr als nur Flausen im Kopf hat. Nöstlingers Buch ist eine Erzählung über Mut, Träume und das Recht, unabhängig vom Geschlecht, große Ziele zu verfolgen. Die liebenswert-eigensinnige Heldin zeigt, dass Mut keine Frage des Geschlechts ist und inspiriert junge Leserinnen und Leser, an sich selbst zu glauben. Von einer preisgekrönten Autorin: Geschrieben von Christine Nöstlinger, einer anerkannten Kinderbuchautorin, die für ihre tiefgründigen und gleichzeitig unterhaltsamen Geschichten bekannt ist. Starke weibliche Hauptfigur: Rosalinde ist ein Vorbild für Unabhängigkeit und Selbstbewusstsein, das Mädchen ermutigt, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen. Wichtige Botschaften: Das Buch behandelt Themen wie Selbstvertrauen, Mut und das Überwinden von Geschlechterstereotypen in einer für Kinder verständlichen Weise. Fesselnde Erzählweise: Die humorvolle und einfühlsame Darstellung macht das Buch zu einem Vergnügen für Vorlesestunden und zum Selbstlesen. Bildungswert: Ideal für pädagogische Zwecke in Kindergärten, Schulen und zu Hause, um wichtige Lebenslektionen zu vermitteln. Hochwertige Illustrationen: Begleitet von ansprechenden Bildern, die die Geschichte lebendig machen und die Fantasie der Kinder anregen. Ideal als Geschenk: Perfekt geeignet als Geschenk für Mädchen ab 6 Jahren, die beginnen, die Welt um sich herum zu hinterfragen und eigene Träume zu entwickeln.
Merry Christmas! Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, G.K. Chesterton, Dylan Thomas, Angus Wilson, Muriel Spark u.v.a. erzählen Weihnachtsgeschichten aus zwei Jahrhunderten. Da geht es um folgenreiche Geständnisse, geheimnisvolle Verwandlungen, mißglückte Einbrüche und heimliche Liebschaften. Mit angelsächsischem Humor und Feingefühl zeigen diese fünfzehn, zum Großteil erstmals ins Deutsche übersetzten Geschichten, wie selbst kleinere Widrigkeiten die Festtagsstimmung nicht zu trüben vermögen.
Stars are central to the cinema experience, and this collection offers a variety of fresh and informed perspectives on this important but sometimes neglected area of film studies.This book takes as its focus film stars from the past and present, from Hollywood, its margins and beyond and analyses them through a close consideration of their films and the variety of contexts in which they worked. The book spreads the net wide, looking at past stars from Rosalind Russell and Charlton Heston to present day stars including Sandra Bullock, Jackie Chan and Jim Carrey, as well as those figures who have earnt themselves a certain film star cachet such as Prince, and the martial artist Cynthia Rothrock. The collection will be essential reading for students and lecturers of film studies, as well as to those with a general interest in the cinema. ;