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Promoted ContentClinical psychology
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity
How European Psychologists Can Meet the Challenges
by Alexander Thomas
Culture and diversity are both challenge and opportunity. This volume looks at what psychologists are and can be doing to help society meet the challenges and grasp the opportunities in education, at work, and in clinical practice. The increasingly international and globalized nature of modern societies means that psychologists in particular face new challenges and have new opportunities in all areas of practice and research. The contributions from leading European experts cover relevant intercultural issues and topics in areas as diverse as personality, education and training, work and organizational psychology, clinical and counselling psychology, migration and international youth exchanges. As well as looking at the new challenges and opportunities that psychologists face in dealing with people from increasingly varied cultural backgrounds, perhaps more importantly they also explain and discuss how psychologists can deepen and acquire the intercultural competencies that are now needed in our professional lives. Target Group: psychotherapists / clinical psychologists / mental health professionals
Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawMarch 2008
Cultural warfare and trust
Fighting the Mafia in Palermo
by Carina Gunnarson, Kim Stringer
Cultural warfare and trust: fighting the Mafia in Palermo concentrates on a central issue in research on democratic processes: the development of generalised trust. The existence of generalised trust and confidence in a society is decisive for economic development and an effective democracy. Is it possible to fight persistent values of distrust and non-cooperation? Is it possible to support the development of generalised trust through public action and education? The book addresses these questions by examining political efforts to combat Palermo's Mafia-controlled heritage and to turn a tradition of non-cooperation and distrust into cooperation and trust. In particular, it focuses on the school program launched in Palermo during the mid-1990s, which was designed to break the Mafia's territorial and mental control. Combining theories on social capital and civic education, the author presents and analyses new quantitative and qualitative research carried out in seven public schools in Palermo. This book will be valuable to students, academics and researchers interested in social capital and trust, Italian politics, civic education, organised crime, local government and democratic practice. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2011
Cultural Region
North east England 1945–2000
by Natasha Vall
This book is the first historical assessment of English regional cultural policy. With its dialect and striking modern icons such as the Angel of the North, the north east has been described as England's most distinctive region. This study reveals the impact of the new cultural institutions that emerged after 1945 upon a region with deeply rooted vernacular traditions. The creation of the regional arts board and the development of regional broadcasting as well as the national efforts to manage the northern economic problems presented challenges for vernacular culture. In the ensuing battle between provincial and metropolitan values the north east as a modern cultural region took shape. The concluding chapters detail the cultural regeneration of the urban riversides, a much vaunted example of successful culture-led regeneration. This volume is essential for anyone with an interest in the formation of cultural identities, the development of regional government arts policies, urban regeneration and cultural and social history. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesDecember 2024
British culture after empire
Race, decolonisation and migration since 1945
by Josh Doble, Liam Liburd, Emma Parker
British culture after Empire is the first collection of its kind to explore the intertwined social, cultural and political aftermath of empire in Britain from 1945 up to and beyond the Brexit referendum of 2016, combining approaches from the fields of history, English and cultural studies. Against those who would deny, downplay or attempt to forget Britain's imperial legacy, the various contributions expose and explore how the British Empire and the consequences of its end continue to shape Britain at the local, national and international level. As an important and urgent intervention in a field of increasing relevance within and beyond the academy, the book offers fresh perspectives on the colonial hangovers in post-colonial Britain from up-and-coming as well as established scholars.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2023
Queer Studies
by Mike Laufenberg, Ben Trott
Seit drei Jahrzehnten untersuchen Queer Studies die Macht geschlechtlicher und sexueller Normen – und wie diese infrage gestellt werden. Sie erforschen die komplexen Zusammenhänge von Sexualität, Geschlecht, Rassismus, Klasse und Nation. Dieser Band versammelt klassische und neuere Schlüsseltexte der anglophonen Queer Studies in deutscher Sprache, von Judith Butler und Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick bis Cathy Cohen und José Esteban Muñoz. Er führt in die wichtigsten theoretischen Positionen ein, macht mit den zentralen Entwicklungslinien des Diskurses vertraut und präsentiert wegweisende queere Analysen zu Kapitalismus, Migration, Geopolitik, Behinderung, Aktivismus, Kultur und Subkultur.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2020
Queer Studies
by Mike Laufenberg, Bernd Trott
Seit drei Jahrzehnten untersuchen Queer Studies die Macht geschlechtlicher und sexueller Normen – und wie diese infrage gestellt werden. Sie erforschen die komplexen Zusammenhänge von Sexualität, Geschlecht, Rassismus, Klasse und Nation. Dieser Band versammelt erstmals klassische und neuere Schlüsseltexte der anglophonen Queer Studies in deutscher Sprache, von Judith Butler und Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick bis Jack Halberstam, Cathy Cohen und José Esteban Muñoz. Er führt in die wichtigsten theoretischen Positionen ein, macht mit den zentralen Entwicklungslinien des Diskurses vertraut und präsentiert wegweisende queere Analysen zu Kapitalismus, Migration, Geopolitik, Behinderung, Aktivismus, Kultur und Subkultur.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Luc Besson
by Susan Hayward
Widely taught on Film Studies courses and in French Cultural Studies programmesLuc Besson is a popular and respected filmmaker who has achieved international fameA welcome addition to the French Film Directors series.
Trusted PartnerPsychology
Developing Anti-Racist Cultural Competence
by Rehman Abdulrehman
Learn to understand how you see others with this no-nonsense,practical guide• Teaches cultural humility• Provides practical guidance• Addresses internalized racismIn today’s society, anti-racist cultural competence is an essentialskill and not something meant only to be addressedby some. Issues tied to resolving racism and understandingand including diverse cultural points of view remain highlyconflictual – and the ability to deal with these issues effectivelyis often hindered by fear, anxiety, and a misunderstandingof what it means to be culturally competent withoutmaking people feel like outsiders. While many other modelsof cultural competence approach the issue as though lookinginto a fishbowl, this book views the issue as everyoneswimming in the water together, as part of a common ecosystemand community.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2004
Cultural identities and the aesthetics of Britishness
by Andrew Thompson, Dana Arnold, John Mackenzie
Considers how notions of Britishness were constructed and promoted through architecture, landscape, painting, sculpture and literature. Maps important moments in the self-conscious evolution of the idea of 'nation' against a broad cultural historical framework. An important addition to the field of postcolonial studies as it looks at how British identity creation affected those living in England - most study in this area has thus far focused on the effect of such identity creation upon the colonial subject. Broad appeal due to wide subject matter covered. Examines just how 'constructed' a national identity is - past and present. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
Cultural identities and the aesthetics of Britishness
by Dana Arnold
Considers how notions of Britishness were constructed and promoted through architecture, landscape, painting, sculpture and literature. Maps important moments in the self-conscious evolution of the idea of 'nation' against a broad cultural historical framework. An important addition to the field of postcolonial studies as it looks at how British identity creation affected those living in England - most study in this area has thus far focused on the effect of such identity creation upon the colonial subject. Broad appeal due to wide subject matter covered. Examines just how 'constructed' a national identity is - past and present.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2025
Cinematic Ethnography
Experiencing cultures through some audiovisual practices
by Laurent Van Lancker
Cinematic ethnography proposes an interdisciplinary approach to theories and practices at the intersection of art, anthropology and cinema. The book proposes a model of collective aesthetics and collaborative filmmaking, going beyond the straightforward representation of reality that is so prevalent in visual anthropology and film studies. This book explores the practices of filmmakers who utilise sensory collaborative approaches to convey diversity of knowledge. It affirms that the more we allow cinema to infuse audio-visual transmissions of reality, the more we might be able to experience the evoked reality. The book proposes a dialogic journey, inviting the reader to pause during the reading of the book to watch some of the author's films, which exemplify the discussed theories and practices. This innovative work from a practising filmmaker and visual anthropologist invites us to rethink how our cinematic practices, rather than aiming at factual representation and description, might instead contribute to a collaborative understanding of intercultural dialogue and shared knowledge. For those interested in visual anthropology, documentary film or broader questions about the nature of art and representation, Cinematic ethnography is a thought-provoking invitation to see - and tell - things differently.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2014
Class, ethnicity and religion in the Bengali East End
A political history
by Sarah Glynn
This exploration of one of the most concentrated immigrant communities in Britain combines a fascinating narrative history, an original theoretical analysis of the evolving relationship between progressive left politics and ethnic minorities, and an incisive critique of political multiculturalism. It recounts and analyses the experiences of many of those who took part in over six decades of political history that range over secular nationalism, trade unionism, black radicalism, mainstream local politics, Islamism and the rise and fall of the Respect Coalition. Through this Bengali case study and examples from wider immigrant politics, it traces the development and adoption of the concepts of popular frontism, revolutionary stages theory and identity politics. It demonstrates how these theories and tactics have cut across class-based organisation and acted as an impediment to addressing socio-economic inequality; and it argues for a left materialist alternative. It will appeal equally to sociologists, political activists and local historians. ;
Trusted PartnerAugust 2001
Lara Croft - Modell, Medium, Cyberheldin
Das virtuelle Geschlecht und seine metaphysischen Tücken
by Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, EIDOS Interactive Germany, Agentur TBWA Frankfurt
Lara Croft, die Heldin des Computerspiels »Tomb Raider«, ist in kurzer Zeit zu einem »Cultural icon« geworden. Sie ist Traum-Frau und weibliche Heldin, Pin-up-Girl und »Grrl« in einem. Damit bedient sie männliche ebenso wie weibliche Ermächtigungsphantasien. Doch statt die hierarchische Geschlechterordnung zu unterlaufen, befördert der Kult um Lara Croft einen Prozeß, der als »Medialisierung« der Körper beschrieben werden kann und der die dualistische Geschlechtermetaphysik auf einem höheren Level auferstehen läßt. Welche Bedeutungsverschiebung durchläuft der Begriff des Geschlechtlichen im Zuge seiner Virtualisierung? Die Autorin nähert sich dieser Frage entlang einer Analyse der Entstehungs- und der Wirkungsgeschichte des Phänomens Lara Croft.
Trusted PartnerApril 2017
Science and Technology Studies
Klassische Positionen und aktuelle Perspektiven
by Susanne Bauer, Torsten Heinemann, Thomas Lemke
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ist mit den Science and Technology Studies (STS) ein Forschungsfeld entstanden, das eine grundlegende Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses von Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft vornimmt. Der vorliegende Band versammelt erstmals zentrale Texte der STS in deutscher Sprache, u. a. von Bruno Latour, David Bloor, Michel Callon, Donna Harraway oder Karen Barad, und bietet zudem Überblicksdarstellungen aller wichtigen Forschungsgebiete und Theoriepositionen. Entstanden ist so eine grundlegende Einführung in diese innovative Forschungsrichtung, die darüber hinaus auch eine Zwischenbilanz der Entwicklung der STS zieht und aktuelle Herausforderungen und Debatten auslotet.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerLifestyle, Sport & LeisureAugust 2016
Culture in Manchester
Institutions and urban change since 1850
by Janet Wolff, Mike Savage
This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2019
The cultural politics of contemporary Hollywood film
by Chris Beasley, Heather Brook
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1996
Briefe, Gedichte, Notizen
by Franz Schubert, Rüdiger Görner, Rüdiger Görner
Rüdiger Görner, geb. 1957, Studium der Germanistik, Geschichte, Anglistik und Philosophie an der Universität Tübingen und am University College, University of London; lebt als Literaturwissenschaftler, Schriftsteller und Kritiker seit 1981 in London. 1997-2004 Professur für German Literature an der Aston University in Birmingham sowie von 1999-2004 Director des Institute of Germanic Studies und Gründer des Ingeborg-Bachmann Centre for Austrian Literature, University of London. Seit 2004 Professor für neuere deutsche Literatur und Gründungsdirektor des Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations am Queen Mary College, University of London. Zahlreiche Publikationen zu Literatur und Musik, u.a. zu Thomas Mann, Rilke, Nietzsche und Mozart. Rüdiger Görner, geb. 1957, Studium der Germanistik, Geschichte, Anglistik und Philosophie an der Universität Tübingen und am University College, University of London; lebt als Literaturwissenschaftler, Schriftsteller und Kritiker seit 1981 in London. 1997-2004 Professur für German Literature an der Aston University in Birmingham sowie von 1999-2004 Director des Institute of Germanic Studies und Gründer des Ingeborg-Bachmann Centre for Austrian Literature, University of London. Seit 2004 Professor für neuere deutsche Literatur und Gründungsdirektor des Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations am Queen Mary College, University of London. Zahlreiche Publikationen zu Literatur und Musik, u.a. zu Thomas Mann, Rilke, Nietzsche und Mozart.