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Trusted PartnerFebruary 2012
Von der Toskana in den Orient
Ein Renaissance-Kaufmann auf Reisen
by da Volterra, Meshullam
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerJune 2013
Der Körper in unseren Händen
Mudras zur Balance der Gesundheit und zum Verstehen von Krankheiten
by da Silva, Kim
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerDecember 2001
Tormenta juris permissione.
Folter und Strafverfahren auf der iberischen Halbinsel - dargestellt am Beispiel Kastiliens und Kataloniens (16.-18. Jahrhundert).
by Sabadell da Silva, Ana Lucia
Trusted PartnerJune 2022
Schulkinder in aller Welt
So sieht mein Tag aus!
by Anniina Mikama, Carlos da Cruz
Dieses farbenfrohe Sachbilderbuch nimmt uns mit auf eine eintägige Reise um den Globus, um zehn Schulkinder aus aller Welt bei einem typischen Tag in ihrem Leben zu begleiten, einen Blick in ihre Zimmer und Schulklassen zu werfen. Lebensmittel, Hobbys, Schulsachen und andere Alltagsgegenstände sind alle etwas anders – Bräuche, Wünsche und Träume der dort lebenden Kinder auch. Mit Eintragmöglichkeiten zum Malen und Zeichnen des eigenen Tagesablaufs.
Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner1991
Gesundheit in unseren Händen
Mudras - die Kommunikation mit unserer Lebenskraft durch Anregung der Finger-Reflexzonen
by Silva, Kim da / Herausgegeben von Gillessen, Wolfgang
Trusted Partner1993
Das Wissen um die Bewegungsabläufe in unserem Körper
by Silva, Kim da; Rydl, Do-Ri
Trusted PartnerJune 2012
Dunkle Verführung
Erotische Vampirstorys
by Lloyd, Kristina; Madden, Mathilde; Costa, Portia Da / Übersetzt von Lange, Marietta
Trusted PartnerMedicine
The Psychologist’s Role in Disaster Risk Reduction
Theory and Practice
by Olavo Sant’Anna Filho / Daniela da Cunha Lopes (Eds.)
The book introduces the psychology of disaster scenarios, taking into account national and international research. The title outlines different concepts, like anguish, stress, and resilience, and highlights the importance of psychosocial attention to minimize the consequences of disastrous situations and maintaining good mental health. The book consists of a foreword and four chapters, which include a technical note from the Federal Counsel of Psychology, the main concepts of risk and disaster management, and information on the official agencies and nonprofit organizations that work with disaster risks reduction. Target Group: clinical psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, students, and teachers
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2000
Safran und Salz
by Peres da Costa, Suneeta / Übersetzt von Pociao; Übersetzt von Hollanda, Roberto de
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2022
Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa
by C. E. Beneš
This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.