Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Specialist books in the fields of pharmacy - drug information - medicine.
View Rights PortalSpecialist books in the fields of pharmacy - drug information - medicine.
View Rights PortalVandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, Germany, has been publishing academic literature since 1735. It ranks among the oldest independent publishing houses in the world.
View Rights PortalWie sein Verfasser ist der Held des Buches, Simon Tanner, besessen von einem unbändigen Freiheitsdrang und betrachtet die Welt und die Menschen ganz unbefangen, nicht mit einem »verbildeten, verstopften Kopf«. Das bringt ihn in die kuriosesten Konflikte mit der Welt der Konventionen, mit den Angepaßten, den von Karriere und Konkurrenz Kompromittierten. Durch seine Arglosigkeit provoziert er sie und beschämt sie zugleich durch das, was sie verloren haben: durch Phantasie, Humor, gesunden Menschenverstand und materielle Unbestechlichkeit.
This book re-examines French cinema of the 1970s. It focuses on the debates which shook French cinema, and the calls for film-makers to rethink their manner of filming, subject matter and ideals in the immediate aftermath of the student revolution of May 1968. Alison Smith examines the effect of this re-thinking across the spectrum of French production, the rise of new genres and re-formulation of older ones. Chapters investigate political thrillers, historical films, new naturalism and Utopian fantasies, dealing with a wide variety of films. A particular concern is the extent to which film-makers' ideas and intentions are contained in or contradicted by their finished work, and the gradual change in these ideas over the decade. The final chapter is a detailed study of two directors who were deeply involved in the debates and events of the 70s, William Klein and Alain Tanner, here taken as exemplary spokesmen for those changing debates as their echoes reached the cinema.