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      • Kawmiah distributing company

        The National Company for Distribution (Kawmiah distributing company) is one of the national press institutions working in the field of publishing, distribution, printing and journalism, and it has many cultural and intellectual publications through Dar Al Shaab and Dar Al Taawon, and it is of great importance in the paper book market in Egypt and the Arab world with its capabilities in the fields of publishing, distribution and printing And from promising cadres capable of presenting the best publications in various cultural and intellectual fields.

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      • Hudhud Publishing & Distribution

        Founded on the steadfast belief that a good book has a positive and lasting impact on the development of children, families and socities, Al Hudhud is a pioneering Emirati publishing and distribution

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Kultureller Austausch

        by Peter Burke, Burkhardt Wolf

        Über die Folgen der Globalisierung für die Kultur wird in den letzten Jahren heftig gestritten. Prophezeien die einen eine Homogenisierung der Weltkultur, verheißen die anderen kulturelle Desintegration bzw. Fragmentierung allerorten. Doch ein Blick auf die Kulturgeschichte der letzen Jahrhunderte lehrt, dass diese beunruhigenden Diagnosen nur zum Teil zutreffen. Viel wahrscheinlicher ist indes, so der Kulturhistoriker Peter Burke, dass eine neue kulturelle Ordnung entsteht, sich neue Formen kultureller Rekonfiguration herauskristallisieren werden, wobei Bausteine des Alten in ein neues Muster eingefügt werden. Burke untersucht daher in diesem Buch den kulturellen Austausch in vergleichender und historischer Perspektive. Er erkundet die Vielfalt der Konzepte, mit denen dieser Austausch beschrieben und analysiert wurde, und befasst sich mit seinen Kontexten und Konsequenzen. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt dabei drei möglichen Szenarien einer Reaktion auf kulturellen »Import« bzw. kulturelle »Invasionen«: Akzeptanz, Abwehr und Segregation.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 1999

        The Maid's Tragedy

        Beaumont and Fletcher

        by David Bevington, T. W. Craik, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Generally acknowledged to be the most powerful of Beaumont and Fletcher's plays and frequently performed by the best actors of the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, The Maid's Tragedy (1610-11) disappeared from the stage (except in a much-altered and very successful Victorian adaptation) until recent years, when major companies have rediscovered its appeal. In this fully annotated edition, the editor has given careful attention to the sense of the lines, the stage action and the verse. Many new emendations of textual errors, as well as improvements in stage directions and lineation, are either introduced or proposed. The introduction explores Beaumont and Fletcher's use of the three known sources (two of them previously neglected) for incidents in the play, gives the fullest available account of its stage history, and provides a sympathetic interpretation of the play as a romantic tragedy. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2009

        Beyond The Spanish Tragedy

        A study of the works of Thomas Kyd

        by Lukas Erne, Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        Kyd is arguably Shakespeare's most important tragic predecessor. Brilliantly fusing the drama of the academic and popular traditions, Thomas Kyd's plays are of central importance for understanding how the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries came about. Called 'an extraordinary dramatic . genius' by T.S. Eliot, Thomas Kyd invented the revenge tragedy genre that culminated in Shakespeare's Hamlet some twelve years later. In this study, The Spanish Tragedy - the most popular of all plays on the English Renaissance stage - receives the extensive scholarly and critical treatment it deserves, including a full reception and modern stage history. Yet as Erne shows, Thomas Kyd is much more than the author of a single masterpiece. Don Horatio (partly extant in The First Part of Hieronimo), the lost early Hamlet, Soliman and Perseda, and Cornelia all belong to what emerges in this work as a coherent dramatic oeuvre. This groundbreaking study is now in paperback. ;

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        Plays, playscripts
        November 2016

        The Tragedy of Antigone, The Theban Princesse

        by Thomas May

        by Edited by Matteo Pangallo. Series edited by Paul Dean

        Thomas May's The Tragedy of Antigone (1631), edited by Matteo Pangallo, is the first English treatment of the story made famous by Sophocles. This edition contains a facsimile of the copy held at the Beinecke Library of Yale University, making the play commercially available for the first time since its original publication. The extensive introduction discusses, among other things, the ownership history of existing copies and their marginal annotations, and of the play's topical political implications in the light of May's wavering between royalist and republican sympathies. Writing during the contentious early years of Charles I's reign, May used Sophocles' Antigone to explore the problems of just rule and justified rebellion. He also went beyond the scope of the original, adding content from a wide range of other classical and contemporary plays, poems and other sources, including Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. This volume will be essential reading for advanced students, researchers and teachers of early English drama and seventeenth-century political history.

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        The Arts
        May 2004

        The memory of catastrophe

        by Peter Gray, Kendrick Oliver

        Investigates the dynamic relationship between experiences of profound social and cultural disruption, and human memory. Critical comparisons are made across a wide variety of catastrophic experiences and memories; not just of war, but also of massacre, genocide, rebellion, famine, partition, shipwreck and fire. The book is an accessible showcase for a wide range of methodological approaches to the study of memory, including literary studies, cultural studies, participant-observation and historical studies, and uses a variety of oral, visual and written sources. Offers a diverse chronological and geographical range of catastrophic cases, from seventeenth-century England to the recent conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, from Ireland to the Indian sub-continent, from Mexico to wartime Leningrad. Well-written and accessible - a fascinating read. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Negotiating relief and freedom

        Responses to disaster in the British Caribbean, 1812-1907

        by Oscar Webber

        Negotiating relief and freedom is an investigation of short- and long-term responses to disaster in the British Caribbean colonies during the 'long' nineteenth century. It explores how colonial environmental degradation made their inhabitants both more vulnerable to and expanded the impact of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It shows that British approaches to disaster 'relief' prioritised colonial control and 'fiscal prudence' ahead of the relief of the relief of suffering. In turn, that this pattern played out continuously in the long nineteenth century is a reminder that in the Caribbean the transition from slavery to waged labour was not a clean one. Times of crisis brought racial and social tensions to the fore and freedoms once granted, were often quickly curtailed.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Critical security in the Asia-Pacific

        by Anthony Burke, Matt McDonald

        In the wake of 9/11, the Asian crisis and the 2004 tsunami, traditional analytical frameworks are increasingly unable to explain how individuals and communities are rendered insecure, or advance individual, global or environmental security. In the Asia-Pacific, the accepted wisdom of realism has meant that analyses rarely move beyond the statist, militarist and exclusionary assumptions that underpin traditional realpolitik. This innovative new book challenges these limitations and addresses the missing problems, people and vulnerabilities of the Asia-Pacific region. It also turns a critical eye on traditional interstate strategic dynamics. Critical security in the Asia-Pacific applies both a critical theoretical approach that interrogates the deeper assumptions underpinning security discourses, and a human-centred policy approach that focuses on the security, welfare and emancipation of individuals and communities. Leading Asia-Pacific researchers combine to apply these frameworks to the most pressing issues in the region, from the Korean peninsula to environmental change, Indonesian conflict, the 'war on terror' and the plight of refugees. The result is a sophisticated and accessible account of often-neglected realities of marginalization in the region, and a compelling argument for the empowerment and security of the most vulnerable.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 1966

        Dichtung als symbolische Handlung

        Eine Theorie der Literatur. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Günther Rebing

        by Kenneth Burke, Günter Rebing

        »Es leidet keinen Zweifel, daß er der überlegenste Kritiker und Theoretiker der Literatur ist, den Amerika heute besitzt« – mit diesem Urteil begrüßt W. H. Auden 1941 Kenneth Burkes »Philosophy of Literary Form«, einen der folgenreichsten neueren Versuche, Funktion und Bedeutung der Dichtung zu bestimmen. Burkes Einfluß auf die zeitgenössische angelsächsische Kritik und Literaturwissenschaft ist intensiv, wenngleich lärmlos. Zwar hat er in seiner Ästhetik soziologische, psychoanalytische und linguistische Erkenntnisse aufgenommen, aber ohne sich einer Schule oder Perspektive mit Haut und Haaren zu verschreiben. Seine Literaturtheorie begreift dichterische Werke als ›symbolische‹ Handlungen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1973

        Die Rhetorik in Hitlers »Mein Kampf« und andere Essays zur Strategie der Überredung

        Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Günter Rebing

        by Kenneth Burke, Günter Rebing

        Der Titelessay entstand in den späten dreißiger Jahren; er demontierte, der Geschichtsschreibung vorgreifend, die Legende, daß dem Zeitgenossen der Nationalsozialismus sich als Naturkatastrophe dargestellt habe, deren Ursachen und Ablauf sich nicht hätten erkennen lassen. Burkes Studie beweist das Gegenteil. Zu einer Zeit, da die halbe Welt nicht viel mehr als Unbehagen an Hitlers Politik empfand, beschrieb der amerikanische Kritiker das quasimagische Wahnsystem der »braunen Bewegung« und ihre sozialen Mechanismen. – Unser Band enthält ferner Aufsätze Burkes zur Strategie der Überredung, des »Entlarvens« und der poetischen Benennung.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2024

        Tis Pity She's a Whore

        By John Ford

        by Martin White

        John Ford's tragedy, first printed in 1633, is the first major English play to take as its theme a subject still rarely handled: fulfilled incest between brother and sister. This Revels Plays edition is a scholarly, modern-spelling edition of one of the most studied and performed of all plays of the period. White's critical introduction explores the textual and theatrical histories of the play, exploring closely its relationship to the particular stage and audience for which it was written. This Revels edition allows the modern reader to become, in Ford's words, an 'actor that but reads'.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Colonial exchanges

        Political theory and the agency of the colonized

        by Burke A. Hendrix, Deborah Baumgold

        Recent scholarship in political thought has closely examined the relationship between European political ideas and colonialism, particularly the ways in which canonical thinkers supported or opposed colonial practices. But little attention has been given to the engagement of colonized political and intellectual actors with European ideas. The essays in this volume demonstrate that a full reckoning of colonialism's effects requires attention to the ways in which colonized intellectuals reacted to, adopted, and transformed these ideas, and to the political projects that their reactions helped to shape. Across nine chapters, a mix of political theorists and intellectual historians grapple with specific thinkers and contexts to show in detail the unpredictable, complex and sometimes paradoxical impact of European ideas in an array of colonial settings.

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