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      • Silkworm International Co., Ltd.

        Silkworm Books is a general publisher based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We specialize in select markets and quality English-language books, primarily on topics related to mainland Southeast Asia. Founded in 1989, we are the foremost publisher of serious books on Thailand in English. To date, we have published more than 300 English titles. We have licensed English-language rights, purchased translation rights, and less frequently commissioned writers. Our books are distributed in North America, and U.K., through the University of Washington Press, and in Asia by local distributors.

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      • Verlag "Die Silberschnur" GmbH

        In 1982, the publishing company, Die Silberschnur, was founded by Helga Huber, the mother of the present general manager, Stefan Huber. She was motivated by the desire to bring spiritual knowledge closer to the broader public. The best seller author of the beginning years of the publishing company is the well-known doctor and death researcher, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Her book Über den Tod und das Leben danach (About Death and Life Thereafter) quickly became a big success. It has been translated into several languages and at the present, it has sold over a million copies around the world. Over the years, Silberschnur has become known as one of the leading publishing companies in Germany for spiritual and esoteric literature. With well-known authors, such as Trutz Hardo, Germany´s best known past life regression expert, international best seller author Kurt Tepperwein, Saint Germain´s medium Myra and famous TV-astrologer Andrea Buchholz, Silberschnur offers a wide variety of subjects. An enrichment of the publishing company's assortment is provided in particular by the books by Olivia Moogk, which examine the subject of Feng Shui, Franziska Krattinger, whose books show the possibilities for supporting healing processes with mental powers and successfully shaping one's life and Vadim Tschenze, who is well-known for his books about fortune telling and health issues. Today, the publishing company Die Silberschnur has over 600 books in its publishing program and publishes 30 to 40 new books each year. The companys intent is to provide an impetus for new perspectives, which are to contribute to further spiritual and mental development. If you are interested in our titles, please download our Foreign Rights Catalogues and do not hesitate to contact us for more information or reading copies. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, your Foreign Rights team

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      • Trusted Partner
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        August 2009

        Nähen mit Amy Butler

        Einfach und schön: 25 Projekte

        by Butler, Amy

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        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2005

        Amy Tan

        by Bella Adams, John Thieme

        This is the most comprehensive study to date of Amy Tan's work. It offers close readings of her texts in the context of broader debates about the representation of identity, history and reality. In contrast with Tan's own American-born narrators, and mainstream critics, Bella Adams's study looks beyond the stereotypes which appear in Tan's books, and explores the ways in which Chinese immigrants and their American relatives struggle to understand each others 'best qualities' via the Chinese tradition of the 'talk story'. She emphasises Tan's American narrators' process of becoming Chinese and discovering 'real China', and the significance of the ironic staging of these moments. Students will find this study both accessible and probing, and scholars will welcome its contribution to our understanding of a significant figure in contemporary literature. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Müller-Frahling, Margit; Kasperzik, Birte

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        September 2011

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 1991

        Uwe Johnson: »Für wenn ich tot bin«

        by Siegfried Unseld, Eberhard Fahlke

        Testamentarisch hat Uwe Johnson die Peter Suhrkamp-Stiftung und seinen Verleger Siegfried Unseld zum Nachlaßverwalter eingesetzt. Siegfried Unseld beschreibt, wie es dazu kam, beschreibt aus seiner Sicht noch einmal die Begleitumstände, die das große Werk »Jahrestage« zu vollenden ermöglichten. »Für wenn ich tot bin«: es war Uwe Johnsons Wunsch, daß sein Nachlaß gesammelt und nach Frankfurt gebracht wurde. Siegfried Unseld konnte in Verbindung mit der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität ein Uwe Johnson-Archiv einrichten, das dem Gedenken des großen Schriftstellers dient. Eberhard Fahlke, Leiter des Uwe Johnson-Archivs und ausgewiesener Johnson-Forscher, beschreibt in seinem Beitrag die Einrichtung und Anlage des Archivs, welches in seiner Art einzigartig ist.

      • Trusted Partner

        Formularium paediatricum

        Prescriptions for children in paediatric practice

        by Edited by Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler, Nadine Metzger and Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Peter Langguth, Dr. Stefan Seyferth and Dr. Norbert Ohem

        When children are ill, there is often a lack of suitable proprietary medicines. With experience and expertise, pharmacies close this gap. In the process, they are often confronted with complex questions before preparing a medicine: Is the dosage right? Which dosage form will be accepted by the child? How do I process the active ingredient in a child-friendly way? Which excipients are suitable? Formularium paediatricum provides answers to these and numerous other questions: ■ 70 monographs on tested standard formulations describe the preparation process step-by-step and explain paediatric specifics in terms of formulation. ■ an annotated list of common paediatric excipients as well as comprehensive explanations for evaluating children‘s formulations help to assess unknown, non-standardised formulations. Whenever it is a case of extemporaneous medicines for children: the Formularium paediatricum assists in the preparation in the pharmacy to succeed safely and confidently.

      • Trusted Partner

        The second half of your life - a manual

        Tips and strategies for successful ageing

        by Dr. Petra Kiedaisch

        In the middle of our lives, the cards are reshuffled: marriages are divorced, careers are questioned, friendships are ended, questions of meaning are asked, bodies change - and not just hormonally. At the same time, children leave home and parents become carers. From the age of 45, the majority of our population is at the centre of a second upheaval that affects all facets of our lives and leaves us at a loss in many ways. Not only in our daily lives, but also when it comes to planning for our own old age. This guide is designed to help us find our way. It presents the most important information from all areas relevant to a good life after 45. Leading experts from the fields of medicine, nutrition, philosophy, theology, psychology, care, law and finance give recommendations on what to look out for and what tools are needed to get through these challenging years unscathed. Useful checklists round off the articles. The book shows us the unique opportunity to see these challenges not as a crisis but as a source of strength. Not only can we come through this period of our lives healthy and happy, but we can also shape it so that the next age threshold is no longer frightening. During the second phase of adolescence, we lay the foundations for whether and how we will grow older. Be it in terms of health or living together with family and friends. With contributions from: Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann (philosophy), Dipl. Psych. Claudia Kühner (psychology), Dr Suso Lederle (medicine), Dr Petra Forster (nutrition), Christian Hald, Anja Heine (law), Prof Dr Philipp Schreiber (finance), Prof Dr Thomas Klie (nursing care insurance), Georg Eberhardt (religion).

      • Trusted Partner

        »Mit dem Vertrauen, daß wir einander nicht verloren gehen können«

        Briefwechsel mit seinen Söhnen Bruno und Heiner. Herausgegeben von Michael Limberg in Zusammenarbeit mit Silver und Simon Hesse

        by Hermann Hesse, Michael Limberg, Silver Hesse, Simon Hesse

        Es ist nicht leicht, Sohn eines berühmten Vaters zu sein. Zumal wenn der Vater häufig abwesend ist und dann auch noch die Familie zerbricht. Wie es Hermann Hesse und seinen Söhnen Bruno und Heiner »trotz allem Schwierigen« gelungen ist, eine liebevolle, lebenslange Beziehung aufzubauen – davon erzählt dieser Briefwechsel, der fast 300, bislang unveröffentlichte Briefe enthält. Die hier wiedergegebene Korrespondenz setzt Anfang 1920 ein. Zwei Jahre zuvor hatte Hesses erste Frau und die Mutter seiner Kinder, Mia Hesse-Bernoulli, einen psychischen Zusammenbruch und wurde in eine Klinik eingewiesen. In der Folge sah er sich gezwungen, seine Söhne in Obhut zu geben: Der 14-jährige Bruno kam als Pflegesohn zu einem befreundeten Ehepaar, der vier Jahre jüngere Heiner erlebte eine Odyssee durch Kinderheime und Schulinternate. Hesse ist bemüht, trotz der räumlichen Trennung die Entwicklung seiner Söhne mit Rat und Tat zu begleiten. Er geht voller Verständnis auf die Probleme und Lebensentwürfe der beiden Heranwachsenden ein, immer individuell und auf Brunos und Heiners Temperament und Charakter zugeschnitten. In seinen Briefen bestärkt er sie, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen, und ermuntert sie, die eigenen Anlagen, die sie in sich tragen, weiterzuentwickeln. Dass nicht nur er ihnen hilft, ihren Platz im Leben zu finden, sondern auch sie ihm über die Jahre helfen, sich in seiner Rolle als Vater zurechtzufinden, dokumentiert der Briefwechsel auf ebenso unterhaltsame wie erhellende Weise.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1997

        Uwe Johnson: »Für wenn ich tot bin«

        Mit einer Nachbemerkung 1997

        by Siegfried Unseld

        Uwe Johnson ist im Februar 1984 in Sheerness-on-Sea in der englischen Grafschaft Kent gestorben. Siegfried Unseld, »Freund, Leser, Verleger« nach Johnsons Worten, beschreibt Leben und Werk und die Begleitumstäne, unter denen das große Werk »Jahrestage« vollendet wurde.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Die Jungfrau von Orleans

        Eine romantische Tragödie

        by Friedrich Schiller, Barbara Potthast, Alexander Reck

        In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Sie bietet die besten verfügbaren Texte aus den großen Editionen des Suhrkamp Verlages, des Insel Verlages und des Deutschen Klassiker Verlages, ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

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