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      • Dreamspace Publishing

        At Dreamspace Publishing we specialize in children's and YA fiction and non-fiction in the Body-Mind-Spirit section to support young readers in maintaining and developing a strong connection to their inner power and source of natural vitality. We provide resources that help young ones, as well as adults who accompany them on their life's journey, to navigate through life in a balanced and grounded way. We draw from a strong link to indigenous worldviews and values. Especially in Western societies where the focus lies on physical and mental development, our publications bring balance and guidance by also including emotional and spiritual aspects and rising awareness of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

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        August 2016

        Triff eine Entscheidung!

        Das Arbeitsbuch zum Konflikt-Lösungs-Modell in Beratung, Mediation und Therapie

        by Brunner, Hans; Heck, Josef / Umschlaggestaltung von Shutterstock, Inc. Empire State Building

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        The Arts
        December 2024

        Becoming couture

        The Italian fashion industry after the Second World War

        by Chiara Faggella

        Becoming couture is the first book to examine the history of the Italian fashion industry during the global transition brought about by the Second World War. It draws on a wide range of primary sources, some of them newly unearthed, to demonstrate that the Italian fashion industry in the Republican era continued to rely on business practices and professionals established during Fascism. Analysing changes in promotional discourses and press coverage, the book traces the shift that occurred when manufacturers were encouraged to expand their exports of accessories to include sportswear, knitwear and moda boutique. This ultimately led to the legitimisation of Italian dressmaking as creatively independent of French influences and therefore worthy of the label 'couture'.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        Iraqi women in Denmark

        Ritual performance and belonging in everyday life

        by Marianne Holm Pedersen, Alexander Smith

        Iraqi women in Denmark is an ethnographic study of ritual performance and place-making among Shi'a Muslim Iraqi women in Copenhagen. The book explores how Iraqi women construct a sense of belonging to Danish society through ritual performances, and investigates how this process is interrelated with their experiences of inclusion and exclusion in Denmark. The findings refute the all too simplistic assumptions of general debates on Islam and immigration in Europe that tend to frame religious practice as an obstacle to integration in the host society. In sharp contrast to the fact that the Iraqi women's religious activities in many ways contribute to categorising them as outsiders to Danish society, their participation in religious events also localises them in the city. Written in an accessible, narrative style, this book addresses both an academic audience and the general reader interested in Islam in Europe and immigration to Scandinavia. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Citizenship, nation, empire

        The politics of history teaching in England, 1870–1930

        by Andrew Thompson, Peter Yeandle, John M. MacKenzie

        Citizenship, nation, empire investigates the extent to which popular imperialism influenced the teaching of history between 1870 and 1930. It is the first book-length study to trace the substantial impact of educational psychology on the teaching of history, probing its impact on textbooks, literacy primers and teacher-training manuals. Educationists identified 'enlightened patriotism' to be the core objective of historical education. This was neither tub-thumping jingoism, nor state-prescribed national-identity teaching, but rather a carefully crafted curriculum for all children which fused civic as well as imperial ambitions. The book will be of interest to those studying or researching aspects of English domestic imperial culture, especially those concerned with questions of childhood and schooling, citizenship, educational publishing and anglo-British relations. Given that vitriolic debates about the politics of history teaching have endured into the twenty-first century, Citizenship, nation, empire is a timely study of the formative influences that shaped the history curriculum in English schools

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        January 2003

        Pluralism and Law. Proceedings of the 20th IVR World Congress Amsterdam, 2001 / Pluralism and Law – Vol. 2: State, Nation, Community, Civil Society

        Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Amsterdam, 2001

        by Herausgegeben von Soeteman, Arend

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Straight nation

        Heteronormativity and other exigencies of postcolonial nationalism

        by Pavan Mano

        In Straight Nation, Pavan Mano reveals the logic of straightness that sits at the heart of postcolonial nationalism in Singapore. Mano rejects the romantic notion of the nation as a haven of belonging, showing it to be a relentless force that is allied with heteronormativity to create a host of minoritized and xenologized figures. Through meticulous exploration and close reading of a swathe of texts, Mano unveils the instrumental role of sexuality in structuring the national imaginary. The book adroitly demonstrates how queerness is rendered foreign in postcolonial Singapore and functions alongside technologies of "race", gender, and class. A provocative critique of narrow contemporary identity politics and its concomitant stymying of a more ambitious political critique, Straight Nation sets out an argument that moves beyond the negativity of traditional critique into a space of (re)thinking, (re)building and (re)imagining.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Child, nation, race and empire

        Child rescue discourse, England, Canada and Australia, 1850–1915

        by Margot Hillel, Shurlee Swain, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm.

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        April 2023

        Nelson Mandela

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Alison Hawkins, Svenja Becker

        Seine Eltern nannten ihn Rolihlahla, in Xhosa, seiner Muttersprache, hieß das Unruhestifter. Als er in die Schule kam, gab ihm die Lehrerin den englischen Namen Nelson. Aber seine rebellische Natur konnte sie ihm nicht nehmen. Ein Leben lang kämpfte er gegen die weiße Vorherrschaft in Südafrika, weshalb er fast 30 Jahre im Gefängnis saß. Nach seiner Entlassung wurde er der erste schwarze Präsident seines Landes. Für sein beispielhaftes Engagement erhielt er den Friedensnobelpreis. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

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        ICF Core Sets

        by Jerome E. Bickenbach, Alarcos Cieza, Alexandra Rauch, Gerold Stucki

        The WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the accepted common framework for understanding and documenting functioning and disability. The ICF Core Sets selected for this book have now been developed to facilitate the standardized use of the ICF in real-life clinical practice and thus improve quality of care. By using this collection of clear checklists, definitions, and forms, clinicians will quickly and easily be able to assess clients with a range of typical health conditions at different stages and in a variety of health care contexts. This manual describes how and why the ICF Core Sets have been developed and shows, step-by-step, how to apply the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice. Target Group: For practitioners working in various health care contexts but also for students and teachers.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Five Directors

        Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon

        by Kate Ince

        Auteurism - the idea that a director of a film is its source of meaning and should retain creative control over the finished product - has been one of film studies' most important paradigms ever since the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the adoption of the term auteur by Andrew Sarris. Through the popular, controversial and critically acclaimed films of Olivier Assayas, Jacques Audiard, the Dardenne borthers, Michael Haneke and Francois Ozon, this book looks into how the meaning of 'auteur' has changed over this half-century, and assesses the current state of Francophone auteur cinema. It combines French philosophical and sociological approaches with methodologies from the Anglo-American fields of gender studies, queer theory and postmodernism. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of film studies, European cinema and French and Francophone studies, as well as to film enthusiasts.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        Empire and subject peoples

        Herbert Adolphus Miller and the political sociology of domination

        by Jan Balon, John Holmwood

        The book outlines the sociological arguments and political activities of the US pragmatist sociologist, Herbert Adolphus Miller (1875-1951). Miller was part of the milieu of Chicago sociology and involved in its studies of race and immigration. He took a distinctly more radical approach and developed a novel political sociology of domination in which he set out a critique of empires, the plight of subject minorities and the risks associated with the inevitable nationalist responses. Where others have identified with the 'internationalisation' of nationalism, Miller sought to make the nation 'international'. He was actively involved in movements for racial justice, Czechoslovakian independence, the formation of the Mid-European Union of subject peoples, as well as support for Korean and Indian independence. He was dismissed by Ohio State University for his activism in 1932.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Arctic state identity

        Geography, history, and geopolitical relations

        by Ingrid A. Medby

        This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and stories of state personnel from three Arctic states: Norway, Iceland, and Canada, alongside analysis of documents and discourses. This book shows how state identities are narrated as both geographical and temporal - understood through environments, territories, pasts and futures - and that any identity is always relational and contextual. As such, demonstrating that to understand Arctic geopolitics we need to pay attention to the people whose job it is to represent the state on a daily basis. And more broadly, it offers a 'peopled' view of geopolitics, introducing the concept and framework of 'state identity'.

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        May 2009

        UNICEF-Report 2009

        Stoppt sexuelle Ausbeutung!

        by Herausgegeben von UNICEF

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