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      • Elain Publishing House

        Dr. Fatima Al-Boudi in brief Nationality: Egyptian. - She holds a Bachelor of Science, Department of Biochemistry, Alexandria University, in 1977. - Master of Biochemistry, Ain Shams University, 1985. - PhD in Biochemistry, Ain Shams University, 1990. - Holder of a diploma in criticism and art appreciation from the Academy of Arts in Cairo 1996. - Consultant medical analysis at the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. - Owner and director of “Dar Al-Ain Publishing” since 2000, and she founded one of the bookshops of the house in 2011 in Alexandria. - Director of the "Al Ain Cultural" salon. - She holds the 65th position out of 200 influential businesswomen in the Arab world. Al Ain Publishing House participated in many international book fairs. Al Ain Publishing House won many awards, including the Sheikh Zayed Prize, and reached the short list for the Booker Prize five times. - Dr. Fatima Al-Boudi in many cultural seminars at Arab International Exhibitions. - Member of the Egyptian Publishers Union. - Member of the Arab Publishers Union.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2010

        New D.H. Lawrence

        by Howard Booth

        New D.H. Lawrence uses current and emergent approaches in literary studies to explore one of Britain's major modernist writers. The collection features new work by the present generation of Lawrence scholars, who are brought together here for the first time. Chapters include: Andrew Harrison on the marketing of Sons and Lovers; Howard J. Booth on The Rainbow, Marxist criticism and colonialism; Holly A. Laird on ethics and suicide in Women in Love; Hugh Stevens on psychoanalysis and war in Women in Love; Jeff Wallace on Lawrence, Deleuze and abstraction; Stefania Michelucci on myth and war in 'The Ladybird'; Bethan Jones on gender and comedy in the late short fiction; Fiona Becket on green cultural critique, Apocalypse and Birds, Beasts and Flowers; and Sean Matthews on class, Leavis and the trial of Lady Chatterley. New D.H. Lawrence will be of interest to all concerned with contemporary writing on Lawrence, modernism and English radical cultures. ;

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        January 2024

        The Secret Manifestationskarten

        by Byrne, Rhonda

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Death and the crown

        Ritual and politics in France before the Revolution

        by Anne Byrne

        Looking at royal ritual in pre-revolutionary France, Death and the crown examines the deathbed and funeral of Louis XV in 1774, the lit de justice of November 1774, and the coronation of Louis XVI, including the ceremony of the royal healing touch for scrofula. It reviews the state of the field in ritual studies and appraises the status of the monarchy in the 1770s, including the recall of the parlements and the many ways people engaged with royal ritual. It answers questions such as whether Louis XV died in fear of damnation, why Marie Antoinette was not crowned in 1775 and why Louis XVI's coronation was not held in Paris. This lively, accessible text is a useful tool for under- and post-graduate teaching which will also be of interest to specialists on this under-researched period.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Justice and mercy

        Moral theology and the exercise of law in twelfth-century England

        by Philippa Byrne

        This book examines one of the most fundamental issues in twelfth-century English politics: justice. It demonstrates that during the foundational period for the common law, the question of judgement and judicial ethics was a topic of heated debate - a common problem with multiple different answers. How to be a judge, and how to judge well, was a concern shared by humble and high, keeping both kings and parish priests awake at night. Using theological texts, sermons, legal treatises and letter collections, the book explores how moralists attempted to provide guidance for uncertain judges. It argues that mercy was always the most difficult challenge for a judge, fitting uncomfortably within the law and of disputed value. Shining a new light on English legal history, Justice and mercy reveals the moral dilemmas created by the establishment of the common law.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012


        Bericht. Herbst 2008

        by Rainald Goetz

        Beck wurde rausgeschmissen am Schwielowsee, in Cern wurde der Teilchenbeschleuniger angestellt, und nachdem Damien Hirst in London seine Sensationsauktion glücklich (111 Millionen Pfund Erlös) hinter sich gebracht hatte, kollabierten noch am selben Tag in New York die in die dortigen Feuchtbiotope und Felsen hinein errichteten Banken: Lehman, Goldman, Partners und Konsorten. Das Wort Rettungsschirm kam auf, die Dinger wurden aufgespannt, die Kredite trotzdem immer fauler. Kreditkrise, Staatskrise, Vertrauen weg, Derivate angeblich hochspekulativ usw. Frage an den Staat: Hast du mal ein paar Millliarden? Herr Ackermann, Herr Mehdorn, der Schwarze Schwan im Herbst 2008; September, Oktober, November. Ja: Wie war das gleich noch mal gewesen? Wie hat sich das angefühlt? Loslabern erzählt in drei Kapiteln (1. Reise; 2. Herbstempfang 2008; 3. Der Jüngling) verschiedene Geschichten aus dieser grandios durchgeknallten Zeit. Das Ende vom Anfang des neuen Jahrtausends war plötzlich da.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2022

        The wood engravers' self portrait

        by Bethan Stevens

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2017

        Mother and child

        by Lindsey Earner-Byrne

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Brexit and citizens’ rights

        History, policy and experience

        by Djordje Sredanovic, Bridget Byrne

        The book offers interdisciplinary analyses of the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU27 citizens in the UK, Britons in the UK and the EU, and third-country nationals. It combines a historical examination of citizenship and migration between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth with the analysis of policies and of the experiences of the different groups impacted by Brexit. The book discusses Brexit within the larger history and dynamics of UK and EU citizenship and migration. The individual chapters look at how Brexit is transforming the citizenship rights of different groups, including issues of loss of citizenship and experiences of naturalisation. They further examine the fears of the groups impacted, and larger issues of belonging, marginalisation, political orientations and mobilisations that cross legal status, nationality, ethnicity, race and class.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Der Körper im Schmerz

        Die Chiffren der Verletzlichkeit und die Erfindung der Kultur

        by Scarry, Elaine

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1997



        by Kagan, Elaine

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 1994

        Adam, Eva und die Schlange

        Die Geschichte der Sünde

        by Pagels, Elaine

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