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      • Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press

        Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) is a world-class publishing house founded on international best practices, excellence and innovation. It strives to be a cornerstone of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy by providing a unique local and international platform for literature, discovery and learning. Headquartered in Doha, Qatar, HBKU Press publishes a wide range of texts including fiction and non-fiction titles, children’s books, collections, and annual reports. In addition, HBKU Press publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly research in the natural and social sciences through academic books, open-access reference materials and conference proceedings. HBKU Press consistently follows international best practices in its publishing procedures, ethics and management, ensuring a steadfast quality of production and a dedication to excellence.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Liebe und Sex

        Alles, was du wissen willst

        by Hamberg, Emma / Übersetzt von Dörries, Maike

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1980



        by Jane Austen, Hugh Thomson, Charlotte Gräfin Klinckowstroem

        Mit der Ehe hat Emma, die Titelheldin in Jane Austens viertem großen Roman, erklärtermaßen nichts im Sinn. Doch andere zu verkuppeln ist geradezu ihr Steckenpferd, das sie bravourös zu beherrschen glaubt. So greift sie in das Leben der 17jährigen Harriet Smith ein, will sie mit dem allseits begehrten Mr. Elton verheiraten und verkennt darüber deren wirkliche Gefühle – sowie ihre eigenen. Emma ist eine satirische »Komödie der Irrungen«, die ein realistisches Bild des englischen Landadels um 1800 zeichnet.

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        August 2017

        Das Buch der Emma Reyes

        Eine Kindheit in 23 Briefen

        by Reyes, Emma

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Leben ist keine Art, mit einem Tier umzugehen

        by Emma Braslavsky

        »Eine gute Geschichte braucht ein Opfer. Eines am Anfang und eines am Ende.« Bessere Menschen. Falsche Tiere. Aussteiger im Paradies. Die einen wollen die Natur retten, den Planeten, die Menschheit. Die anderen nur sich selbst: vor Spielschulden, Ehekrächen, Einsamkeit. In »Leben ist keine Art mit einem Tier umzugehen« erzählt Emma Braslavsky ein großes, packendes Abenteuer – über Fluch und Segen des Menschseins, über unsere Suche nach Erkenntnis und Wahrhaftigkeit. Und nie weiß man, ob man aus Verzweiflung lacht oder vor Glück.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Margaret Cavendish

        by Emma Rees

        Margaret Cavendish was one of the most prolific, complex and misunderstood writers of the seventeenth century. A contemporary of Descartes and Hobbes, she was fascinated by philosophical, scientific and imaginative advances, and struggled to overcome the political and cultural obstacles which threatened to stop her engagement with such discourses. Emma Rees examines how Cavendish engaged with the work of thinkers such as Lucretius, Plato, Homer and Harvey in an attempt to write her way out of the exile which threatened not only her intellectual pursuits but her very existence. What emerges is the image of an intelligent, audacious and intrepid early modern woman whose tale will appeal to specialists and general readers alike. ;

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2020

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2024

        She played and sang

        Jane Austen and music

        by Gillian Dooley

        Like her much-loved heroine Emma Woodhouse, Jane Austen 'played and sang'. Music occupied a central role in her life, and she made brilliant use of it in her books to illuminate characters' personalities and highlight the contrasts between them. Until recently, our knowledge of Austen's musical inclinations was limited to the recollections of relatives who were still in their youth when she passed away. But with the digitisation of music books from her immediate family circle, a treasure trove of evidence has emerged. Delving into these books, alongside letters and other familial records, She played and sang unveils a previously unknown facet of Austen's world. This insightful work not only uncovers the music closely associated with Austen, but also unravels her musical connections with family and friends, revealing the intricate ties between her fiction and the melodies she performed. With these revelations, Austen's musical legacy comes to life, granting us a deeper understanding of her artistic prowess and the influences that shaped her literary masterpieces.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave, Rebecca Bennett, Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019


        Roman. Neu übersetzt von Manfred Allié und Gabriele Kempf-Allié

        by Austen, Jane / Illustriert von Bingemer, Simone; Übersetzt von Allié, Manfred; Übersetzt von Kempf-Allié, Gabriele

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997



        by Austen, Jane

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