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      • Exisle Publishing

        Exisle Publishing is an independent publisher of non-fiction, covering a broad range of subject areas including self-help, health, lifestyle, biography, and business. Exisle is concerned about long-lasting quality and sales which continue. What we really like to do is find a great subject and have it written about properly by a real expert, support them with a brilliant designer and a top editor and take the book to market. EK Books, our children’s books imprint, is on a mission to publish children’s books on themes that other publishers fear to touch. While our books often focus on heavy issues, we aren’t afraid to tackle lighter subjects as well. And even the darkest themes contain a message of hope and optimism!

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Schrei in der Stille

        by Slee, Carry

        Schule kann so viel Spaß machen. Doch für Jochen ist jeder neue Schultag die Hölle. Täglich wird er von seinen Mitschülern grausam gequält. Bis er nur noch einen Ausweg sieht: Er begeht Selbstmord. Auch für David ist Schule schlimm, denn er hat nicht genug Mut, um Jochen zu helfen. Doch als Jochen stirbt, wacht David auf: Er lernt, sich zu wehren und andere zu verteidigen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2012

        Misery Bear's Leitfaden für die Liebe

        Die Erlebnisse des einsamsten Bären der Welt

        by Misery Bear / Deutsch Bausum, Christoph

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        Ein Vermeidungshelfer. (rororo computer)

        by Bear, John

      • Trusted Partner

        Die neun Zahlen des Lebens

        Das Enneagramm - Charakterfixierung und spirituelles Wachstum

        by Jaxon-Bear, Eli / Englisch Lorenz, Sabrina

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025


        Following a migration category

        by Sarah Kunz

        Who are expatriates? How do they differ from other migrants? And why should we care about such distinctions? Expatriate interrogates the contested category of 'the expatriate' to explore its history and politics, its making and lived experience. Drawing on ethnographic and archival research, the book offers a critical reading of International Human Resource Management literature, explores the work and history of the Expatriate Archive Centre in The Hague, and studies the usage and significance of the category in Kenyan history and present-day 'expat Nairobi'. Doing so, the book traces the figure of the expatriate from the mid-twentieth-century era of decolonisation to today's heated debates about migration.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1990

        Michael Rostovtzeff, Historian in Exile

        Russian Roots in an American Context

        by Wes, Marinus E.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Deportation limbo

        by Annika Lindberg

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1988

        Polen im Exil

        Eine Anthologie

        by Krzysztof Dybciak, Josef Bujnoch, Karl Dedecius, Armin Droß, Krzysztof Dybciak

        Gallus Anonymus: König Boleslaw in Ungarn. (I.Bujnoch). Kadl'ubek, Wincenty: Der Tyrann auf der Flucht. (Ch.Reitz). Potocki, Wacl'aw: Die Verbannung der polnischen Brüder. Über die konfiszierten Güter der Arianer. Potocki, Wacl'aw: Lied I. Auf Irrfahrt während der Kriegswirren. (H.-P. Hoelscher-Obermaier). Morsztyn, Zbigniew: Emblem 3. (H.-P. Hoelscher-Obermaier). Leszczyn'ski, Stanisl'aw: An meinen lieben Primas und die polnischen Herren. (A. Lawaty). _: Erinnerung eines französischen Diplomaten (P. Tercier). (A. Lawaty). Leszczyn'ski, Stanisl'aw: Die Reise von Danzig nach Marienwerder. (A. Lawaty). Kitowicz, Je,drzej: Die Konföderierten beim Sultan und beim Kaiser. (B. Nenzel). _: Das letzte Manifest der Generalität. (A. Lawaty). _: Der Gründungsakt einer Deputation. (A. Lawaty). Wybicki, Józef: Lied der Polnischen Legionen in Italien. (H.-P. Hoelscher-Obermaier). Czartoryski, Adam J.: Am russischen Hof. (K. Staemmler). _: Erinnerungen von Soldaten der napoleonischen Kriege. Im Spanienfeldzug Napoleons 1808. Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig. (K. Staemmler). Mickiewicz, Adam: In Rußland. (W. Schamschula). _: An die polnischen Kämpfer. (W. Lipscher). _: An die deutsche Nation. Mickiewicz, Adam: Die Bücher der Polnischen Pilgerschaft. (P.J.B.-G.G.R. 1833). Slowacki, Juliusz: Gedichte. (M. Remané. H.-P. Hoelscher Obermaier. W. Panitz). _: Polnische Demokratische Gesellschaft: Das große Manifest. (W. Lipscher). Czartoryski, Adam J.: Als Zuschauer. Rede vom 29.November 1842 (K. Staemmler). Krasin'ski, Zygmunt: Memorandum an Guizot. (F. Griese). Norwid, Cyprian Kamil: Gedanken und Profile. (V. Koerner. H.-P. Hoelscher-Obermaier). Chopin, Fryderyk: Aus dem Exil. (V. Körner). Da,browski, Jarosl'aw: Zum Kampf bereit. (W. Lipscher). Pil'sudski, Bronisl'aw: Bei dem Volk der Niwchen. (A. Lawaty). Dzierz.yn'ski, Feliks: Aus der Verbannung im Wjatka-Gouvernement. (A. Lawaty). Sienkiewicz, Henryk: Offene Briefe. (V. Körner). Mil'osz, Czesl'aw: Die Reise nach As...

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        Following the expatriate

        by Sarah Kunz

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Deporting Black Britons

        by Luke de Noronha

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        From empire to exile

        History and memory within the pied-noir and harki communities, 1962–2012

        by Series edited by Maire Cross, David Hopkin, Claire Eldridge

        This book explores the commemorative afterlives of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62), one of the world's most iconic wars of decolonisation. It focuses on the million French settlers - pieds-noirs - and the tens of thousands of harkis - the French army's native auxiliaries - who felt compelled to migrate to France when colonial rule ended. Challenging the idea that Algeria was a 'forgotten' war that only returned to French public attention in the 1990s, this study reveals a dynamic picture of memory activism undertaken continuously since 1962 by grassroots communities connected to this conflict. Reconceptualising the ways in which the Algerian War has been debated, evaluated and commemorated in the subsequent five decades, From empire to exile makes an original contribution to important discussions surrounding the contentious issues of memory, migration and empire in contemporary France that will appeal to students and scholars of history and cultural studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Enchanting Three (1). Hoggs and Bear Courage

        by Stefanie Dahle

        Hoggs the bear would love to be brave. But he is afraid of spiders and ghosts. And so Hoggs and his best friend Poki the skunk decide to go on an adventure in order to practise being brave. They head for the abandoned witch’s house behind the bee field. Ugh, it’s certainly ghostly! In fact there’s a kettle bubbling quite scarily…”Anybody there?” asks Hoggs cautiously. Yes! Fips the rabbit urgently needs help. And – whoosh! – suddenly the friends find themselves right in the middle of a stormy but magical adventure…

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2009

        Emigration from Scotland between the wars

        by Marjory Harper, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        Emigration from Scotland has always been very high. However, emigration from Scotland between the wars surpassed all records; more people emigrated than were born, leading to an overall population decline. Why was it so many people left? Marjory Harper, whose knowledge is grounded in a deep understanding of the local records, maps out the many factors which worked together to cause this massive diaspora. After an opening section where the author sets the Scottish experience within the context of the rest of the British Isles, the book then divides the country geographically, starting with the Highlands, then coastal Scotland, and the urban Lowland highlighting in turn the factors that particularly influenced each of these areas. Harper then discusses the organised religious and political movements that encouraged emigration. By interweaving personal stories with statistical evidence Harper brings to life the reality behind the dramatic historical migration. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Emigration from Scotland between the wars

        by Marjory Harper

        Emigration from Scotland has always been very high. However, emigration from Scotland between the wars surpassed all records; more people emigrated than were born, leading to an overall population decline. Why was it so many people left? Marjory Harper, whose knowledge is grounded in a deep understanding of the local records, maps out the many factors which worked together to cause this massive diaspora. After an opening section where the author sets the Scottish experience within the context of the rest of the British Isles, the book then divides the country geographically, starting with the Highlands, then coastal Scotland, and the urban Lowland highlighting in turn the factors that particularly influenced each of these areas. Harper then discusses the organised religious and political movements that encouraged emigration. By interweaving personal stories with statistical evidence Harper brings to life the reality behind the dramatic historical migration.

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