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      • Ferly

        A diverse slate of books that range from board books to literary fiction. We discover, develop, create and package original books and comics with the potential to build multimedia franchises around them. Ferly’s carefully curated catalog features a wide range of books and popular licensed brands from all over the world. We are seasoned storytellers who specialize in finding emerging voices with a rare and cultivated expertise in the Nordics.

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      • Dar El Fergiani

        A small independent Publishing house, with branches in Tripoli, Cairo, and London. Established in 1950's in Libya.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Critical theory and human rights

        From compassion to coercion

        by David McGrogan

        This book describes how human rights have given rise to a vision of benevolent governance that, if fully realised, would be antithetical to individual freedom. It describes human rights' evolution into a grand but nebulous project, rooted in compassion, with the overarching aim of improving universal welfare by defining the conditions of human well-being and imposing obligations on the state and other actors to realise them. This gives rise to a form of managerialism, preoccupied with measuring and improving the 'human rights performance' of the state, businesses and so on. The ultimate result is the 'governmentalisation' of a pastoral form of global human rights governance, in which power is exercised for the general good, moulded by a complex regulatory sphere which shapes the field of action for the individual at every turn. This, unsurprisingly, does not appeal to rights-holders themselves.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        The World of the North

        Between Ragnarok and welfare utopia: A cultural-historical deconstruction

        by Bernd Henningsen

        — Analysis of how we view Europe's North and how this image emerged — An outsider's perspective on Nordic societies and their self image — Serves as an introduction into Northern European culture and society Our image of Northern Europe has been shaped by projections and desires in the long history of encounters: berserkers and war atrocities, bad weather, beautiful nature, stable political systems, social welfare, equality and prosperity, peacefulness, low corruption, hygge and Bullerby – all this is part of the Nordic narrative. But what about the religious, linguistic and ethnic homogeneity, what about the muchvaunted Nordic cooperation? How do politics "work" in the North? Why are Northern Europeans the happiest people?

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1983



        by Benito Pérez Galdós, Wilhelm Muster, Rafael Vega

        Der Protagonist dieses Romans, Don Ramón Villaamil, ist ein ins 19. Jahrhundert transportierter Don Quijote, der in verzweifeltem, tragikomischem Kampf um die Würde seiner Person der Korruption und Günstlingswirtschaft spanischer Prägung schließlich unterliegt. Der ehemalige Beamte der Steuerbehörde ist arbeitslos und versucht vergeblich, durch Bittbriefe eine neue Stellung zu erhalten, da ihm nur noch zwei Monate Arbeitszeit fehlen, um eine bescheidene Pension beziehen zu können. Seine Gattin, Doña Pura, frönt ihrem eigenen Interesse, der Oper. Ihre ledige Schwester Milagros, eine heruntergekommene Soubrette, lebt ebenfalls im Haushalt und „führt die Küche“. Die Tochter von Doña Pura und Don Ramón, Abelarda, die „Unbedeutende“, ist eine unscheinbare Person, die ihre einzige Chance darin sieht, einen ebenso farblosen Herren namens Ponce zu ehelichen, auf den eine kleine Erbschaft wartet. Den drei Frauen gemeinsam ist der Spitzname ›Miau‹, „denn sie haben so eine Fisonomie im Gesicht wie Katzen“, erklärt ein Schulfreund dem Luisito, Enkel von Don Ramón und Doña Pura, den man mit diesem Spitznamen in der Schule quält. Der anständige und ehrliche Don Ramón bleibt ohne Stellung, denn „Anständigkeit bedeutet manchmal dasselbe wie Dummheit“. Miau ist einer der frühen europäischen Romane, in denen der Einzelne der seelenlosen modernen Massenbürokratie entgegengestellt wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Things. My 200 Picture Book

        by Magdalena Skala

        The very smallest children can identify and name objects from their homes in this award-winning, large-format board book. Magdalena Skala’s fantastic illustrations use bright colours and clear forms to depict the most important objects from the nursery, kitchen, garden, lounge, bathroom – in short from children’s everyday worlds: a great start into the world of words – and books! Magdalena Skala was awarded the 2019 Meefisch Prize and the Marktheidenfeld Prize for picture book illustration for THINGS. MY 200-PICTURE BOOK.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Body Image and Body Image Disturbances

        by Andreas Uschok

        Nurses encounter patients whose body image reality has been changed by disease, injuries or traumas on a daily basis. In a world where a flawless body is so highly valued, these patients may struggle to adapt to and accept these changes which can lead to body image disturbances. This handbook provides all those professionals caring for people with amputations, skin disorders, stoma, breast cancer and other diseases with information on the concept of body image and how to assess it, as well as describe possible symptoms and causes of body image disturbances and offers interventions to improve patients’ body image. Target Group: health scientists, geographers, doctors (epidemiologists).

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Home front heroism

        Civilians and conflict in Second World War London

        by Ellena Matthews

        Home front heroism investigates how civilians were recognised and celebrated as heroic during the Second World War. Through a focus on London, this book explores how heroism was manufactured as civilians adopted roles in production, protection and defence, through the use of uniforms and medals, and through the way that civilians were injured and killed. This book makes a novel contribution to the study of heroism by exploring the spatial, material, corporeal and ritualistic dimensions of heroic representations. By tracing the different ways that Home Front heroism was cultivated on a national, local and personal level, this study promotes new ways of thinking about the meaning and value of heroism during periods of conflict. It will appeal to anyone interested in the social and cultural history of Second World War as well as the sociology and psychology of heroism.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1973

        See-Leben I

        by Werner Koch

        Der Mann, der See-Leben I erzählt, ist angestellt bei einer Kölner Firma. Nach seinem Urlaub weigert er sich, in die Firma zurückzukehren; er stellt sein Büro am See auf. Funktioniert das? Man wird sehen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Schule der Bösewichte 2. Lektion 2: Wie man einen Drachen klaut

        by Ryan Hammond, Ryan Hammond, Maria Zettner

        Böse zu sein, war noch nie so lustig – die neuen Abenteuer von Werwolf Bram und seinen Freund*innen Es ist der Beginn des Winterhalbjahrs und es gibt einen neuen Lehrer an der Schule der Bösewichte – den berüchtigten Drachenreiter Felix Frostbeule. Die Klasse Z hat großen Respekt vor ihm und seinen Lektionen über giftige Bestien und Fabelwesen. Doch Werwolf Bram ist misstrauisch. Ein Glück, denn bald decken Bram und seine Freund*innen Frostbeules bösen Plan auf, alle Drachen aus dem Wald des Wahnsinns zu stehlen und die Schule der Bösewichte schutzlos zurückzulassen. Hat die Bande genug gelernt, um ihren fiesen Lehrer auszutricksen oder wird Felix Frostbeules Überfall in die Schurkengeschichte eingehen? Die zweite Lektion in der Schule der Bösewichte: Wie man einen Drachen klaut. In der Schule der Bösewichte wartet ein neues, herausforderndes Abenteuer auf Werwolf Bram und seine Freunde. Böse zu sein, war noch nie so gut! Ein Kinderbuch für kleine Fantasy-Fans: urkomischer Gruselspaß mit Hexen, Werwölfen und schrägen Fabelwesen.   Spannung beim Lesen, Spaß beim Blättern: liebevoll gestaltet, mit vielen witzigen Illustrationen. Lustiger Kinderroman in leichter Sprache für Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren.  Wer bereits Ryan Hammonds ersten Teil der lustigen Schule der Bösewichte (Der Werwolf war’s!) verschlungen hat, für den ist der zweite Teil der Fantasy-Kinderbuchreihe ein absolutes Lese-Muss!

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1993

        Die Ideologie des Ästhetischen

        by Paul Man, Karl Heinz Bohrer, Christoph Menke, Jürgen Blasius, Christoph Menke

        Als Paul de Man 1983 starb, war er der wohl bekannteste und einflußreichste Vertreter einer Richtung der Literaturkritik und ihrer Theore, die allgemein als »dekonstruktiv« bezeichnet wird. Kennzeichnend für diese Richtung ist eine erneute Konzentration auf die innere Verfaßtheit der literarischen Texte. Eine erste Auswahl dieser methodisch vorbildlich wie brillant geschriebenen Texte ist 1988 unter dem Titel »Allegorien des Lesens« in der edition suhrkamp erschienen. Die vorliegende Auswahl konzentriert sich auf die methodologischen und theoretischen Prämissen dieses Vorhabens, wie sie die Abhandlungen über die Zeitlichkeit der Literatur, über Shelley und über die Autobiographie deutlich machen. Sich auf die immanente Verfaßtheit und Bewegung von Texten einzulassen ist nach de Man kein selbstzweckhaftes, folgenloses Unternehmen. De Man beansprucht vielmehr für seine »Rückkehr zur Philologie« eine allgemeine Bedeutung; die Literaturkritik ist zugleich philosophische und politische Kritik. Damit ist der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Auswahl bezeichnet. De Man erläutert diese These zum einen in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Philosophie Jacques Derridas. Zum anderen zeigt er an zentralen Texten der ästhetischen Tradition, an Kant und Hegel, daß ihr falsches – »ideologisches« – Verständnis literarischer Texte unter der Kategorie des »Ästhetischen« ebenso weitreichende philosophische wie politische Konsequenzen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Negotiating relief and freedom

        Responses to disaster in the British Caribbean, 1812-1907

        by Oscar Webber

        Negotiating relief and freedom is an investigation of short- and long-term responses to disaster in the British Caribbean colonies during the 'long' nineteenth century. It explores how colonial environmental degradation made their inhabitants both more vulnerable to and expanded the impact of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It shows that British approaches to disaster 'relief' prioritised colonial control and 'fiscal prudence' ahead of the relief of the relief of suffering. In turn, that this pattern played out continuously in the long nineteenth century is a reminder that in the Caribbean the transition from slavery to waged labour was not a clean one. Times of crisis brought racial and social tensions to the fore and freedoms once granted, were often quickly curtailed.

      • Trusted Partner

        aporello: Human Parasites

        by Christine Bender-Leitzig, Dr. Reiner Pospischil

        Infestation with parasites usually causes revulsion in those affected and many infections are kept secret through shame. In recent times there has also been a rise in non-native parasites, which often remain undetected. This book gives an overview of the most significant human parasites as well as their - prevalence - symptoms - treatment possibilities. The text is accompanied by illustrations that help when giving everyday advice. Practical icons show at a glance when, for example, the authorities must be notified and what special things need to be considered. Highly concentrated knowledge in an instant? That’s aporello!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1987

        Allegorien des Lesens

        by Paul Man, Werner Hamacher, Peter Krumme, Werner Hamacher

        Im Falle Paul de Mans ist die begriffliche Charakterisierung seines Vorgehens zusätzlich erschwert dadurch, daß die Theorie nie losgelöst von den Texten, an denen sie gewonnen wird, betrachtet werden kann.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Contemporary Australian cinema

        An introduction

        by Jonathan Rayner

        Provides an introduction to the products and context of the new Australian film industry which arose toward the end of the 1960s. Traces the development of Australian film, in terms of prominent directors and stars, consistent themes, styles and evolving genres. The evolution of the film genres peculiar to Australia, and the adaptation of conventional Hollywood forms (such as the musical and the road movie) are examined in detail through textual readings of landmark films. Films and trends discussed include: the period film and Picnic at Hanging Rock; the Gothic film and the Mad Max trilogy; camp and kitsch comedy and the Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert. The key issue of the revival (the definition, representation and propagation of a national image) is woven through analysis of the new Australian cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        November 2013

        1 Angel Square

        The Co-operative Group's new head office

        by Len Grant

        This book charts the building of 1 Angel Square, the remarkable new head office for The Co-operative Group in Manchester's new NOMA district. Combining text and photographs to illustrate the building from commissioning to completion, Len Grant has interviewed the whole project team - clients, architects, engineers, project managers and builders - and has had unreserved access to document the creation of this already award-winning structure. The design of 1 Angel Square by the architects 3DReid, is currently the UK's highest BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) rated office building to date, and it is set to be one of the most sustainable buildings in Europe. 1 Angel Square, the book, is an intimate record of this fascinating building. Some of the impressive facts include: 3,157 internal and external window panels make up the façade; there are 10,500 data and power outlets; it sits on 539 foundation piles, with an average depth of 18 metres below ground; and there are approximately 22km of power cables. This book will be required reading for students of architecture and construction, sustainability studies and urban planning, and for those with an interest in the history of one of the world's great businesses. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2014

        Listen in terror

        British horror radio from the advent of broadcasting to the digital age

        by Richard Hand

        This groundbreaking book is the first full-length study of British horror radio from the pioneering days of recording and broadcasting right through to the digital audio cultures of our own time. The book offers an historical, critical and theoretical exploration of horror radio and audio performance examining key areas such as writing, narrative, performance practice and reception throughout the history of that most unjustly neglected of popular art forms: radio drama and 'spoken word' auditory cultures. The volume draws on extensive archival research as well as insightful interviews with significant writers, producers and actors. The book offers detailed analysis of major radio series such as Appointment with Fear, The Man in Black, The Price of Fear and Fear on Four as well as one-off horror plays, comedy-horror and experimental uses of binaural and digital technology in producing uncanny audio. ;

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