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      • Joy Education Ltd.

        Over the years, Joy has built a solid reputation for being an innovative publisher of quality teaching and learning materials for English. We produce a progressive range of materials for exam preparations, English education, reference guides, and teacher training. Our publishing division is backed by 35 years of English teaching experience and by specialists who are well versed on the needs of EFL students as well as the teachers. Our materials are well designed, easy to use, and employ systematic and logical methodologies which enable students to become more effective at learning vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. In addition, we strive to promote critical and creative thinking; encourage the development of individuals who will make a positive contribution to society; and bring to light many of the issues we face in education, society, environment, and health.

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        Biography & True Stories
        November 2024

        Walking in the dark

        James Baldwin, my father and I

        by Douglas Field

        A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2008

        The politics of identity and civil society in Britain and Germany

        Miners in the Ruhr and South Wales 1890–1926

        by Leighton James, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam

        This study compares the making and remaking of the political identities of the miners' movements in Britain and Germany. Taking the south Wales and Ruhr coalfields as case studies, it focuses on the public discourse of the trade unions and political parties as it was disseminated in local newspapers, trade union publications, pamphlets and election leaflets. It reveals how the miners' movements used ideas such as class, religion, the 'people' or Volk, socialization and nationalization to construct organizational identities during the turbulent period between 1890 and 1926. These concepts were crucial not only in the formation and self-identity of the miners' trade unions, but also in the way they interacted with employers and the state. They adapted and changed over time as the miners' movements reacted to war, economic depression and increasing industrial conflict. The book contends that these identities were not simply the result of structural factors, but were formed at the juncture where cultural, political and sociological forces intersect. Examining this intersection through discourse analysis and the concept of the 'lifeworld', the book brings together the social world of the miners and the realm of organized politics to advance historical understanding of two of the most important elements in the most powerful labour movements in Europe. ;

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        December 2006

        Tom Jones

        Die Geschichte eines Findelkindes. Roman

        by Henry Fielding, Horst Höckendorf

        Gutsherr Allworthy findet einen Säugling und zieht den Jungen an Sohnes Statt auf. Der Findling – Tom Jones – wächst und gedeiht prächtig, in den Augen seines Ziehvaters mitunter sogar etwas zu prächtig. Als sich Tom in die Nachbarstochter verliebt, die Allworthys Neffen versprochen ist, verweist der Gutsherr Tom des Hauses. Der junge Mann macht sich auf nach London, wobei ihn seine Reise quer durchs Land und auch durch sämtliche Schichten der vorviktorianischen Gesellschaft führt. Auf Toms Suche nach sich selbst, seiner Herkunft und vor allem nach der großen Liebe erschließt sich ein wahres Panoptikum des 18. Jahrhunderts.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Working men’s bodies

        by John Field

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field, Christopher Breward

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        March 2003


        Gesundheit und Wohlergehen durch die Kraft der Berührung

        by Field, Tiffany

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/1

        The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now

        by Douglas Field

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to William Blake. It explores the British and European reception of Blake's work from the late nineteenth century to the present day, with a particular focus on the counterculture. Opening with two articles by the late Michael Horovitz, an important figure in the 'Blake Renaissance' of the 1960s, the issue goes on to investigate the ideological struggle over Blake in the early part of the twentieth century, with particular reference to W. B. Yeats. This is followed by articles on the artistic avant-garde and underground of the 1960s and on Blake's significance for science fiction authors of the 1970s. The issue closes with an article on the contemporary Belgian art collective maelstrÖm reEvolution.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2006

        The struggle for a social Europe

        Trade unions and EMU in times of global restructuring

        by Andreas Bieler, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam

        This book provides a detailed investigation and comparison of the trade unions of five EU member states: Austria, Britain, France, Germany and Sweden, and their positions on Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Several European-level trade union organisations are also examined. The focus of this project, however, is not limited to EMU as a case study. Rather, EMU is regarded as a vehicle to assess trade unions' options and possibilities to respond to global structural change in general and to participate in the formation of the future economic-political system of the EU in particular. Two principal hypotheses are investigated. Firstly, that a labour movement's position on EMU depends crucially on its length and degree of exposure to the competitive pressures of globalisation, and secondly, that those trade unions which lose influence within the domestic institutional set-up are most in favour of the establishment of an industrial relations system and social regulation at the European level to counter global pressures. By contrast, unions which continue to enjoy a strong position at the national level, are less likely to engage in European co-operation. ;

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        March 2016


        Die Welt unserer Vorfahren

        by Beyerlein, Gabriele / Illustriert von Field, James

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2013

        The Spanish Socialist Party and the modernisation of Spain

        by Paul Kennedy, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam

        This book considers the most electorally successful political party in Spain, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), which was in government for two of the three decades since it won office under Felipe González in 1982. Providing rich historical background, the book's main focus is on the period since General Franco's death in 1975. It charts Spain's modernisation under the PSOE, with a particular focus on the role played by European integration in this process. Covering events including the 2011 general election, the book is one of the most up-to-date works available in English and will be of great interest to academics and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of Spanish and European studies. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2005


        Labour's traditional right in the 1970s and 1980s

        by Dianne Hayter, Steven Fielding, John Callaghan, Steve Ludlam

        This book tells the story of how the moderate right in the Labour Party, trumped by the left for a decade and weakened by defections to the SDP in 1981, fought back organisationally to regain control of the party by 1985, producing an NEC supportive of Neil Kinnock and ready to expel Militant, introduce One-Member-One-Vote and return the party to electability. It describes the Manifesto Group of Labour MPs, Labour Solidarity, Forward Labour and the all-important but secret St Ermins Group of senior trade unionists, each of which strove to ensure that the party represented Labour voters and trade union members. Written by an insider, it draws on extensive interviews with all the key players and unique access to private papers and closed archives to explain how the moderates triumphed over the hard left. ;

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