Fleurus Editions SA
Leader in illustrated books for adults and children, Fleurus Editions is comprised of the imprints Fleurus, 365, Mame, Mango, Rustica, Secret d’Etoiles, Vagnon, and Triomphe.
View Rights PortalLeader in illustrated books for adults and children, Fleurus Editions is comprised of the imprints Fleurus, 365, Mame, Mango, Rustica, Secret d’Etoiles, Vagnon, and Triomphe.
View Rights PortalWelcome to Kynos, Germany’s dog book specialists. We have been publishing books on dog training, dog behaviour, dog breeds, handling, sports, nutrition, health and other aspects of dog handling since 1980. Our aim is to provide reliable, up-to-date and useful information to both dog owners and dog professionals. We carefully select our authors for their expertise and the use of dog-friendly methods only that are based on scientific knowledge on learning behaviour. Our backlist counts approx. 250 titles and is expanding constantly with 10-12 new books each year. With its revenues from the book sales, we support the charity Kynos Stiftung Hunde helfen Menschen dedicated to the training of assistance dogs.
View Rights PortalThis ground-breaking study is the first to systematically examine the politics and political culture of provincial Ireland. The book compares two distinct localities that provide differing perspectives on how politics and power manifested itself in provincial Ireland: Sligo in the north west and Limerick in the south west. Drawing on a wealth of previously unknown and under-utilised contemporary material, David Fleming focuses on individuals who were determined to shape the political landscape and those who were affected by their actions. The book challenges many accepted models of how Ireland and the Irish were governed. While the propertied élite dominated many aspects of the political process, individuals and groups from the professional, mercantile, rural and other sections of society - the 'middling orders' - were also active in local institutions and office-holding. Their story, recounted here, reveals a far more complex set of relationships. Politics and provincial people is a carefully constructed story of people's motivations, ideas, and actions, and offers new insights into the complexity of their lives and the Irish political landscape. ;
Wer kennt nicht das Gedicht: "Wie er wolle geküsset sein?" Eine Kußanleitung, die gleichwohl alle Regeln ablehnt: „Ich nur und die Liebste wissen / wie wir uns recht sollen küssen.“ – So ist das oft bei Paul Fleming: Aus der Konvention heraus findet er plötzlich zu Wärme und Frische, vor allem in den Liebesgedichten, die im Mittelpunkt dieser Auswahl stehen. Kaum ein Dichter, der wie er am Verlauf seines Lebens entlanggeschrieben hat. Das beginnt mit dem vom Dreißigjährigen Krieg heimgesuchten Leipzig. Das setzt sich fort mit Flemings glücklichster Zeit, dem Jahr seiner Revaler Liebe. Das geht weiter mit jener Persienreise, durch die er seine Braut an einen anderen verlor. Und doch hält Fleming an der erstaunlichen Nachricht fest, daß nichts uns fehlen muß, wenn wir uns selber haben: „Sei dennoch unverzagt.“