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      • Claire Roberts Global Literary Management LLC

        We provide every client with detailed editing and marketing advice, and we match our clients with the best publishers in the US and Canada as well as around the world. Authors have many opportunities for publication beyond North America and due to our experience at the forefront of international literary markets, we are uniquely positioned to manage a writer's career globally, from print to television and film rights, to translated editions, audio and e-book editions. With nearly three decades of experience in publishing, Claire Roberts knows the industry from both the publisher side and the agency side of the business, and has negotiated many major contracts for authors.  She has held executive positions at Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and worked most recently at a major literary agency, Trident Media Group.  At Trident she was Vice-President and Managing Director of the Foreign Rights department and developed her own client list.  Claire Roberts has handled the international literary careers of many authors, including winners of the Pulitzer Prize and the Booker Prize.  Among the many authors she has worked with are Marilynne Robinson, Esi Edugyan, Justin Cronin, Michael Ondaatje, Marlon James, Jokha Alharthi, Elizabeth George, former Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Ayana Mathis, Jon Krakauer, Paul Harding, and W. Bruce Cameron.

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      • Gallimard Jeunesse

        Founded in 1972, Gallimard Jeunesse now boasts a list of more than 4,000 titlesin both fiction and non-fiction, for young readers of all ages and reading levels,from the very first books for babies to great literary classics and bestsellingcontemporary titles. Over the years, our output has been a major stimulus for the children’s book industry in France, with readers, parents, booksellers, librarians and teachers trusting us to provide books of the highest quality in both print and digital format. Our list has a worldwide reputation for excellence and creativity.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2009

        Romania and the European Union

        How the weak vanquished the strong

        by Tom Gallagher

        According to Tom Gallagher, Romania's predatory rulers, the heirs of the sinister communist dictator Ceausescu, have inflicted a humiliating defeat on the European Union. He argues convincingly that Brussels was tricked into offering full membership to this Balkan country in return for substantial reforms which its rulers now refuse to carry out. This book unmasks the failure of the EU to match its visionary promises of transforming Romania with the shabby reality. Benefiting from access to internal reports and leading figures involved in a decade of negotiations, it shows how Eurocrats were outwitted by unscrupulous local politicians who turned the EU's multi-level decision-making processes into a laughing-stock. The EU's famous 'soft power' turned out to be a mirage, as it was unable to summon up the willpower to insist that this key Balkan state embraced its standards of behaviour in the political and economic realms. The book unravels policy failures in the areas of justice, administrative and agricultural reform and shows how Romania moved backwards politically during the years of negotiations. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        »Ich sehne mich sehr nach Deinen blauen Briefen«


        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Claire Goll, Barbara Glauert-Hesse, Barbara Wiedemann, Barbara Glauert-Hesse

        Schön, wenn einmal so ein Herz über einem aufgeht, gar nicht erst in seinem ersten Viertel, gleich wie der ganze Mond in seiner vollkommensten Nacht ...«, schrieb Rilke später über seine erste Begegnung mit Claire Goll.Claires und Rilkes Korrespondenz beginnt 1918 und zeigt trotz ihrer Verhaltenheit, daß den 43jährigen und die 28jährige bald eine innige Freundschaft und mehr verbindet. Sie tauschen sich über ihre Werke aus, spenden einander Trost und schreiben sich mit leidenschaftlicher Sehnsucht. Der vorliegende Band enthält außerdem sieben französischsprachige Gedichte, die Rilke als kleines handgebundenes Buch an Claire gesandt hatte, sowie das lange unveröffentlicht gebliebene und verschollen geglaubte Manuskript Gefühle. Verse von Claire Studer, das sich im Archiv des Insel Verlages, Leipzig, wiederfand.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Der kleine Esel Liebernicht und ein Sommer voller Abenteuer

        by Martin Baltscheit

        Little Donkey No-Never-Ever: A Summer Full of Adventures The small, stubborn donkey No-Never-Ever is the reference point of every story. With his likeable way of stubbornly refusing to do some things, he repeatedly gets the animal family on the farm and the owner Claire into trouble. At the same time, he has a delightful twinkle in his eye that Claire finds hard to resist...  As a result, he causes all sorts of commotion, thrilling little readers and even leaving adult readers smiling. About cohesion, friendship, small happiness and the really big questions! Narrated humorously by multi-talent Martin Baltscheit, congenially illustrated by Claudia Weikert A farm full of lovable characters who form a family Great ‘Story Time’ fun for the whole family, supporting the ‘Growing up” age and difficulties with board books about everyday life challenges "Everything has to change!" the farm’s animals think and have lots of ideas about how to get the new farmer Claire to redesign the farm according to their wishes. “Better not,” thinks the Little Donkey No-Never-Ever, who likes life as it is. But before he knows it, he's in the middle of a plan for a ‘paradise’ on the farm. With the flash of his eyes, he can convince Claire of any task, no matter how absurd, that urgently needs to be done. So the cow gets a massage, the chicken coop a new coat of paint and the pig wallow becomes a pool. Until poor Claire collapses from exhaustion and the animals are forced to conclude contritely: a summer full of adventures? - Yes! But a paradise without Claire? - Better not! So now the animals pitch in and make sure that the farm becomes a paradise for everyone.

      • Trusted Partner
        EU & European institutions
        July 2013

        Romania and the European Union

        by Tom Gallagher

      • Trusted Partner
        EU & European institutions
        December 2014

        Europe's path to crisis

        by Tom Gallagher

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Britain and Africa Under Blair

        In pursuit of the good state

        by Julia Gallagher

        Africa was a key focus of Britain's foreign policy under Tony Blair. Military intervention in Sierra Leone, increases in aid and debt relief, and grand initiatives such as the Commission for Africa established the continent as a place in which Britain could 'do good'. Britain and Africa under Blair: in pursuit of the good state critically explores Britain's fascination with Africa. It argues that, under New Labour, Africa represented an area of policy that appeared to transcend politics. Gradually, it came to embody an ideal state activity around which politicians, officials and the wider public could coalesce, leaving behind more contentious domestic and international issues. Building on the story of Britain and Africa under Blair, the book, now available in paperback, draws wider conclusions about the role of 'good' and idealism in foreign policy. In particular, it discusses how international relationships provide opportunities to create and pursue ideals, and why they are essential for the well-being of political communities. It argues that state actors project the idea of 'good' onto idealised, distant objects, in order to restore a sense of the 'good state'. The book makes a distinctive and original contribution to debates about the role of ethics in international relations, and will be of particular interest to academics, policy-makers and students of international relations, Africa and British foreign policy, as well as anyone interested in ethics in international affairs. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Historical literatures

        by Noelle Gallagher

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Images of Africa

        by Julia Gallagher

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Europe's path to crisis

        Disintegration via monetary union

        by Tom Gallagher

        The EU's single currency crisis and the ensuing human costs have led to Europe's biggest disaster since 1945. This book examines each of its stages and the political and social impact, and reveals the longer-term origins of the crisis, particularly the failure of elites to promote a genuine European partnership grounded in democratic values and a desire to co-exist with a national outlook. The author defends an orderly retreat from the existing model of monetary union, arguing that an alternative is needed in order for countries enduring a prolonged slump to recover, and recommending that EU chiefs should also treat the nation-state as a partner in a common emergency that needs to be overcome. This jargon-free, insightful and long-term analysis of a dangerous crisis is an invaluable book for academics and students alike. It is also an effective tool for policy-makers, citizens and business people who require an accessible and in-depth appraisal of a continuing catastrophe.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Crimson Lake

        Thriller | Vorlage zur Mini-Serie »Troppo«

        by Candice Fox, Thomas Wörtche, Andrea O’Brien

        12.46 Uhr: Die dreizehnjährige Claire Bingley steht alleine an einer Bushaltestelle. 12.47 Uhr: Ted Conkaffey hält mit seinem Wagen neben ihr. 12.52 Uhr: Das Mädchen ist verschwunden … Sechs Minuten – mehr braucht es nicht, um das Leben von Detective Ted Conkaffey vollständig zu ruinieren. Die Anklage gegen ihn wird zwar aus Mangel an Beweisen fallengelassen, doch alle Welt glaubt zu wissen, dass einzig und allein er es gewesen ist, der Claire entführt hat. Um der gesellschaftlichen Ächtung zu entgehen, zieht sich der Ex-Cop nach Crimson Lake, einer Kleinstadt im Norden Australiens, zurück. Dort trifft er Amanda Pharrell, die ganz genau weiß, was es heißt, Staatsfeind Nr. 1 zu sein. Vor Jahren musste sie wegen angeblichen Mordes ins Gefängnis. Nun tun sich die beiden Außenseiter zusammen und arbeiten als Privatdetektive. Ihr Fall: Ein berühmter Schriftsteller mit Doppelleben und kaputter Familie ist verschwunden, die örtliche Polizei behindert die Arbeit der beiden mit harschen Methoden. Dann platzt das Inkognito von Conkaffey, die Medien erzeugen Hysterie. Lynchstimmung macht sich breit. Während er den Fall seiner neuen Partnerin wieder aufrollt und sie versucht, ihn zu entlasten, nimmt der Fall des Schriftstellers überraschende Wendungen …

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2018

        The playboy and James Bond

        by Claire Hines

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