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Promoted ContentHistory of religionJuly 2016
Making and remaking saints in nineteenth-century Britain
by Edited by Gareth Atkins
This book examines the place of 'saints' and sanctity in a self-consciously modern age, and argues that Protestants were as fascinated by such figures as Catholics were. Long after the mechanisms of canonisation had disappeared, people continued not only to engage with the saints of the past but continued to make their own saints in all but name. Just as strikingly, it claims that devotional practices and language were not the property of orthodox Christians alone. Making and remaking saints in the nineteenth-century Britain explores for the first time how sainthood remained significant in this period both as an enduring institution and as a metaphor that could be transposed into unexpected contexts. Each of the chapters in this volume focuses on the reception of a particular individual or group, and together they will appeal to not only historians of religion, but those concerned with material culture, the cult of history, and with the reshaping of British identities in an age of faith and doubt.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2021Chosen peoples
The Bible, race and empire in the long nineteenth century
by Gareth Atkins, Shinjini Das, Brian Murray
Chosen peoples demonstrates how biblical themes, ideas and metaphors shaped racial, national and imperial identities in the long nineteenth century. Even as radical new ideas challenged the historicity of the Bible, biblical notions of lineage, descent and inheritance continued to inform understandings of race, nation and empire. European settler movements portrayed 'new' territories across the seas as lands of Canaan, but if many colonised and conquered peoples resisted the imposition of biblical narratives, they also appropriated biblical tropes to their own ends. These innovative case-studies throw new light on familiar areas such as slavery, colonialism and the missionary project, while forging exciting cross-comparisons between race, identity and the politics of biblical translation and interpretation in South Africa, Egypt, Australia, America and Ireland.
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2020Chosen peoples
by Gareth Atkins, Shinjini Das, Brian Murray, Alan Lester
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November 2018Spielarten der Bezugnahme
by Gareth Evans, John McDowell, Joachim Schulte, Catrin Misselhorn, Ulrike Ramming
Gareth Evans, einer der brillantesten Philosophen seiner Generation, starb 1980 im Alter von nur 34 Jahren. In seinem unvollendeten Meisterwerk Die Vielfalt der Referenz entwickelt Evans im Ausgang von Frege und Russell eine Theorie des Bezugs und der Bezugnahme im Rahmen einer umfassenderen Theorie des Verstehens und Denkens. John McDowell hat das Manuskript nach Evans' Tod für die Publikation vorbereitet und mit einem Vorwort versehen. Nun ist es erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung zu entdecken: ein Meilenstein der jüngeren Philosophiegeschichte!
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September 2023Planet. Ein Liebeslied an unsere Erde
by Deniz Jaspersen, Gareth Ryans, Julia Wenzel
Das Buch zum Song von Unter meinem Bett. »Mach mal lauter, lass mal gucken!« Ganz genau: Dies ist das Bilderbuch zu dem Song Planet von Singer-Songwriter Deniz Jaspersen. Deniz kennt ihr bestimmt von Deniz und Ove und Unter meinem Bett, der coolen Kindermusik mit tollen Kinderliedern, die auch Erwachsene mögen. Darin singt er über unseren Planeten, die Erde: »Viel zu viele Menschen nehmen dich für selbstverständlich«. Dabei lieben wir doch alle unseren blauen Planeten, besonders die Jüngeren, weshalb Natur- und Umweltschutz auch schon für Kinder ein Thema ist, das sie beschäftigt. Das Buch Planet ist eine wunderbare Reise um die Erde, die Kindern nahe bringt, wie schön und wertvoll sie ist. Große atmosphärische Illustrationen, mit ein paar Figuren, die ihr vielleicht von den UMB-Alben kennt, machen es zu einem Liebeslied an die Erde. Es lädt zum Mitsingen, Träumen und miteinander Reden ein. Alle mal herhören: Schütze mit Deniz unseren Planeten. Für alle, die den Song Planet von Deniz Jaspersen (Herrenmagazin) feiern. Bekannt aus der coolen Kindermusik-Reihe Unter meinem Bett. Sensibilisiert liebevoll und kindgerecht für Umweltzerstörung und Klimawandel. Text von Deniz Jaspersen und großformatig sowie detailverliebt illustriert von Gareth Ryans. Als Fans der Unter meinem Bett-Alben werdet ihr in den Illustrationen sicher ein paar Figuren wiedererkennen.
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Literature & Literary StudiesJune 2012Saramago's labyrinths
A journey through form and content in Blindness and All the Names
by Rhian Atkin, Mike Thompson
Saramago's labyrinths is the first book-length study to focus on the relationship between form and the content in Saramago's writing, paying particular attention to Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (Blindness) and Todos os Nomes (All the Names). Atkin provides a close textual analysis of Blindness and All the Names, and suggests that the labyrinth pervades Saramago's work, both in the form of the text, and as a literary and philosophical trope. She makes clear connections between these novels and Saramago's other literary works, and identifies ways in which Saramago causes the reader to return to and consider the philosophical, epistemological and ethical concerns and dilemmas that are recurrent in his literary output. Atkin's jargon-free approach to Saramago's complex ideas, and her thorough understanding of Portuguese history, culture and society, make this an accessible yet challenging guide to Saramago's fiction, for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars with or without prior knowledge of the Portuguese context. ;
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February 2024Was die Sterne dir schenken
by Atkins, Dani
Aus dem Englischen von Simone Jakob und Anne-Marie Wachs
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Bis zum Mond und zurück
Roman | Ganz großes Gefühlskino von SPIEGEL-Bestseller-Autorin Dani Atkins
by Atkins, Dani
Aus dem Englischen von Simone Jakob und Anne-Marie Wachs
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October 2022Sechs Tage zwischen dir und mir
by Atkins, Dani
Aus dem Englischen von Simone Jakob und Anne-Marie Wachs
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2004Making of the GDR, 1945–53
by Gareth Pritchard
'Pritchard masterfully interweaves materials from professional journals, memoirs, interview protocols, diaries, Eastern and Western historical interpretations, as well as a wide range of state and party archives. The result is an impressive and important achievement that belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in the foundation period of East European Communist regimes.' American Historical Review The making of the GDR 1945-53 is a groundbreaking analysis of the Stalinisation of East Germany. Whereas most traditional accounts have explained the creation of the GDR in terms of high politics and of Soviet foreign policy, this book focuses on the social roots of the emerging dictatorship. These were located above all in the traditions of the German labour movement and the history of the anti-Nazi resistance. The GDR was not imposed on the East German people at the point of Russian bayonets; it emerged out of the interaction between Soviet occupation policy and the politics of the East German working class. The making of the GDR 1945-53 also tells a powerful human story, in which the aspirations of antifascists and Socialists were manipulated and ultimately betrayed by Stalinism. Based on extensive research, this book will be of interest to those concerned with the division of Germany, the nature of the GDR, and the whole trajectory of post-war German politics. ;
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January 1997Diät-Revolution
Gut essen - sich wohlfühlen - und abnehmen mit Dr. Atkins
by Atkins, Robert C