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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Veronika Engler

        Best-selling author Veronika Engler was born in 1982 in the beautiful state capital of Munich. Even today she lives and works there with her husband and their son. As the daughter of an Oscar winner in film technology, she came into contact with the world of stories and entertainment at an early age. One day, her love of reading gave her the idea of ​​writing a novel according to her wishes. This is how her first love story came about in 2014, which was published that same year. Today she inspires a wide readership in all age groups 18+ with her romance novels from the genres of erotic, new adult and romantasy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Order and conflict

        Anthony Ascham and English political thought (1648–50)

        by Peter Lake, Marco Barducci, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book provides a careful and systematic analysis of Anthony Ascham's career and writings for the first time in English. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the political thought of Grotius, Hobbes, Selden, Filmer and Machiavelli. He combined ideas taken from these authors and turned them into a powerful instrument of propaganda to be deployed in the service of the political agenda of his Independent patrons in Parliament. This investigation of Ascham's works brings together an intellectual analysis of his political thought and an exploration of the interaction between politics, propaganda and political ideas.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2025

        Anthony Burgess and America

        The untold story behind the American influences on Burgess’s life, work and legacy

        by Christopher W Thurley

        Anthony Burgess and America is a biographical and critical analysis of Burgess's commentary on and relationship with the United States of America. Utilising Burgess's entire canon and newly discovered materials to assess Burgess's views on America, this book also evaluates the American inspirations in five Burgess novels. This essential addition to Burgess scholarship tells the story of a nearly unexplored area of Burgess's life. For the first time ever, Burgess's American experiences, work, and documented communication, lectures, interviews and public utterances are brought together to assess where these commentaries overlapped with his fiction. The result is a complex personal and public history about one of Britain's greatest twentieth century authors and their immersion into and interaction with American culture in the second half of the twentieth century.

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        July 2023

        The Clockwork Testament or: Enderby's End

        By Anthony Burgess

        by Ákos Farkas, Anthony Burgess

        First published in 1974, this novel is a semi-autobiographical reflection on the author's experience of having been the subject of Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of A Clockwork Orange in 1971. This is the end of Enderby, Anthony Burgess's finest comic creation. Dyspeptic and obese, this is the account of his last day as a visiting professor in New York, and his last day on Earth. The Irwell Edition of The Clockwork Testament will provide new information about the genesis of the novel, gleaned from a series of drafts and typescripts recently discovered in the archive of the International Anthony Burgess Foundation (IABF) in Manchester, as well as printing a deleted chapter for the first time in English.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2020

        Antony and Cleopatra

        by Carol Chillington Rutter, Jim Bulman

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1983

        Die Klassenstruktur fortgeschrittener Gesellschaften

        by Anthony Giddens, Cora Stephan

        Im ersten historischen Teil seiner Arbeit (Kapitel 1-4) rekonstruiert Giddens die klassische – vor allem die Marxsche – Klassentheorie sowie die ebenso klassische Kritik an ihr, die von Marx Weber. Nachdem er weitere zeitgenössische Kritiken der Klassentheorie dargestellt hat (Dahrendorf, Aron, Ossowski), unterzieht er seinerseits die dargestellte Kritik der marxistischen Klassenanalyse einer Kritik. Im zweiten systematischen Teil (Kapitel 5-7) versucht er sodann eine aktuelle Reformulierung der Klassentheorie. Deren zentrale Begriffe sowie die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen werden präzisiert und auf ihren Geltungs- und Anwendungsbereich hin überprüft; die Begriffe der Klasse, der Arbeitsteilung, des Klassenkampfes, der produktiven und unproduktiven Arbeit als klassenanalytisches Unterscheidungskriterium, der Ausbeutung, des Klassenbewußtseins u. a. Im dritten Teil schließlich (Kapitel 8-15) wendet er sein Konzept der Klassenstruktur auf die gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen in kapitalistischen (USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Japan) und staatssozialistischen Gesellschaften (UdSSR, Polen, CSSR, Jugoslawien) an. Eine differenzierte Untersuchung der »unterschiedlichen« sozioökonomischen, politischen und kulturellen Situation in den jeweiligen Ländern führt schließlich zu einer Kritik an der sogenannten Konvergenztheorie.

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        The Arts
        April 2011

        Anthony Asquith

        by Tom Ryall, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        This is the first comprehensive critical study of Anthony Asquith. Ryall sets the director's work in the context of British cinema from the silent period to the 1960s, examining the artistic and cultural influences which shaped his films. Asquith's silent films were compared favourably to those of his eminent contemporary Alfred Hitchcock, but his career faltered during the 1930s. However, the success of Pygmalion (1938) and French Without Tears (1939), based on plays by George Bernard Shaw and Terence Rattigan, together with his significant contributions to wartime British cinema, re-established him as a leading British film maker. Asquith's post-war career includes several pictures in collaboration with Terence Rattigan, and the definitive adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest (1951), but his versatility is demonstrated in a number of modest genre films including The Woman in Question (1950), The Young Lovers (1954) and Orders to Kill (1958). ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        The four dimensions of power

        Understanding domination, empowerment and democracy

        by Mark Haugaard

        In this accessible and sophisticated exploration of the nature and workings of social and political power, Haugaard examines the interrelation between domination and empowerment. Building upon the perspectives of Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Hannah Arendt, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and others, he offers a clear theoretical framework, delineating power in four interrelated dimensions. The first and second dimensions of power entail two different types of social conflict. The third dimension concerns tacit knowledge, uses of truth and reification. Drawing upon genealogical theory and accounts of slavery as social death, the fourth dimension of power concerns the power to create social subjects. The book concludes with an original normative pragmatist power-based account of democracy. Offering lucid and entertaining illustrations of complex theoretical perspectives, this book is essential reading for scholars and activists.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        Hannah Arendt / Gershom Scholem Der Briefwechsel


        by Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt, Marie Luise Knott, David Heredia

        »Juden sterben in Europa und man verscharrt sie wie Hunde.« So schließt der Brief, in dem Hannah Arendt im Oktober 1940 Gershom Scholem mitteilt, daß sich Walter Benjamin auf der Flucht vor den Nazis das Leben genommen hat. In Zeiten größter Bedrohung beginnt eine Korrespondenz, die getragen ist vom Engagement für das Werk des gemeinsamen Freundes und in der von New York und Jerusalem aus immer die Welt des europäischen Judentums im Blick bleiben wird. Im Auftrag der Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, deren Ziel die Rettung der von den Nazis geraubten jüdischen Kulturgüter ist, reisen Hannah Arendt wie auch Gershom Scholem in den frühen Nachkriegsjahren erstmals wieder nach Deutschland. Dieses weitgehend unbekannte Kapitel in beider Geschichte wird über die Briefe hinaus durch bislang unveröffentlichte Berichte Hannah Arendts von ihrer Deutschlandreise 1949/50 dokumentiert. 1963 erscheint Hannah Arendts Buch Eichmann in Jerusalem. Ihre darin geäußerte Kritik an jüdischen Repräsentanten während der Zeit der Shoah wird von Gershom Scholem in einer auch öffentlich ausgetragenen Kontroverse radikal verworfen: Der über mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte aufrechterhaltene Dialog in Briefen endet im Schweigen. Der erstmals publizierte Briefwechsel von Hannah Arendt und Gershom Scholem ist ein einzigartiges zeithistorisches Dokument: eine Auseinandersetzung über entscheidende Fragen jüdischer Geschichte und jüdisches Selbstverständnis nach der Shoah, geführt von zwei der bedeutendsten Denker deutsch-jüdischer Herkunft im 20. Jahrhundert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2008

        Anthony Burgess and modernity

        by Alan Roughley

        Anthony Burgess and Modernity provides a variety of new perspectives and contexts for exploring Burgess's literature and music. A range of international scholars and critics explore the writer's novels, music and linguistic productions to explore and define how Burgess contributed to modernist and postmodernist art. The scholars who contributed to the book provide original explorations of Burgess's work and the theological, psychological, linguistic, literary and musical contexts in which Burgess's achievements can best be understood. It will appeal to scholars and students, but it also offers an appreciation of Burgess's artistic achievements that will provide general readers of Burgess's work with an insight into some of the exciting contexts in which Burgess novels can be read. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2019

        ABBA ABBA: By Anthony Burgess

        by Paul Howard, Andrew Biswell

        ABBA ABBA is one of Anthony Burgess's most original works, combining fiction, poetry and translation. A product of his time in Italy in the early 1970s, this delightfully unconventional book is part historical novel, part poetry collection, as well as a meditation on translation and the generating of literature by one of Britain's most inventive post-war authors. Set in Papal Rome in the winter of 1820-21, Part One recreates the consumptive John Keats's final months in the Eternal City and imagines his meeting the Roman dialect poet Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. Pitting Anglo-Italian cultures and sensibilities against each other, Burgess creates a context for his highly original versions of 71 sonnets by Belli, which feature in Part Two. This new edition includes extra material by Burgess, along with an introduction and notes by Paul Howard, Fellow in Italian Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        A Vision of Battlements

        by Anthony Burgess

        by Andrew Biswell, Paul Wake

        A Vision of Battlements is the first novel by the writer and composer Anthony Burgess, who was born in Manchester in 1917. Set in Gibraltar during the Second World War, the book follows the fortunes of Richard Ennis, an army sergeant and incipient composer who dreams of composing great music and building a new cultural world after the end of the war. Following the example of his literary hero, James Joyce, Burgess takes the structure of his book from Virgil's Aeneid. The result is, like Joyce's Ulysses, a comic rewriting of a classical epic, whose critique of the Army and the postwar settlement is sharp and assured. The Irwell Edition is the first publication of Burgess's forgotten masterpiece since 1965. This new edition includes an introduction and notes by Andrew Biswell, author of a prize-winning biography of Anthony Burgess.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1989


        Aus dem Englischen von Hermann Vetter

        by Anthony Kenny, Hermann Vetter

        Anthony Kenny studierte in Rom und Oxford und lehrte seitdem an verschiedenen Universitäten (u.a. an der University of Chicago und der Stanford University). Veröffentlichungen: Action, Emotion and Will (1963), The Five Ways (1969) und Descartes (1968). Zur Zeit arbeitet er an einer Übersetzung von Wittgensteins nachgelassener Philosophischer Grammatik. Kennys Einführung in die Philosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins wendet sich weniger an die etablierte akademische Philosophie als vielmehr an ein breiteres Publikum von »Laien«, das an allgemeinen sprachphilosophischen Themen interessiert ist. Kenny ist es gelungen, so weit in die moderne Logik einzuführen - und zwar unter weitgehendem Verzicht auf mathematische Symbolik -, daß sich der Leser ohne größere Schwierigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet mit Wittgensteins Werken beschäftigen kann. Das vorliegende Buch ist eines der ersten, das das umfangreiche Œuvre Wittgensteins als ganzes darstellt; sein Wert liegt nicht zuletzt darin, daß es sich ausführlich mit den erst kürzlich publizierten Werken aus Wittgensteins mittlerer Zeit befaßt: mit den Philosophischen Bemerkungen und der Philosophischen Grammatik.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2006

        Hannah Arendt

        by Thomas Wild

        Hannah Arendt ist eine der bedeutendsten Denkerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Von den Nazis ins amerikanische Exil getrieben, stellte die deutsche Jüdin grundlegende Fragen zur Philosophie und Politik – nicht nur in ihrem aufsehenerregenden Bericht Eichmann in Jerusalem. Den Zwängen der Zeit setzen ihr Leben und Denken eine Haltung der Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit entgegen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022


        Ein League-of-Legends-Roman

        by Reynolds, Anthony

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Kristina Koblischke und Maike Hallmann

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