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      • Silkworm International Co., Ltd.

        Silkworm Books is a general publisher based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We specialize in select markets and quality English-language books, primarily on topics related to mainland Southeast Asia. Founded in 1989, we are the foremost publisher of serious books on Thailand in English. To date, we have published more than 300 English titles. We have licensed English-language rights, purchased translation rights, and less frequently commissioned writers. Our books are distributed in North America, and U.K., through the University of Washington Press, and in Asia by local distributors.

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      • Verlag "Die Silberschnur" GmbH

        In 1982, the publishing company, Die Silberschnur, was founded by Helga Huber, the mother of the present general manager, Stefan Huber. She was motivated by the desire to bring spiritual knowledge closer to the broader public. The best seller author of the beginning years of the publishing company is the well-known doctor and death researcher, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Her book Über den Tod und das Leben danach (About Death and Life Thereafter) quickly became a big success. It has been translated into several languages and at the present, it has sold over a million copies around the world. Over the years, Silberschnur has become known as one of the leading publishing companies in Germany for spiritual and esoteric literature. With well-known authors, such as Trutz Hardo, Germany´s best known past life regression expert, international best seller author Kurt Tepperwein, Saint Germain´s medium Myra and famous TV-astrologer Andrea Buchholz, Silberschnur offers a wide variety of subjects. An enrichment of the publishing company's assortment is provided in particular by the books by Olivia Moogk, which examine the subject of Feng Shui, Franziska Krattinger, whose books show the possibilities for supporting healing processes with mental powers and successfully shaping one's life and Vadim Tschenze, who is well-known for his books about fortune telling and health issues. Today, the publishing company Die Silberschnur has over 600 books in its publishing program and publishes 30 to 40 new books each year. The companys intent is to provide an impetus for new perspectives, which are to contribute to further spiritual and mental development. If you are interested in our titles, please download our Foreign Rights Catalogues and do not hesitate to contact us for more information or reading copies. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, your Foreign Rights team

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Greta Thunberg

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Anke Weckmann, Svenja Becker

        Mit acht Jahren erkannte Greta, dass wir Menschen das Klima der Erde zerstören. Weil die Politik nicht genug dagegen tut, beschloss sie, selbst zu handeln. Sie organisierte Streiks, demonstrierte und gab den Anstoß für die Bewegung »Fridays for Future«. Überall auf der Erde zeigt Greta seither den Menschen, dass wir etwas unternehmen müssen, wenn wir die Welt retten wollen. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

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        Geography & the Environment



        by Bettina Weiguny

        Greta Thunberg is not alone: there is now a worldwide movement. Young female rebels are taking to the world stage. They are campaigning for clean drinking water, opposing the gun lobby, mobilising against child marriage and child labour. In order to achieve their goals, they are speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, at the Economic Forum in Davos, at climate conferences or at the "March for Our Lives" in Washington. Their influence is immense; a single speech can shake global corporations such as Siemens. Behind the young activists, just a Tweet away, stands a whole generation. The book introduces the key players, for example Emma González and the Indonesian sisters, 10 and 12 years old, who managed to bring about the prohibition of single use plastic on Bali, but it also follows up the fundamental issues: who brings them out onto the streets, what motivates them?

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        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Hermann Hesse - Erlebte Orte

        Volker Michels zum 80. Geburtstag

        by Silver Hesse, Karl-Josef Kuschel, Volker Michels

        »Volker Michels hat mit der Erschließung, Edition und Kommentierung der Werke und Briefe Hermann Hesses eine unvergleichliche Lebensleistung erbracht. Anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags sagen Kollegen, Freunde und Weggefährten Dank. Und wie stattet man diesen Dank einem Hesse-Forscher besser ab als damit, dass man die Orte im Leben des Schriftstellers noch einmal in Erinnerung ruft, die Hesse erlebt, die aber auch seine hier versammelten Beiträger/-innen erlebt haben. Die subjektive Perspektive ist in diesem Band konzeptionell gewollt. Wir haben unsere Autorinnen und Autoren direkt gefragt: Verbinden Sie mit diesem Ort persönliche Erinnerungen? Inspiriert er Sie zu Reflexionen über Hesse als Person und Dichter? Stellt der Ort Ihnen Fragen, die Sie gern an Hesse richten würden? Kurz: Wir Herausgeber wollten, dass über eine bloße Beschreibung des Ortes hinaus die Verfasser/-innen ihre Reflexionen und ihr persönliches Erleben mit dem jeweiligen Hesse-Ort erkennen lassen. In diesem Doppelsinn ist der gewählte Titel zu verstehen: Hermann Hesse. Erlebte Orte. Volker Michels zum 80. Geburtstag.« Die Herausgeber Silver Hesse und Karl-Josef Kuschel

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        Von einer, die ausstieg

        Wie ich der Konsumgesellschaft den Rücken kehrte und wahren Reichtum fand

        by Taubert, Greta

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Royal Horses (2). Crown Dream

        by Jana Hoch

        Paparazzi, a blaze of flashlights, scandals – day by day, Greta’s life is being turned upside down. And only one person is responsible for this: Edward. Or to be more precise, Prince Tristan. Greta still feels that he has deceived her with his lies. Why didn’t he tell her who he really was? But when Edward suggests that she should come to Caverley Green in order to escape from the media circus, she can’t say no. Especially because her heart always beats faster when she sees Edward working with the horses. Or when he looks at her in that special way…But is Greta really ready to become part of his world?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Royal Horses (1). Crown Heart

        by Jana Hoch

        His world is that of the Royals – full of scandals and secrets. Falling in love with him was never part of her plan. Their paths cross at the royal stud farm... Greta just wants to get away: away from her school and away from the friends who have so endlessly disappointed her. The holiday job at the royal stud farm comes at just the right time for her. She might not have any interest in horses – and even less in princes and princesses – but the royal family’s palace still makes her heart beat faster. But on the very first day she quarrels with Edward, the horse trainer. He guesses that she is hiding a secret and wants to do whatever it takes to bring it out in the open. When, shortly afterwards, Prince Tristan appears at the stud farm, Greta’s life is completely turned upside down. She notices all too late that she is in the process of falling in love – and specifically with the boy that she actually wants to stay away from. Humorous and romantic, glamorous and exciting: ‘Royal Horses’ is the perfect love story for all readers from 12 to 99 years-old. Greta and Edward‘s story continues! Volume 2, ‘Crown Dream’ will be out in autumn 2020.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998

        Das geklonte Paradies

        Künstliche Zeugung und Lebensdesign im neuen Jahrtausend

        by Silver, Lee / Englisch Thies, Henning

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