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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017


        by Poznanski, Ursula

        "LAST CHANCE." Nika looks in the mirror one Sunday morning, feeling rather hungover, to see this message daubed on the glass. Who wrote it? And what does it mean? Where are Nika’s house keys and her phone? Where’s Jenny, her flatmate? And why does she feel so terrible this morning – surely she didn’t have that much to drink last night? It’s only when she turns on the TV and sees the morning news that Nika realises it’s not Sunday at all – it’s Tuesday. Two whole days have gone by, and she has no memory of them. During those two days something terrible must have happened. But what?With Aquila, Ursula Poznanski has produced a true psychological thriller. She tells the story almost entirely in reverse, keeping the reader on tenterhooks until the very last page. Not until the shocking twist at the end of the book do we find out what really happened to Nika during those two lost days.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Historical literatures

        by Noelle Gallagher

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021


        by Poznanski, U.

        Can You Believe Your Eyes?   Dorian has been living on the streets since running away from home, and has always managed to fend for himself pretty well. But when he wakes up one morning beside a dead homeless man who has evidently been murdered, Dorian panics – he can’t remember anything of what happened the previous night. Is he responsible for the man’s murder? Then a stranger appears with an unexpected offer of help, and Dorian seizes the opportunity with both hands – this is his chance to hide from the police. The stranger works with young people in need, and he takes Dorian to a villa where he is given food, new clothes and even schooling.But Dorian soon learns that you get nothing for free in this life. In return for being looked after at the villa, Dorian is expected to distribute mysterious free gifts – gifts which are very carefully sealed. And when an unexpected turn of events results in him keeping one of the gifts, he finds himself being hunted by merciless pursuers.   After the international YA-bestseller Erebos, Saeculum and The Eleria-Trilogy Ursula Poznanski now presents her new thriller: Layers   Awarded with the Hans-Jörg-Martin Prize 2016 for the best YA-Thriller! More information also available under:

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        The Kingdom

        Das Erwachen der Seele

        by Jess Rothenberg, Reiner Pfleiderer

        Jess Rothenbergs "The Kingdom" entführt Leser in einen atemberaubenden Erlebnispark der Zukunft, in dem Träume scheinbar Wirklichkeit werden. Im Zentrum steht der Vergnügungspark "The Kingdom", eine Welt voller Wunder und Magie, in der biomechanische Lebewesen – die sieben Prinzessinnen – die Hauptattraktionen sind. Diese Wesen, an der Grenze zwischen Technologie und Menschlichkeit, sind programmiert, um den Besuchern jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen. Doch die perfekte Fassade beginnt zu bröckeln, als Prinzessin Ana, eine der Prinzessinnen, vor Gericht steht, angeklagt, einen Parkangestellten aus Liebe ermordet zu haben. Diese Anklage wirft grundlegende Fragen auf: Kann eine künstliche Intelligenz Gefühle wie Liebe empfinden? Und ist sie fähig, aus Liebe zu töten? Die Geschichte ist nicht nur ein spannender Thriller, sondern berührt auch tiefgründige Themen wie die Natur der Liebe, die Grenzen künstlicher Intelligenz und die ethischen Implikationen menschlichen Schaffens. Leser werden in eine Welt gezogen, die zugleich faszinierend und beunruhigend ist, und dazu angeregt, über die Konsequenzen nachzudenken, die unser Streben nach Perfektion und Kontrolle mit sich bringt. Atemberaubender Fantasy-Erlebnispark: Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der Träume Wirklichkeit werden, mit biomechanischen Wesen, die jeden Wunsch erfüllen. Spannender Thriller mit Tiefgang: Folge der packenden Geschichte von Prinzessin Ana, die vor Gericht steht, angeklagt einen Mord aus Liebe begangen zu haben. Aktuelle Themen in einer faszinierenden Welt: Erforsche Fragen um künstliche Intelligenz, Ethik, und die Grenzen zwischen Mensch und Technologie. Einzigartige Charaktere und Wendungen: Begegne den sieben Prinzessinnen und entdecke eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, Liebe und Verrat. Zum Nachdenken anregende Fragen: Was bedeutet es, Mensch zu sein? Kann eine Maschine Gefühle haben und moralische Entscheidungen treffen? Für Fans von Black Mirror und Westworld: Ideal für Leser, die fesselnde Geschichten über die Schattenseiten technologischer Fortschritte lieben. Romantik trifft auf Wissenschaft: Eine ungewöhnliche Liebesgeschichte in einem Setting, das Romantikfans und Technikbegeisterte gleichermaßen fesselt. Moralische Dilemmata und ethische Fragen: Ein Buch, das zum Diskutieren über Perfektion, Kontrolle und die Konsequenzen unseres Handelns einlädt.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021


        by Ursula Poznanski

        What if you created your own conspiracy theory - and suddenly, everyone believed in it?What happens when a party gets so out of hand that some hungover students come up with a crazy idea? On a whim, Benny and his friends invent a harebrained story about the visit of aliens. They make up a secret symbol that they spray all over town and post them under fake social media accounts. Benny, Nando, Till, Darya and Liv are mostly curious to see what will happen and if people will believe their conspiracy theory - Liv is also excited to have a topic for her bachelor's thesis in psychology. But to their own surprise, more and more people believe in the story, especially when an anonymous user called "Octavio" starts dropping mysterious hints. Benny’s attempt to clear everything up soon puts his life in danger.Bestselling author (#1 for German YA) Ursula Poznanski's new thriller is a vigilant analysis of the mechanisms of modern superstition and a shocking thriller about a prank that becomes confusing reality.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Mystery Girl


        by David Gordon, Stefanie Jacobs

        Sam Kornberg liebt Trash-Filme, Hochliteratur und seine Frau Lala. Als die ihn verlässt, bricht für Sam eine Welt zusammen. Um sie wiederzugewinnen, ist er zum Äußersten bereit – er sucht sich einen Job. Den erstbesten, den er kriegen kann: Assistent eines Privatdetektivs. Sein Chef ist Solar Lonsky, ein kränkliches, fettleibiges Genie, das sein Haus nicht verlassen kann. Sams erster Auftrag ist die Beschattung einer mysteriösen Frau. Eigentlich muss er nichts weiter tun, als ihr durch Los Angeles zu folgen, doch schon bald verfällt er ihr hoffnungslos und wird in einen Mordfall verwickelt, in dem Satanisten, Succubi, Untergrundfilmer, Hollywoodstars und mexikanische Gangster eine nicht unbedeutende Rolle spielen. Mystery Girl ist ein Thriller über die Gefahren von Kunst und Liebe, ein Schnellkurs in »Verfall der westlichen Zivilisation« und ein durchgeknallter Trip durch L.A. Und, ach ja, es ist eine irre spannende, wahnsinnig gewiefte und brutal komische Geschichte.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2001

        Jaina Epistemology in Historical and Comparative Perspective

        Critical Edition and English Translation of Logical-Epistemological Treatises: Nyayavatara, Nyayavatara-vivrty and Nyayavatara-tippana with Introduction and Notes

        by Balcerowicz, Piotr

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Pasts at play

        Childhood encounters with history in British culture, 1750–1914

        by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling

        This collection brings together scholars from disciplines including Children's Literature, Classics, and History to develop fresh approaches to children's culture and the uses of the past. It charts the significance of historical episodes and characters during the long nineteenth-century (1750-1914), a critical period in children's culture. Boys and girls across social classes often experienced different pasts simultaneously, for purposes of amusement and instruction. The book highlights an active and shifting market in history for children, and reveals how children were actively involved in consuming and repackaging the past: from playing with historically themed toys and games to performing in plays and pageants. Each chapter reconstructs encounters across different media, uncovering the cultural work done by particular pasts and exposing the key role of playfulness in the British historical imagination.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 1994

        New Testament Miracle Stories in their Religious-Historical Setting

        A Religionsgeschichtliche Comparison from a Structural Perspective

        by Kahl, Werner

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1994

        Labour and Leisure in Historical Perspective, Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries

        Papers presented at Session B-3a of the Eleventh International Economic History Congress, Milan 12th-17th September

        by Herausgegeben von Blanchard, Ian

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2019

        Julius Caesar

        by Jim Bulman, Andrew Hartley, Carol Chillington Rutter

        Julius Caesar presents a performance history of a controversial play, moving from its 1599 opening all the way into the new millennium with particular emphasis on its twentieth- and twenty-first-century incarnations on stage and screen. The book tracks the play's evolution from being a play about the oratorical skill of noble Romans to its recent manifestations as a dark political thriller. Chapters in this theoretically savvy and global study consider productions such as Orson Welles's groundbreaking examination of European Fascism, Joseph Mankeiwicz's Oscar winning 1953 film, politically complex productions at the Royal Shakespeare Company, and shows from around the world which interrogate their own cultural and educational context as well as pressing contemporary concerns such as the reach of mass media.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2008

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary French cinema

        An introduction (revised edition)

        by Guy Austin

        Contemporary French cinema is an essential introduction to popular French film of the last 35 years. It charts recent developments in all genres of French cinema with analyses of over 120 movies, from Les Valseuses to Caché. Reflecting the diversity of French film production since the New Wave, this clear and perceptive study includes chapters on the heritage film, the thriller and the war movie, alongside the 'cinéma du look', representations of sexuality, comedies, the work of women film makers and le jeune cinéma. Each chapter introduces the public reception and critical debates surrounding a given genre, interwoven with detailed accounts of relevant films. Confirmed as a major contribution to both Film Studies and French Studies, this book is a fascinating volume for students and fans of French film alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        An age of wonders

        Prodigies, politics and providence in England 1657–1727

        by William Burns, Kim Latham

        Monstrous births, rains of blood, apparitions of battles in the sky - people in early modern England found all of these events to carry important religious and political meanings. In An age of wonders, available in paperback for the first time, William E. Burns explores the process by which these events became religiously and politically insignificant in the Restoration period. The story involves the establishment of early modern science, the shift from 'enthusiastic' to reasonable religion, and the fierce political combat between the Whigs and the Tories. This historical study is based on close readings of a variety of primary sources, both print and manuscript. Burns claims that prodigies lost their religious meaning and became subjects of scientific enquiry as a result of political struggles, first by the supporters of the restored monarchy and the Church of England against Protestant dissenters, and then by the Whig defenders of the Revolution of 1688 against the Tories and the Jacobites. By integrating religious and political history with the history of science, An age of wonders will be of great use to those working in the field of early modern history. ;

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