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Mayers kleines Buchregal
Hello and welcome to my presentation! I am Uwe Mayer, freelance Illustrator, author, designer and now also publisher of my children's picture book „DIE LAUFMASCHINE“, or in the English translation: “The Bicycling Baron". The book playfully tells the story of the invention of the bicycle from the very start. As a subject long overdue, it is original, based on fact and yet told in a humorous and original format with great illustrations throughout. DIE LAUFMASCHINE won the 1st prize from the State of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) for its original idea & concept in 2017. With further funding I was in the lucky position to not only create this important book project, but also publish it in 2019. Die Laufmaschine was nominated by the STIFTUNG BUCHKUNST for “Most Beautiful German Books" („Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“), Long List 2019. For this title I am offering foreign rights.
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by Hornby, Nick / Übersetzer Herzke, Ingo
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