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      • InterVarsity Press (IVP-USA)

        IVP publishes Christian books that speak boldly into important cultural moments, provide timeless tools for spiritual growth, and equip Christians for a vibrant life of faith.

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      • SPCK The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/InterVarsity Press (IVP) UK

        SPCK is the UK’s leading independent Christian publisher. We are known for our history and theological tradition of supporting the church with works of practical and pastoral benefit. Today we are a recognised market-leader publishing in the areas of theology and Christian spirituality and are developing into other areas. We publish leading authors such as Tom Wright, Rowan Williams, Paula Gooder, Alister McGrath, Janet Morley and Catherine Fox.   Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission throughout the world. We publish evangelical Christian books for the church and the world, including for academic audiences under the imprint Apollos. As a British publisher, we aim to be at the centre of the UK evangelical church's conversation with itself and with the wider world. We also seek to have a global reach and impact through worldwide distribution, licensing and partnerships.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours
        May 2015

        Anne Clifford's Great Books of Record

        by Jessica L. Malay

        In her Great Books of Record Anne Clifford places herself within the dynamic history of the ancient Clifford family, providing an unbroken view into medieval and early modern life for nearly six centuries. In this annotated edition, we glimpse the lives of simple widows, traders, farmers, and labourers juxtaposed with the adventures of soldiers, lords and ladies, princes and princesses. Throughout, Anne Clifford asserts the centrality of women to the success of noble families, including the monarchy. Her Great Books draws upon medieval traditions and early modern scholarship and builds upon these through biographies of the Clifford lords and ladies, along with an extended biography of her mother Margaret Russell and her own autobiographical 'Life of Mee'. Those interested in the lives of medieval and early modern women, changes in culture, the effect of the political upon individuals, and the inspiring life of Anne Clifford will find this a rich and rewarding book.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 1905

        The First Book of Farming

        by Charles L. Goodrich

        This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Paul Klee

        by Daniel Kupper

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        The Official Record

        Oversight, national security and democracy

        by Peter Finn, Robert Ledger

        The construction, control and preservation of the Official Record is inherently contested. Those seeking greater openness and (democratic) accountability argue 'sunlight is [...] the best of disinfectants', while others seek stricter information control because, to their mind, sound government arises when advice and policy are formulated secretly. This edited volume explores the intersection of the Official Record, oversight, national security and democracy. Through US, UK and Canadian case studies, this volume will benefit higher level undergraduate readers and above to explore the Official Record in the context of the national security operations of democratic states. All chapters are research-based pieces of original writing that feature a document appendix containing primary documents (often excerpts) that are key to a chapter's narrative. As a result, this book interrogates the boundaries between national security, accountability, oversight, and the Official Record.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1978

        Germania Pontificia. Vol. IV: Provincia Maguntinensis, Pars IV

        S. Bonifatius, Archidioecesis Maguntinensis, Abbatia Fuldensis

        by Herausgegeben von Schieffer, Theodor

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Hermits and anchorites in England, 1200–1550

        by E. A. Jones

        This source book offers a comprehensive treatment of solitary religious lives in England in the late Middle Ages. It covers both enclosed recluses (anchorites) and free-wandering hermits, and explores the relationship between them. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the solitary vocations, especially anchorites, this has focused almost exclusively on a small number of examples. The field is in need of reinvigoration, and this book provides it. Featuring translated extracts from a wide range of Latin, Middle English and Old French sources, as well as a scholarly introduction and commentary from one of the foremost experts in the field, Hermits and anchorites in England is an invaluable resource for students and lecturers alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2003

        Karl IV.

        Ein Kaiser in Europa. 1346-1378

        by Seibt, Ferdinand

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2004

        Hartz IV

        Eine Abrechnung

        by Gillen, Gabriele

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2003

        Otto IV

        Der wiederentdeckte Kaiser

        by Bernd U Hucker

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Judaica IV

        by Gershom Scholem, Rolf Tiedemann

        Unter Gershom Scholems Büchern erlangten die drei »Judaica« betitelten Bände wohl die weiteste Verbreitung. Die Herausgabe eines vierten Bandes, die Scholem plante, wurde durch seinen Tod im Februar 1982 verhindert; der Verlag legte diesen Band postum vor. Scholem, der den größten Teil seiner Arbeit der Erschließung eines fast vergessenen Forschungsbereichs, der jüdischen Mystik, widmete, sah seine historischen und philologischen Untersuchungen stets im Zusammenhang »mit der auf die Wiedergeburt des jüdischen Volkes als eines lebendigen Ganzen gerichteten Bewegung, durch die auch eine neue Sicht der jüdischen Geschichte möglich wurde«. Davon zeugt auch dieser Band, der Aufsätze und Vorträge über die Kabbala mit solchen vereinigt, die aktuellen Fragen des jüdischen Lebens gelten.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Yummy Books!

        In 50 Rezepten durch die Weltliteratur

        by Cara Nicoletti, Tanja Handels, Susanne Kammerer

        Cara Nicoletti liebt zwei Dinge im Leben: Lesen und Kochen. Warum also nicht beides vereinen? Denn Nicoletti ist nicht nur Konditorin, Köchin und die mit Sicherheit charmanteste Metzgerin in ganz Brooklyn, sondern auch ein ausgesprochener Bücherwurm. Wer könnte also besser die beiden schönsten Dinge im Leben zusammenbringen als diese hungrige Leserin? Angefangen hat alles in der Fleischerei des Großvaters in Boston, Massachusetts, in der Cara bereits als Mädchen stapelweise Bücher verschlang. Später zog es sie nach New York, wo sie zwischen dem Bücherwälzen fürs Literaturstudium und der Arbeit in Brooklyns bekanntester Metzgerei schließlich auf die Idee kam, aus ihrer Doppelleidenschaft eine einzige zu machen – indem sie die kulinarischen Passagen ihrer Lieblingsbücher nacherzählte und die besten Rezepte kurzerhand nachkochte. Von Pippi Langstrumpfs »Buttermilchpfannkuchen« über das »perfekt gekochte Ei« von Jane Austen bis hin zu Jonathan Franzens »Schokoladen-Cupcakes mit Pfefferminz-Buttercreme« – Nicoletti lässt uns nicht nur das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen, sondern verführt uns auch zum Nachlesen und Nachkochen. Ein perfektes Geschenk für Lesewütige und ein Buch, das rundum glücklich macht.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 1995

        Magische Blätter IV

        by Friederike Mayröcker

        Nach Magische Blätter (I), II, III - eine neue Sammlung gemischter Texte, wie bisher: poetologische Statements, Skizzen, autobiographische Äußerungen, Reden, Notizen, Träume etc.

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