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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2016
Islamic charities and Islamic humanism in troubled times
by Jonathan Benthall, Bertrand Taithe
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2010
Defeated flesh
Welfare, warfare and the making of modern France
by Bertrand Taithe
Defeated flesh dwells on the French defeat of 1870 and the socialist uprising of the Commune of Paris.. This is one of the first books to develop an in-depth, comparative analysis of the Franco-Prussian war and the Commune.. By looking at the history of the body and medicine it considers how the French people mobilised for the war effort and how their ultimate defeat had cultural and social consequences which led to the fin-de-siècle spirit.. Looking at the siege of Paris, the war suffering and rationing in an exceptionally harsh period of French history it revises the current debates on citizenship, centralisation and modern warfare.. Looking at many untouched sources, Taithe seeks to understand why 1870-1871 became such an important phase in the making of modern France. ;
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsFebruary 2019
Bertrand Tavernier
by Lynn Anthony Higgins
Bertrand Tavernier is widely recognized as the leading French filmmaker of his generation. Both a consummate artist and a controversial public figure, he is a passionate advocate for social causes and also a tireless defender of world cinema in general and the French cinematic heritage in particular. Lynn Higgins' book offers a guided tour through Tavernier's oeuvre, taking into account both its prodigious diversity and its unifying themes. It explores his use of genre and adaptation, his work with actors and his affection for characters, his treatment of France's colonial history, his explorations of the powers of art and the complexities of intergenerational relations, both among fictional characters and within French cinema history. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scholarly book about Tavernier. Original and lively, sophisticated and engaging, the book will appeal to anyone interested in film studies, gender studies, and French cultural studies including academics, students, cinema enthusiasts, and Tavernier fans.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsDecember 2011
Bertrand Tavernier
by Lynn Anthony Higgins, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram
Bertrand Tavernier is widely recognized as the leading French filmmaker of his generation. Both a consummate artist and a controversial public figure, he is a passionate advocate for social causes and also a tireless defender of world cinema in general and the French cinematic heritage in particular. Lynn Higgins' book offers a guided tour through Tavernier's oeuvre, taking into account both its prodigious diversity and its unifying themes. It explores his use of genre and adaptation, his work with actors and his affection for characters, his treatment of France's colonial history, his explorations of the powers of art and the complexities of intergenerational relations, both among fictional characters and within French cinema history. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scholarly book about Tavernier. Original and lively, sophisticated and engaging, the book will appeal to anyone interested in film studies, gender studies, and French cultural studies including academics, students, cinema enthusiasts, and Tavernier fans. ;
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Bertrand Blier
by Sue Harris
The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English.
Trusted PartnerAugust 1984
1872-1914. Deutsch von Harry Kahn
by Bertrand Russell, Harry Kahn
Bertrand Russell, geboren 1872 in Wales, studierte Mathematik in Cambridge. In seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten widmete er sich zunächst der Mathematik, später wandte er sich vermehrt philosophischen Themen zu. 1950 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Bertrand Russell verstarb 1970 in Wales.
Trusted PartnerMay 1984
Autobiographie II
1914-1944. Aus dem Englischen von Julia Kirchner
by Bertrand Russell, Julia Kirchner
Bertrand Russell, geboren 1872 in Wales, studierte Mathematik in Cambridge. In seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten widmete er sich zunächst der Mathematik, später wandte er sich vermehrt philosophischen Themen zu. 1950 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Bertrand Russell verstarb 1970 in Wales.
Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceJanuary 2017
Donors, technical assistance and public administration in Kosovo
by Mary Venner, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2019
A history of humanitarianism, 1775–1989
by Silvia Salvatici, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceNovember 2019
The NGO CARE and food aid from America 1945-80
by Heike Wieters, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2022
Reconstructing lives
Victims of war in the Middle East and Médecins Sans Frontières
by Vanja Kovacic, Bertrand Taithe
This book attempts to establish a more holistic approach to the rehabilitation of war-injured civilians, one that adjusts to the patients' long-term needs. Kovacic not only offers an insight into the daily realities of patients during and after rehabilitation, but seeks to develop a new way to perceive, respect and involve them in health care. Based on comprehensive interviews with patients and MSF staff, as well as extended field observations, Reconstructing lives follows Syrian and Iraqi war-injured civilians in their journey to recovery. From their improvised medical treatment in their home countries, to the MSF-run hospital in Amman Jordan, to their return home, Kovacic explores how individuals attempt to pick up the pieces of their previous lives, add new elements from their treatment and travel experiences, and finally establish a new reconstructed reality. The book explores how the interaction between MSF staff and their patients contributes to the immense task of healing that awaits victims of war. The reader visits the intimate medical and domestic spaces that usually remain closed to the outside observer, spaces rich with human contact, perceptions, emotions, conflicts and reconciliations.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2022
The unimagined community
by Duy Lap Nguyen, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsApril 2006
Benjamin's Arcades
An unGuided tour
by Peter Buse, Bertrand Taithe, Ken Hirschkop, Roger Cooter, Scott McCracken, Carolyn Steedman, Bertrand Taithe
The Arcades Project, Walter Benjamin's unfinished masterpiece, is a brilliant but maddening book. Benjamin's Arcades: an unGuided Tour looks for the method behind the madness, carefully reconstructing the intellectual and political context of the work and unpacking its numerous analogies, metaphors and conceptual gambits. Written by three literary scholars and one historian, this text is both a reading companion and a vigorous interpretation of one of the most important humanistic texts of the twentieth century. Benjamin's Arcades is composed of 16 entries and a specially designed 'convoluted' index. Some of the entries confront Benjamin with a different reading of his own historical sources (Blanqui, Marx, Giedion), others look intensively at key themes, obsessions, and images (the gambler, commodity fetishism, the Angel of History, magic). Throughout there is discussion of the relationship of Benjamin's work to current and past debate on topics such as modernity, Judaism, fascism, and psychoanalysis. Benjamin's Arcades opens up Benjamin's texts to a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives and will be an essential text for those seeking to better understand this extraordinary work. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2018
Humanitarian intervention in the long nineteenth century
by Alexis Heraclides, Bertrand Taithe, Ada Dialla
Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceJanuary 2019
Global humanitarianism and media culture
by Michael Lawrence, Rachel Tavernor, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted PartnerTeaching, Language & ReferenceOctober 2020
Aid to Armenia
by Joanne Laycock, Francesca Piana, Bertrand Taithe
Trusted PartnerMay 2021
Zurück nach Berlin
Wie mein Vater mit mir in seine Vergangenheit reiste
by Jonathan Lichtenstein
1939 entkommt der zwölfjährige Hans mit einem der »Kindertransporte« aus Nazi-Deutschland. Als einer der wenigen Überlebenden seiner Familie ist er fortan auf sich alleine gestellt und lässt seine deutsch-jüdische Herkunft hinter sich. Als Erwachsener baut er sich im ländlichen Wales eine neue Existenz auf und gründet eine Familie. Über seine Vergangenheit spricht er nicht, und für seine Kinder ist es schwer, ihren verschlossenen, oft unnachgiebigen Vater und sein mitunter eigensinniges Verhalten zu verstehen. Erst in hohem Alter stellt Hans sich seiner Vergangenheit und reist mit seinem Sohn Jonathan zurück nach Berlin, zu seinen Wurzeln, entlang der ehemaligen Route des Kindertransports. Jonathan Lichtenstein erzählt auf drei Zeitebenen vom Leben mit einem Vater, das geprägt war von den Schatten der Vergangenheit – und davon, wie er ihm endlich näherkam. Ein Road Trip mitten hinein ins Trauma des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts – bewegend und versöhnlich.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2016
The humanitarian-military complex in Afghanistan
by Bertrand Taithe, Eric James, Tim Jacoby
Violent conflict brings together two seemingly disparate groups: humanitarians and soldiers. This mixes and convolutes agendas, blurring lines that are often perceived to be sacrosanct. Delving deeply into the history and reasons of why these two groups work in close proximity, this study provide a unique insight into the history, ethical dilemmas and policy conundrums when aid workers operate close to the military. Using Afghanistan as a case study, analytical rigour, deep primary research and "field" knowledge are combined in an exceptional contribution to this important area. This book gives scholars and practitioners alike a nuanced perspective on the challenges faced by aid workers, military personnel and decision-makers alike in countries affected by violent conflicts, hosting foreign military interventions and receiving international aid. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesDecember 2020
The military-humanitarian complex in Afghanistan
by Bertrand Taithe, Eric James, Tim Jacoby