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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        Laurent Cantet

        by Martin O'Shaughnessy

        Laurent Cantet is of one France's leading contemporary directors. In a series of important films, including Human Resources, Time Out, Heading South, The Class and Foxfire, he takes stock of the modern world from the workplace, through the schoolroom and the oppressive small town to the world of international sex tourism. His films drive the hidden forces that weigh on individuals and groups into view but also show characters who are capable of reflection and reaction. If the films make their protagonists rethink their place in the world, they also challenge the positions of the viewer and the director. This is what makes them so worthy of study. Combining a fine eye for detail with broad contextual awareness, this book gives an account of all Cantet's works, from the early short films to the major works. Martin O'Shaughnessy is a leading international writer on French cinema,especially in film and politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2018

        Laurent Cantet

        by Martin O'Shaughnessy, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        Laurent Cantet is of one France's leading contemporary directors. In a series of important films, including Human Resources, Time Out, Heading South, The Class and Foxfire, he takes stock of the modern world from the workplace, through the schoolroom and the oppressive small town to the world of international sex tourism. His films drive the hidden forces that weigh on individuals and groups into view but also show characters who are capable of reflection and reaction. If the films make their protagonists rethink their place in the world, they also challenge the positions of the viewer and the director. This is what makes them so worthy of study. Combining a fine eye for detail with broad contextual awareness, this book gives an account of all Cantet's works, from the early short films to the major works. Martin O'Shaughnessy is a leading international writer on French cinema, especially in film and politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        Über die Toleranz

        by Voltaire, Laurent Joffrin

        Voltaires 1763 erschienenes Plädoyer für Toleranz zwischen den Religionen war nie so aktuell wie heute. Seit den Anschlägen auf die Redaktion der Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo hat sich seine Kritik des religiösen Fanatismus wie ein Lauffeuer verbreitet, er selbst gilt als zentrales Symbol für die Freiheit des Geistes: Voltaire-Plakate, versehen mit dem Slogan »Je suis Charlie«, sind in ganz Paris zu sehen. Seine Streitschrift Über die Toleranz wird zusammen mit Kugelschreibern und Stiften als Mahnmal auf vielen Straßen Frankreichs platziert und ist zur Schullektüre avanciert. 250 Jahre nach ihrem Erscheinen ist Voltaires Kampfansage an den Fanatismus und den Aberglauben brisanter und dringlicher denn je. Höchste Zeit, sie zu lesen! Mit einem Vorwort von Laurent Joffrin (Chefredakteur "Libération")

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1997



        by Belloc, Denis

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2000

        Yves Saint Laurent

        Die Biographie

        by Rawsthorn, Alice

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2013

        Rot und Schwarz

        Zeitbild von 1830

        by Stendhal, Arthur Schurig, Hugo Beyer

        Ruhm, Anerkennung und der rasche Aufstieg in die Kreise der besseren Gesellschaft – danach strebt der aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen stammende Julien Sorel. Um das zu erreichen, ist ihm jedes Mittel recht. Die Zuneigung zweier Frauen soll ihm den Weg ganz nach oben eröffnen. Doch dann holt ihn seine Vergangenheit ein ... Die Geschichte des Julien Sorel, der ein authentischer Kriminalfall zugrunde liegt, ist ein »fesselnder Roman über Liebe, Macht und Klassenunterschiede, der heute noch begeistert – durch Ironie und unbestechliche Klarheit«. (Maxi)

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jacques Rivette

        by Douglas Morrey, Diana Holmes, Alison Smith, Robert Ingram

        Jacques Rivette is perhaps the best-kept secret of French cinema. A founding figure in the New Wave, and at the centre of the Cahiers du cinéma team, he developed into one of the most unusual and adventurous French directors of the last sixty years, yet his work remains little-known in comparison with his contemporaries, and this study is the first in English to look at the full span of his career. Starting with his decisively influential film criticism of the 1950s, it moves from the New Wave through the complex, experimental films of the 1970s to the challenging, playful dramas which ensured his visibility during the following two decades, and ends in the present, including Rivette's most recent films, Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) and Ne touchez pas la hache (2007). The book takes a thematic approach, offering detailed discussion of key elements of Rivette's film world, including games, conspiracy and jealousy, as well as a study of what Rivette's cinema adds to our understanding of key theoretical concepts in Film Studies such as narrative, space and adaptation. There are many close analyses of sequences from Rivette's films including Paris nous appartient (1961), Céline et Julie vont en bateau (1974) and La Belle Noiseuse (1991). ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        When the Giraffe still had Admirers

        How Four Scientists Stumbled Across Their Discoveries

        by Michael Lichtwarck-Aschoff

        In “When The Giraffe Still Had Admirers” we get to know Claude Bernard and Louis Pasteur, Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier and Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Lichtwarck-Aschoff takes their lives and discoveries – often resulting from serendipity – as the starting point for his stories. The enthralling read makes literature so eloquent, full of wit and powerful that this author is no longer just an insider tip.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        D'Alexandre à Zoilos

        Dictionnaire prosopographique des porteurs de nom grec dans les sources cunéiformes

        by Monerie, Julien

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2003

        Die Kriege der Familie Bush

        Die wahren Hintergründe des Irak-Konflikts

        by Laurent, Eric

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Kiss me at the River!

        Astro-Quickie: Fische

        by Laurent, Aimee

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2011

        Wilde Obsession

        Erotischer Roman

        by Laurent, Aimee

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