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Somewhere Else Entertainment
Somewhere Else Entertainment manages Huai Guan's story IPs, and develops screenplays and bibles for TV series and films. Huai Guan was born in a small town in southern Taiwan, and spent her childhood years among books. Cao Xueqin’s Story of the Stone and George R. R. Martin’s A Song for Lya ignited her love for fantasy writing, which no amount of travel or pressure – including a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago – could ever subdue.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2025
Understanding baby loss
by Kate Reed, Julie Ellis, Elspeth Whitby
Promoted ContentThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Carol Reed
by Peter William Evans
Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJune 2005
Carol Reed
by Peter William Evans, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard
Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!. ;
Trusted PartnerMarch 2017
Ein Doppelgänger.
by Theodor Storm, Julie Völk
Norddeutschland, um 1850: John Hansen ist – mehr aus Leichtsinn als aus krimineller Neigung – straffällig geworden und versucht wieder im »normalen« Leben Fuß zu fassen. Er lernt das Mädchen Hanna kennen, sie heiraten, bekommen eine Tochter, Christine, und bewohnen eine Kate am Rande des Dorfes. Doch er wird das Stigma des Zuchthäuslers nicht los, die Leute im Ort nennen ihn John »Glückstadt« nach dem Namen der Haftanstalt, in der er einsaß. John findet immer seltener Arbeit und bei einem Streit mit seiner Frau zerbricht auch sein häusliches Glück. Storms dramatische Meisternovelle hat Julie Völk mit feinem Strich kongenial illustriert. »Nachdem dieser John seine Strafe von Rechtes wegen abgebüßt hatte, wurde er, wie gebräuchlich, der lieben Mitwelt zur Hetzjagd überlassen.«
Trusted PartnerJune 2007
Warten auf Kate
by John Mendelssohn, Silvia Morawetz, Werner Schmitz
Leslie Herskovitz wartet sehnsüchtig auf das neue Album seiner angebeteten Kate Bush. Aus Kalifornien zieht er nach England, um ihr näher zu sein, und schickt ihr Geschenke und Unmengen von E-Mails – vergeblich. Leslie lebt ein Leben in der Warteschleife und verkürzt sich die Zeit mit diversen Frauen, die ihre eigenen Gelüste haben. Eine intelligente Reality-Soap über Sucht und Abhängigkeit, Beziehungen, Mobbing, Schönheitswahn, Eßstörungen, Musik – und eine Hommage an eine große Künstlerin.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesNovember 2022
Kate Atkinson
by Armelle Parey
This timely in-depth study of award-winning Kate Atkinson's work provides a welcome comprehensive overview of the novels, play and short stories. It explores the major themes and aesthetic concerns in her fiction. Combining close analysis and literary contextualisation, it situates her multi-faceted work in terms of a hybridisation of genres and innovative narrative strategies to evoke contemporary issues and well as the past. Chapters offer insights into each major publication (from Behind the Scenes at the Museum to Big Sky, the latest instalment in the Brodie sequence, through the celebrated Life After Life and subsequent re-imaginings of the war) in relation to the key concerns of Atkinson's fiction, including self-narrativisation, history, memory and women's lives.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesSeptember 2011
Literature and Agency in English Fiction Reading
by Adam Reed, Alexander Smith
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Trusted PartnerApril 1998
by Alice Thomas Ellis, Herbert Genzmer
Alice Thomas Ellis (1932 – 2005) veröffentlichte zahlreiche erfolgreiche Romane und Sachbücher. Sie war unter ihrem eigentlichen Namen – Anna Haycraft – als Lektorin und Herausgeberin im Duckworth Verlag tätig, der ihrem Mann Colin Haycraft gehörte.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017
The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914
by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David
The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.
Trusted PartnerApril 1977
by Kate Greenaway, Kate Greenaway, Ingrid Westerhoff
Die liebevoll gestalteten Kinderbücher von der Autorin und Illustratorin Kate Greenaway, geboren 1846 in London, waren die erfolgreichsten ihrer Zeit. Allseits bekannt wurden ihre Zeichnungen von Jungen und Mädchen in Régencekleidern, die bis heute nichts von ihrem Charme verloren haben. Die liebevoll gestalteten Kinderbücher von der Autorin und Illustratorin Kate Greenaway, geboren 1846 in London, waren die erfolgreichsten ihrer Zeit. Allseits bekannt wurden ihre Zeichnungen von Jungen und Mädchen in Régencekleidern, die bis heute nichts von ihrem Charme verloren haben. Ingrid Westerhoff arbeitete von 1974 bis 1981 im Suhrkamp Verlag für Elisabeth Borchers und Siegfried Unseld. Sie übertrug diverse Bücher – vornehmlich Kinderbücher – aus dem Englischen. Nach einem anschließenden Studium der Kunstgeschichte arbeitete sie in der Landesdenkmalpflege von Rheinland-Pfalz.
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Trusted PartnerThe ArtsDecember 2024
Dick of Devonshire
By Thomas Heywood
by Kate Ellis
Dick of Devonshire by Thomas Heywood dramatises England's disastrous 1625 Cadiz expedition through the story of a foot-soldier turned national hero. For the first time, The Revels Plays publishes a scholarly modern-spelling edition of this unduly overlooked play, together with an anthology of its source material. The play, written in 1626, exists in only one contemporary manuscript, now contained in MS Egerton 1994. There is no evidence that the work was printed or performed in its time, and until now, its authorship has remained uncertain. Ellis's critical introduction analyses new data that uncovers the play's authorship, playing company, and playhouse for the first time, as well as exploring the occasion of the play, its textual and theatrical histories, and its stagecraft. Commentary notes guiding the modern reader include explanatory glosses, literary references, and notes on historical context.
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Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureMarch 1905
How to Cook Fish
by Myrtle Reed
This book is a collection of recipes for fish cooking.