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        October 2012

        CNC-Handbook 2011/2012

        CNC, DNC, CAD, CAM, FFS, SPS, RPD, LAN, CNC-Machines, CNC-Robots, Drives, Simulation, Glossary

        by Kief, Hans B.

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        March 2001

        Bericht einer Reise in die Sächsische Schweiz

        by Hans Christian Andersen, Ulrich Sonnenberg, Ludwig Richter, C. A. Richter

        Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875) war ein reisefreudiger Mann. Im Frühjahr 1831 fuhr er durch Deutschland und hielt seine Eindrücke in einem Reisebuch fest. Es sind die Schönheiten der Gegend um Dresden, die ihn besonders entzückten, es war die freundliche Aufnahme »vortrefflicher Menschen«, die ihm guttat, und es war die geheimnisvolle Melancholie, die über der Sächsischen Schweiz liegt, die seiner Herzensstimmung entgegenkam. Der Reisebericht, der in der ersten deutschen Gesamtausgabe von 1847 erschien, war um zahlreiche politische, religiöse und persönliche Passagen gekürzt worden, Kürzungen, die spätere Ausgaben beibehielten. Hier liegt Andersens Reisebericht erstmals mit dem ungekürzten Text vor: in der vollständigen Fassung in Deutschland ein bislang fast unbekanntes Werk.

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        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2014

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes. ;

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        January 2016

        Helmut Qualtinger liest »Mein Kampf«

        by Helmut Qualtinger

        Siebzig Jahre nach dem Tod Adolf Hitlers wird sein autobiografisches Pamphlet »Mein Kampf« ab Januar 2016 wieder auf dem Buchmarkt verfügbar sein. Die Schrift, die 1924 entstand und anschließend in zwei Teilen veröffentlicht wurde, fand bis 1945 millionenfache Verbreitung, das Regime schenkte sie beispielsweise frisch Vermählten zur Hochzeit. Dennoch gilt sie, so zumindest die Rechtfertigungsformel nach Kriegsende, als der am wenigsten gelesene Bestseller der deutschen Geschichte. Der große österreichische Kabarettist Helmut Qualtinger hat das Buch nicht nur gelesen, sondern in den siebziger Jahren öffentlich rezitiert. Bereits 1961 hatte Qualtinger mit seinem Ein-Personen-Stück »Der Herr Karl« das Verleugnen von Antisemitismus und Opportunismus thematisiert und heftige Kontroversen ausgelöst. Auch die Lesung von »Mein Kampf« war eine Provokation. Indem Qualtinger zwischen Sachlichkeit und schriller Hysterie changiert, entlarvt er den menschenverachtenden Größenwahn des Diktators.

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        July 1967

        Werke in vier Bänden

        2: Essays I

        by T. S. Eliot, Helmut Viebrock, Gerhard Hensel

        Beiträge zum Begriff der Kultur. Die antike Klassik und der Literat. Die Funktion der Kritik. Die gesellschaftliche Funktion der (Deutsch von Gerhard Hensel). Gedanken nach Lambeth. (Deutsch von Helmut Viebrock). Religion und Literatur. (Deutsch von Ursula Clemen). Katholizismus und die Ordnung unter den Völkern. (Deutsch von Karl Klein). Vergil und die christliche Welt. (Deutsch von Nora Wydenbruck). Der Humanismus Irving Babbitts. (Deutsch von Ursula Clemen). Nachgedanken zum Humanismus. (Deutsch von Günter H. Lenz). Moderne Erziehung und humanistische Bildung. (Deutsch von Nora Wydenbruck). (Deutsch von Günter H. Lenz). Was ist ein Klassiker?. (Deutsch von W.E. Süskind). Die Ziele der Erziehung. (Deutsch von Helmut Viebrock). Tradition und individuelle Begabung. (Deutsch von Hans Hennecke). Der vollkommene Kritiker. (Deutsch von Mechthild und Armin Paul Frank). (Deutsch von H.H. Schaeder). Der Nutzen der Dichtung und der Nutzen der Kritik. (Deutsch von Ulrich Keller). Was ist geringere Dichtung?. (Deutsch von Mechthild und Armin Paul Frank). Dichtung. (Deutsch von Nikolaus Hortmann). Die Literatur der Politik. (Deutsch von Wilhelm Hortmann). Die Grenzen der Literaturkritik. (Deutsch von Ursula Clemen). Der Kritiker kritisch betrachtet. (Deutsch von Mechthild und Armin Paul Frank).

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2015

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by J. B. Lethbridge

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions. ;

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        March 2024

        Today Is a Good Day to Abolish the Patriarchy

        by Bettina Schulte (ed.)

        Do we still need feminism in Europe? Equality or difference feminism? A new generation of feminists has now broken away from the feminism of the 1960s. The old white Cis man has been discredited, by the "#MeToo" movement at the latest. Sexualised violence against women has been outlawed, perpetrators taken to court. So everything’s good? No, of course not. Men still dominate public discourse; men are unchallenged in leadership positions in politics, society and business; male power still prevails in the domestic environment as well. The extent to which men fight back when they feel threatened by feminism is also evident in the revival of authoritarian nationalist politicians in Europe and around the world. The seven authors shed light on feminist struggles in different areas of life, and illustrate the range of feminism today.

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        A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung

        Untersuchungen zu seinem Übersetzungsverfahren am Beispiel des Hamlet

        by Gebhardt, Peter A

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        March 2009

        Das Erdbeben in Chili. Die Marquise von O.... Die Verlobung in St. Domingo

        by Heinrich Kleist, Helmut Nobis, Helmut Nobis

        Das Erdbeben in Chili – Die Marquise von O... – Die Verlobung in St. Domingo – Kommentar von Helmut Nobis

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by Christopher Burlinson, J. B. Lethbridge, Andrew Zurcher

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions.

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