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      • Terra Ignota Ediciones - Grupo Angkor SL

        Publishing house from Spain working since 2015. We publish all kind of books and lately we are trying to improve our non-fiction line. Here we would like to show a very small sample of our books, for the complete catalogue, please visit us here. Open to new proposals, business and dreams.

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      • Cart'armata Edizioni SRL, Terre di Mezzo Editore

        We are an indipendent publisher based in Milan, born in 1994 as a monthly street paper dealing with social information. Now we publish 70 books per year. Our interests explore many and various worlds, from sustainable tourism to the discover of different cultures, encouraging their coexistence.

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        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terry Gilliam

        by Peter Marks

        Terry Gilliam presents a sustained examination of one of cinema's most challenging and lauded auteurs, proposing fresh ways of seeing Gilliam that go beyond reductive readings of him as a gifted but manic fantasist. Analysing Gilliam's work over nearly four decades, from the brilliant anarchy of his Monty Python animations through the nightmarish masterpiece Brazil to the provocative Gothic horror of Tideland, it critically examines the variety and richness of Gilliam's sometimes troubled but always provocative output. The book situates Gilliam within the competing cultural contexts of the British, European and American film industries, examining his regular struggles against aesthetic and commercial pressures. He emerges as a passionate, immensely creative director, whose work encompasses a dizzying array of material: anarchic satire, childhood and adult fantasy, dystopia, romantic comedy, surrealism, road movie, fairy tale and the Gothic. The book charts how Gilliam interweaves these genres and forms to create magical interfaces between reality and the illuminating, frightening but liberating worlds of the imagination. Scrutinising the neglected importance of literature and adaptation in Gilliam's career, this study also observes him through the lenses of auteurism, genre, performance, design and national culture, explaining how someone born in Minnesota and raised in California came to be one of British television and film's most compelling figures.

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        The Arts
        August 2009

        Terry Gilliam

        by Peter Marks, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        Terry Gilliam presents a sustained examination of one of cinema's most challenging and lauded auteurs, proposing fresh ways of seeing Gilliam that go beyond reductive readings of him as a gifted but manic fantasist. Analysing Gilliam's work over nearly four decades, from the brilliant anarchy of his Monty Python animations through the nightmarish masterpiece Brazil to the provocative Gothic horror of Tideland, it critically examines the variety and richness of Gilliam's sometimes troubled but always provocative output. The book situates Gilliam within the competing cultural contexts of the British, European and American film industries, examining his regular struggles against aesthetic and commercial pressures. He emerges as a passionate, immensely creative director, whose work encompasses a dizzying array of material: anarchic satire, childhood and adult fantasy, dystopia, romantic comedy, surrealism, road movie, fairy tale and the Gothic. The book charts how Gilliam interweaves these genres and forms to create magical interfaces between reality and the illuminating, frightening but liberating worlds of the imagination. Scrutinising the neglected importance of literature and adaptation in Gilliam's career, this study also observes him through the lenses of auteurism, genre, performance, design and national culture, explaining how someone born in Minnesota and raised in California came to be one of British television and film's most compelling figures. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2007

        Anglo–German relations during the Labour governments 1964–70

        NATO strategy, détente and European integration

        by Terry Macintyre

        Speaking at West Point in 1962, Dean Acheson observed that Britain had lost an empire and had still to find a new role. This book explains why, in the following years, as Britain's Labour government contemplated withdrawal from east of Suez, ministers came to see that Britain's future role would be as a force within Europe. To this end, and in order to gain entry into the European Economic Community, a close relationship with the Federal Republic of Germany would be essential. This account of Anglo-German relations during the 1960s reveals fascinating insights into how both governments reacted to a series of complex issues and why, despite differences which might have led to strains, a good understanding was maintained. Terry Macintyre's innovative approach brings together material covering NATO strategy, détente and European integration, making the volume fascinating and essential reading for students and enthusiasts of contemporary British and German political history. This book makes an important contribution to what we know about Cold War history, and should help to redefine some of the views about the relationship between Britain and Germany during the 1960s. ;

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        Gran Paradiso

        Eine italienische Familiensaga

        by Landau, Grit

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        February 1990

        Gesammelte Werke

        Vierter Band: Las Casas vor Karl V. Szenen aus der Konquistadorenzeit

        by Reinhold Schneider, Edwin Maria Landau, Edwin Maria Landau

        Reinhold Schneider hat in seinen Arbeitsnotizen vom »Gewissen des Abendlandes« gesprochen, dessen »Sprecher Las Casas« sei. Las Casas (1474-1566), der leidenschaftliche Streiter für die Gleichberechtigung der Indios in den amerikanischen Kolonien gegen die mit seinem Missionsauftrag unvereinbare Ausbeutung und den Völkermord durch die spanischen Eroberer, schifft sich nach Spanien ein, wo er den Kaiser für einen grundsätzlichen Wandel in der Kolonialpolitik gewinnen will. Sein Reisegefährte Bernadino de Lares, der heimkehrende Konquistador, bestärkt Las Casas darin, die Zustände in den Kolonien zu bekämpfen. In der großen, historisch belegten Disputation vor Karl V. tritt Bernardino, seelisch und körperlich gebrochen, als Zeuge für Las Casas auf. In seinem triumphlosen Sieg erreicht Las Casas, daß der Kaiser die »Neuen Gesetze« verkündet, und nimmt die schwere Mission an, sie als Bischof in Mexiko zu verbreiten.

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        May 2012

        "Wir bauen den großen Kuzbass!"

        Bergarbeiteralltag im Stalinismus 1921–1941

        by Landau, Julia Franziska

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        Grundlagen, Positionen, Tendenzen

        by Dietrich, Knut; Landau, Gerhard

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        December 1986

        Gesammelte Werke

        Zweiter Band: Philipp der Zweite oder Religion und Macht

        by Reinhold Schneider, Edwin Maria Landau

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        August 2003

        Unsere Gene

        Eine Gebrauchsanleitung für ein besseres Leben

        by Burnham, Terry; Phelan, Jay

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Die prägende Kraft unserer Ahnen

        Anleitungen, Übungen und Meditationen, um generationsübergreifende Familienwunden zu heilen

        by O'Sullivan, Terry O'Sullivan, Natalia

        Aus dem Englischen von Alexandra Baisch

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