Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure
Textbooks, research and professional titles in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure
View Rights PortalTextbooks, research and professional titles in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure
View Rights PortalColonial frontiers explores the formation, structure and maintenance of boundaries and frontiers in settler colonies. Drawing on the work of anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and post-colonial theorists, the authors in this fascinating collection explore the importance of cross-cultural interactions in the settler colonies of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and America. Taking key historical moments to illuminate the formation of new boundaries and the interaction between the settler societies and the indigenous groups, this book raises many important questions about how the empire worked 'on the ground'. Importantly, the collection attempts to theorise the indigenous experience. As we move towards globalisation, borders and boundaries have begun to fall away. This book reminds us that not long ago the frontiers and boundaries were the key sites for cross-cultural interaction. This collection, which includes chapters by John K. Noyes, Nigel Penn, Kay Schaffer and Ian McNiven, is broad in scope and presents an exciting new approach to the issues surrounding group interaction in colonial settings. Students and academics, from backgrounds such as imperial history, anthropology and post-colonial studies, will find this collection extremely valuable.
Theresienstadt - Auschwitz - Schwarzheide: Das sind die Leidensstationen des jungen tschechischen Künstlers Alfred Kantor in den Jahren 1941-1945. Im Juli 1945, zehn Wochen nach der Befreiung aus dreieinhalb Jahre dauernder Haft in Lagern des NS-Regimes, kam der damals zweiundzwanzigjährige Kantor nach Deggendorf in ein Lager für »Displaced Persons«. Dort schuf er in etwa zwei Monaten die in diesem Band vorgelegten 127 mit Wasserfarben kolorierten Zeichnungen, die er in einem von einem Buchbinder eigens angefertigten Buch mit leeren Blättern eintrug.
The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?
The popularity of the dog as a companion, as a guardian of property, as an assistant in the pursuit of game, and as the object of a pleasurable hobby, has never been so great as it is at the present time.
Backed by Brazil's wealthy agribusiness groups, a growing evangelical movement, and an emboldened military and police force, Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019. Driven by the former army captain's brand of controversial, aggressive rhetoric, the divisive presidential campaign saw fake news and misinformation shared with Bolsonaro's tens of millions of social media followers. Bolsonaro promised simple solutions to Brazil's rising violent crime, falling living standards and widespread corruption, but what has emerged is Latin America's most right-wing president since the military dictatorships of the 1970s. Famous for his racist, homophobic and sexist beliefs and his disregard for human rights, the so-called 'Trump of the Tropics' has established a reputation based on his polemical, sensationalist statements. Written by a journalist with decades of experience in the field, Beef, Bible and bullets is a compelling account of the origins of Brazil's unique brand of right-wing populism. Lapper offers the first major assessment of the Bolsonaro government and the growing tensions between extremist and moderate conservatives.
»Die Leute glauben, ich sei ein Monster.« A. H. Alfred Hitchcock: Ein Name, der zu einer Marke wurde. Jeder scheint ihn zu kennen, sein gezeichnetes Profil, seine exzentrischen Cameo-Auftritte in den eigenen Filmen. Und dennoch bleibt der weltweit populärste Filmregisseur als Mensch ein Unbekannter. Angst und Phobien bestimmten das Leben und Arbeiten des scheuen »Master of Suspense«, der mit Vertigo, Psycho oder Die Vögel zeitlose Meisterwerke der Filmgeschichte schuf.
»Lacan mit Hitchcock. Und nicht umgekehrt, denn es handelt sich hier keineswegs um eine psychoanalytische Interpretation Hitchcocks. Viel eher um das Vorhaben, in bestimmte Lacansche Konzepte etwas Licht hineinzubringen, und das mit Hilfe einiger Filmbeispiele zur Illustration. Das Buch ist deshalb in erster Linie didaktisch. Es ist eine Art Lehrbuch (zusammengestellt von der Schule Sigmund Freuds, der Gesellschaft für theoretische Psychoanalyse Jugoslawiens).«Slavoj Žižek einleitende Worte kündigen nicht nur ein höchst originelles didaktisches Projekt an, sondern haben vielmehr einen programmatischen Charakter für das philosophische Projekt Žižeks insgesamt: die Verbindung und wechselseitige Verflechtung von Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und moderner Populärkultur in der Perspektive einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie.
Quer zum Gang seiner bisherigen Publikationen hat Lorenzer Aufsätze und Vortragsmanuskripte verfaßt, die in doppelter Hinsicht als Einführung in sein Konzept gelten können. Sie verdeutlichen in knappen Skizzen die Grundlinien und sie schneiden die Thematik in verschiedenen Perspektiven an, sie versuchen damit, die Zusammenhänge herzustellen, die in den großen Arbeiten aus analytischen Gründen getrennt worden waren: Die Zusammenhänge zwischen individuell-subjektiver Struktur und objektiv-gesellschaftlicher Struktur, zwischen Sprache und Unbewußtem, Sprache und sinnlich-unmittelbaren Praxiselementen.
This study compares the making and remaking of the political identities of the miners' movements in Britain and Germany. Taking the south Wales and Ruhr coalfields as case studies, it focuses on the public discourse of the trade unions and political parties as it was disseminated in local newspapers, trade union publications, pamphlets and election leaflets. It reveals how the miners' movements used ideas such as class, religion, the 'people' or Volk, socialization and nationalization to construct organizational identities during the turbulent period between 1890 and 1926. These concepts were crucial not only in the formation and self-identity of the miners' trade unions, but also in the way they interacted with employers and the state. They adapted and changed over time as the miners' movements reacted to war, economic depression and increasing industrial conflict. The book contends that these identities were not simply the result of structural factors, but were formed at the juncture where cultural, political and sociological forces intersect. Examining this intersection through discourse analysis and the concept of the 'lifeworld', the book brings together the social world of the miners and the realm of organized politics to advance historical understanding of two of the most important elements in the most powerful labour movements in Europe. ;