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      • Jacoby & Stuart

        Jacoby & Stuart is a publishing house of richly illustrated and well-written children’s books, picture books, fiction and non-fiction. For adults we publish graphic novels, lovingly designed gift books, richly illustrated and informative non-fiction as well as inventive and exquisite cookbooks.

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      • Editorial Leonard Levy

        Venezuelan gastronomic literature.

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      • Trusted Partner
        History of Art / Art & Design Styles
        January 2017

        Leonora Carrington and the international avant-garde

        by Edited by Jonathan P. Eburne, Catriona McAra

        Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) was an English surrealist artist and writer who emigrated to Mexico after the Second World War. As the first comprehensive examination of Carrington's writing and art, this volume approaches her as a major international figure in modern and contemporary art, literature and thought. It offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the intellectual, literary and artistic currents that animate her contribution to experimental art movements throughout the Western Hemisphere, including surrealism and magical realism. In addition to a substantive editorial introduction, the book contains nine chapters from scholars of modern literature and art, each focusing on a major feature in Carrington's career. It also features a visual essay drawn from the 2015 Tate Liverpool exhibition Leonora Carrington: Transgressing Discipline, and two experimental essays by the novelist Chloe Aridjis and the scholar Gabriel Weisz, Carrington's son. This collection offers a resource for students, researchers and readers interested in Carrington's works, and contributes to her continued rise in global recognition.

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        The Arts
        November 2018

        Leonora Carrington and the international avant-garde

        by Jonathan P. Eburne, Catriona McAra

        Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) was an English surrealist artist and writer who emigrated to Mexico after the Second World War. This volume approaches Carrington as a major international figure in modern and contemporary art, literature and thought. It offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the intellectual, literary and artistic currents that animate her contribution to experimental art movements throughout the Western Hemisphere, including surrealism and magical realism. The book contains nine chapters from scholars of modern literature and art, each focusing on a major feature in Carrington's career. It also features a visual essay drawn from the 2015 Tate Liverpool exhibition Leonora Carrington: Transgressing Discipline, and two experimental essays by the novelist Chloe Aridjis and the scholar Gabriel Weisz, Carrington's son. This collection offers a resource for students, researchers and readers interested in Carrington's works.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        May 2024

        The medium of Leonora Carrington

        by Catriona McAra

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        May 2012

        Frau des Windes

        by Elena Poniatowska, Maria Hoffmann-Dartevelle

        Schon als Kind sieht sie die Welt mit eigenen Augen, hält sich für ein Pferd und bewohnt einen Kosmos aus Fabelwesen. Den Konventionen ihrer reichen englischen Familie mißtraut Leonora, sie sagt sich von allen Zwängen los und erkämpft sich das Recht, eine in der Gesellschaft und an der Staffelei absolut freie Frau zu werden. In der wahnwitzigen Liebe zu dem Maler Max Ernst stürzt sie in wonnevolle Abgründe. Mit ihm zusammen ergibt Leonora sich in Paris dem Sinnestaumel des Surrealismus, ist eng befreundet mit Dalí, Miró und Picasso. Als Max Ernst im Zweiten Weltkrieg interniert wird, verliert Leonora den Verstand und wird in eine Anstalt eingewiesen. Nach Ausbruch und Flucht über den Atlantik erobert sie, unterstützt durch ihre Freundin Peggy Guggenheim, die Kunstwelt New Yorks. Vertrieben, getrieben und besessen – in ihrer letzten Heimat Mexiko schafft sie, beseelt durch eine letzte große Liebe, Meisterwerke so singulär wie ihre Geschichte selbst. Das außergewöhnliche Leben der Leonora Carrington (1917–2011) wird in den Händen Elena Poniatowskas zu einem weltumspannenden Abenteuer, einem Schrei nach Freiheit und einem Zeugnis von bedingungsloser Leidenschaft.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2012

        Frau des Windes

        by Elena Poniatowska

        Schon als Kind sieht sie die Welt mit eigenen Augen, hält sich für ein Pferd und bewohnt einen Kosmos aus Fabelwesen. Den Konventionen ihrer reichen englischen Familie mißtraut Leonora, sie sagt sich von allen Zwängen los und erkämpft sich das Recht, eine in der Gesellschaft und an der Staffelei absolut freie Frau zu werden. In der wahnwitzigen Liebe zu dem Maler Max Ernst stürzt sie in wonnevolle Abgründe. Mit ihm zusammen ergibt Leonora sich in Paris dem Sinnestaumel des Surrealismus, ist eng befreundet mit Dalí, Miró und Picasso. Als Max Ernst im Zweiten Weltkrieg interniert wird, verliert Leonora den Verstand und wird in eine Anstalt eingewiesen. Nach Ausbruch und Flucht über den Atlantik erobert sie, unterstützt durch ihre Freundin Peggy Guggenheim, die Kunstwelt New Yorks. Vertrieben, getrieben und besessen – in ihrer letzten Heimat Mexiko schafft sie, beseelt durch eine letzte große Liebe, Meisterwerke so singulär wie ihre Geschichte selbst. Das außergewöhnliche Leben der Leonora Carrington (1917–2011) wird in den Händen Elena Poniatowskas zu einem weltumspannenden Abenteuer, einem Schrei nach Freiheit und einem Zeugnis von bedingungsloser Leidenschaft.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        Edmund Spenser and the romance of space

        by Tamsin Badcoe

        Edmund Spenser and the romance of space advances the exploration of literary space into new areas, firstly by taking advantage of recent interdisciplinary interests in the spatial qualities of early modern thought and culture, and secondly by reading literature concerning the art of cosmography and navigation alongside imaginative literature with the purpose of identifying shared modes and preoccupations. The book looks to the work of cultural and historical geographers in order to gauge the roles that aesthetic subjectivity and the imagination play in the development of geographical knowledge: contexts ultimately employed by the study to achieve a better understanding of the place of Ireland in Spenser's writing. The study also engages with recent ecocritical approaches to literary environments, such as coastlines, wetlands, and islands, thus framing fresh readings of Spenser's handling of mixed genres.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2021

        Spenser and Donne

        Thinking poets

        by Yulia Ryzhik

        The names Edmund Spenser and John Donne are typically associated with different ages in English poetry, the former with the sixteenth century and the Elizabethan Golden Age, the latter with the 'metaphysical' poets of the seventeenth century. This collection of essays, part of The Manchester Spenser series, brings together leading Spenser and Donne scholars to challenge this dichotomous view and to engage critically with both poets, not only at the sites of direct allusion, imitation, or parody, but also in terms of common preoccupations and continuities of thought, informed by the literary and historical contexts of the politically and intellectually turbulent turn of the century. Juxtaposing these two poets, so apparently unlike one another, for comparison rather than contrast changes our understanding of each poet individually and moves towards a more holistic, relational view of their poetics.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of Art / Art & Design Styles
        September 2016


        Women artists/surrealism/modernism

        by Series edited by Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon, Patricia Allmer

        Featuring new essays by established and emerging scholars, Intersections: Women artists/surrealism/modernism redefines conventional surrealist and modernist canons by focusing critical attention on women artists working in and with surrealism in the context of modernism. In doing so it redefines critical understanding of the complex relations between all three terms. The essays address work produced in a wide variety of international contexts and across several generations of surrealist production by women closely connected to the surrealist movement or more marginally influenced by it. Intersections explores work in a wide range of media, from painting and sculpture to film and fashion, by artists including Susan Hiller, Maya Deren, Birgit Jurgenssen, Aube Elléouët, Dorothea Tanning, Claude Cahun, Elsa Schiaparelli, Joyce Mansour, Leonor Fini, Mimi Parent, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ithell Colquhoun and Eileen Agar.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2024

        Rereading Chaucer and Spenser

        Dan Geffrey with the New Poete

        by Rachel Stenner, Tamsin Badcoe, Gareth Griffith

        Rereading Chaucer and Spenser is a much-needed volume that brings together established and early career scholars to provide new critical approaches to the relationship between Geoffrey Chaucer and Edmund Spenser. By reading one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages alongside one of the greatest poets of the English Renaissance, this collection poses questions about poetic authority, influence, and the nature of intertextual relations in a more wide-ranging manner than ever before. With its dual focus on authors from periods often conceived as radically separate, the collection also responds to current interests in periodisation. This approach will engage academics, researchers and students of Medieval and Early Modern culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        The early Spenser, 1554–80

        'Minde on honour fixed'

        by Jean R. Brink, Joshua Samuel Reid

        Brink's provocative biography shows that Spenser was not the would-be court poet whom Karl Marx's described as 'Elizabeth's arse-kissing poet'. In this readable and informative account, Spenser is depicted as the protégé of a circle of London clergymen, who expected him to take holy orders. Brink shows that the young Spenser was known to Alexander Nowell, author of Nowell's Catechism and Dean of St. Paul's. Significantly revising the received biography, Brink argues that that it was Harvey alone who orchestrated Familiar Letters (1580). He used this correspondence to further his career and invented the portrait of Spenser as his admiring disciple. Contextualising Spenser's life by comparisons with Shakespeare and Sir Walter Ralegh, Brink shows that Spenser shared with Sir Philip Sidney an allegiance to the early modern chivalric code. His departure for Ireland was a high point, not an exile.

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        September 2015

        Die Lilienhand

        Sämtliche Sonette

        by Edmund Spenser, Alexander Nitzberg

        Sämtliche Sonette von Edmund Spenser Seine gedankliche Raffinesse, formale Perfektion und schier unerschöpfliche Phantasie faszinierten ganze Generationen von Literaten: Ob Milton, Pope, Shelley, Byron, Yeats oder Conrad, niemand konnte sich dem Klangzauber Edmund Spensers, dieser »silbernen Trompete« (Keats), entziehen. Und nirgends tritt die Meisterschaft des Dichters deutlicher zutage als in dessen filigranen Sonetten. Eros und Melancholie, Schönheit und Vergänglichkeit, Zorn und Milde werden hier in immer neuen, oft paradoxen Bildern zusammengefügt und zur sprachlichen Vollendung gebracht.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1995


        Eine Liebe von Lytton Strachey. Das Buch zum Film

        by Holroyd, Michael

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

        by Jeff Wallace, John Whale, John Whale

        First published in 1790 Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France initiated a debate not only about the nature of the unprecedented historical events taking place across the channel, but about the very identity of the British state and its people. It has subsequently been appropriated by a variety of conservative and liberal thinkers and has played a major role in our understanding of the relationship between rhetoric, aesthetics and politics. In this volume, leading Burke scholars offer new and challenging essays which allow us to reconsider the historical context in which Reflections on the Revolution in France was written. The essays consider its reception, its engagements in the discourses of nationalism and toleration, its legacy to English and Irish writers of the Romantic period and its impact within our contemporary cultural and critical theory. The volume demonstrates a range of interdisciplinary critical methods and cultural perspectives from which to read Burke's most famous work. This volume will be the ideal companion to Burke's Reflections for all students of literature, history, politics and Irish studies. ;

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