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      • Dar Almaaref for Publishing

        The oldest national organization for publishing since 1890 in Middle East. We had the prize of "The best publisher 2019-2020",The owner of October Magazine.

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      • Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

        Welcome International Rights Agents and Publishers!The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), representing 3,600 independent publishers from the U.S., has been attending the Frankfurt International Book Fair for more than 30 years. While we wish we could be meeting with you in person this year, we are excited to present to you some new and innovative titles from our members all the same, some of which are certain to be of interest to your company.   If you would like to set up an appointment to meet with us, or are interested in a review copy of any of the books listed in this online catalog, please contact Terry Nathan at

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The world of El Cid

        Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest

        by Simon Barton, Richard Fletcher

        Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fascinating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Mandalas - Harmonie und Farbenzauber

        Zeit zum Entspannen:

        by la Baleine, Lili; de Moulor, Claire; Siléo, Cinzia

        Mandalas sind seit jeher Quelle der Ruhe und Kraft. In diesem hochwertig ausgestatteten Band laden vorkolorierte Motive ein in die Welt der grenzenlosen Fantasie.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Thomas Nashe and literary performance

        by Chloe Kathleen Preedy, Rachel Willie

        As an instigator of debate and a defender of tradition, a man of letters and a popular hack, a writer of erotica and a spokesman for bishops, an urbane metropolitan and a celebrant of local custom, the various textual performances of Thomas Nashe have elicited, and continue to provoke, a range of contradictory reactions. Nashe's often incongruous authorial characteristics suggest that, as a 'King of Pages', he not only courted controversy but also deliberately cultivated a variety of public personae, acquiring a reputation more slippery than the herrings he celebrated in print. Collectively, the essays in this book illustrate how Nashe excelled at textual performance but his personae became a contested site as readers actively participated and engaged in the reception of Nashe's public image and his works.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Die Geburt des Mondes

        Schwarze Geschichten aus Kuba

        by Lydia Cabrera, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Susanne Lange

        Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde 1929 in Gibara, Kuba, geboren. Mit 12 Jahren kam er nach Havanna und nach einem kurzen Studium an der Escuela de Periodismo, der Journalistenschule, arbeitete er als Journalist. Er war Mitgründer der Cinemateca de Cuba und leitete diese von 1951 bis 1956. Ab 1954 schrieb er, unter dem Pseudonym "G. Caín", Filmkritiken für die Wochenzeitschrift Carteles. Er kämpfte gegen das diktatorische Regime Batistas, und seine Eltern waren Mitgründer der kubanischen Kommunistischen Partei. Nach der kubanischen Revolution war er einige Jahre Direktor des nationalen Filminstituts und Chefredakteur der Literaturbeilage Lunes de Revolución, die 1962 eingestellt wurde. Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde im gleichen Jahr zum Kulturattaché der kubanischen Botschaft in Belgien ernannt. 1965 legte er sein Amt nieder und ging ins freigewählte Exil. Der Autor brach damals, noch vor dem berühmten Padilla-Fall, mit dem Regime Fidel Castros, das die Intellektuellen auf Kuba immer stärker verfolgte und zensierte. Seit 1967 lebte Cabrera Infante in London. Der Autor wurde mit seinem Roman Tres tristes tigres, 1967, (dt. Drei traurige Tiger, 1987) bekannt, der den Preis Biblioteca Breve in Spanien 1964 gewann. Dieser Roman gilt als eines der Hauptwerke der lateinamerikanischen Literatur. Zu den bedeutenden Werken Cabrera Infantes gehören außerdem: Holy smoke (dt. Rauchzeichen, 1990), Vista del amanecer en el trópico (dt. Ansicht der Tropen im Morgengrauen, 1995), Así en la paz como en la guerra (dt. Wie im Kriege also auch im Frieden, 1996), La Habana para un Infante difunto und Cine o sardina (dt. Nichts als Kino, 2001), eine mitunter giftige Liebeserklärung an das Kino. 1997 erhielt Guillermo Cabrera Infante den renommierten Premio Cervantes. Guillermo Cabrera Infante starb am 21. Februar 2005 in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Spanish cinema 1973–2010

        Auteurism, politics, landscape and memory

        by Maria M. Delgado, Robin Fiddian

        This collection offers a new lens through which to examine Spain's cinema production following the isolation imposed by the Franco regime. The seventeen key films analysed in the volume span a period of 35 years that have been crucial in the development of Spain, Spanish democracy and Spanish cinema. They encompass different genres (horror, thriller, melodrama, social realism, documentary), both popular (Los abrazos rotos/Broken Embraces, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) and more select art house fare (En la ciudad de Sylvia/In the City of Sylvia, El espíritu de la colmena/Spirit of the Beehive) and are made in English (as both first and second language), Basque, Castilian, Catalan and French. Offering an expanded understanding of 'national' cinemas, the volume explores key works by Guillermo del Toro and Lucrecia Martel alongside an examination of the ways in which established auteurs (Almodóvar, José Garci, Carlos Saura) and younger generations of filmmakers (Cesc Gay, Amenábar, Bollaín) have harnessed cinematic language towards a commentary on the nation-state. The result is a bold new study of the ways in which film has created new prisms that have determined how Spain is positioned in the global marketplace.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        September 2007

        Authorship and authority: the writings of James VI and I

        by Jane Rickard

        James VI of Scotland and I of England participated in the burgeoning literary culture of the Renaissance, not only as a monarch and patron, but as an author in his own right, publishing extensively in a number of different genres over four decades. As the first monograph devoted to James as an author, this book offers a fresh perspective on his reigns in Scotland and England, and also on the inter-relationship of authorship and authority, literature and politics in the Renaissance. Beginning with the poetry he wrote in Scotland in the 1580s, it moves through a wide range of his writings, including scriptural exegeses, political, social and theological treatises and printed speeches, concluding with his manuscript poetry of the early 1620s. The book combines extensive primary research into the preparation, material form and circulation of these varied writings, with theoretically informed consideration of the relationship between authors, texts and readers. The discussion thus explores James's responses to, and interventions in, a range of literary, political and religious debates, and reveals the development of his aims and concerns as an author.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2017

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Nuria Triana-Toribio, Isabel Santaolalla, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2012

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Isabel Santaolalla, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2003

        Abschied von Don Juan


        by Angelica Ammar, Esther Tusquets

        Esther Tusquets wurde am 30.8.1936 in Barcelona geboren. Dort besuchte sie die Deutsche Schule. Später studierte sie in Barcelona und Madrid Philosophie, Geschichte und Literatur. 1960 übernahm sie den Verlag Lumen, den sie bis zum Jahr 2000 leitete. Mit 42 Jahren veröffentlichte sie ihren ersten Roman El mismo mar de todos los veranos (dt. Aller Sommer Meer, Reinbek, 1981, Berlin, 2002), es folgten die Romane El amor es un juego solitario (dt. Die Liebe ein einsames Spiel, Reinbek, 1982), Varada tras el último naufragio, Para no volver, Con la miel en los labios und mehrere Erzählbände sowie das hoch gelobte Kinderbuch La reina de los gatos. 2001 erschien ihr Briefroman Correspondencia privada (dt. Abschied von Don Juan, Frankfurt, 2003), der in Spanien große Anerkennung fand. Ihre Bücher sind in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt worden. Ester Tusquets verstarb am 23.07.2012 im Alter von 75 Jahren in Barcelona.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Marie Duval

        Maverick Victorian Cartoonist

        by Simon Grennan, Roger Sabin, Julian Waite

        Marie Duval: maverick Victorian cartoonist offers the first critical appraisal of the work of Marie Duval (Isabelle Émilie de Tessier, 1847-1890), one of the most unusual, pioneering and visionary cartoonists of the later nineteenth century. It discusses key themes and practices of Duval's vision and production, relative to the wider historic social, cultural and economic environments in which her work was made, distributed and read, identifing Duval as an exemplary radical practitioner. The book interrogates the relationships between the practices and the forms of print, story-telling, drawing and stage performance. It focuses on the creation of new types of cultural work by women and highlights the style of Duval's drawings relative to both the visual conventions of theatre production and the significance of the visualisation of amateurism and vulgarity. Marie Duval: maverick Victorian cartoonist establishes Duval as a unique but exemplary figure in a transformational period of the nineteenth century.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Die Hydra des Dschihadismus

        Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Abwehr einer globalen Gefahr

        by Asiem El Difraoui

        Nachdem der »IS« in Trümmern lag und »Kalif« al-Baghdadi im Oktober 2019 von US-Truppen getötet wurde, schien der »Krieg gegen den Terror« einmal mehr beendet. Aber der Dschihadismus ist längst eine globale Bewegung geworden, der Dutzende von Organisationen angehören – und mit Gewalt allein ist ihr nicht beizukommen.Seit drei Jahrzehnten verfolgt Asiem El Difraoui als Filmemacher, Journalist und Wissenschaftler diese Entwicklung. Er traf Kampfgefährten bin Ladens in Khartum und PR-Strategen, die in Berlin-Charlottenburg Propagandavideos produzierten. In Kriegsgebieten wie Bosnien, dem Irak oder in Afghanistan hat er selbst den Terror gegen die Bevölkerung miterlebt. Und immer wieder kam der Terror auch zu ihm, wie in Gestalt der Anschläge 1995 und 2015 in Paris, die sich in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft ereigneten. Kenntnisreich und anschaulich schildert Difraoui, wie der Dschihadismus entstanden ist, wie seine Denkmuster und PR-Strategien sich gewandelt haben und woraus die Hydra ihre Kraft bezieht. Was macht die todbringende Ideologie gerade auch für junge Menschen in Europa attraktiv? Welchen Anteil hat der Westen, haben die Medien an ihrem Erfolg? Und wie kann es gelingen, ihre Macht zu brechen? Ein aufrüttelnder Appell, sich einer der größten Gefahren der Gegenwart zu stellen.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Die schönsten Mandalas zum Entspannen

        Zeit zum Entspannen

        by Coster, Patience

        Vor allem Mandalas sind seit jeher Quellen der Ruhe und Kraft. In diesem Band laden 60 traumhafte Motive ein in die Welt der freien Fantasie.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2008

        El laberinto de la soledad by Octavio Paz

        by Catherine Davies, Anthony Stanton

        If one had to identify one central, defining text from modern Mexican culture, it would be Octavio Paz´s famous essay, El laberinto de la soledad. This fully annotated edition includes the complete text in Spanish (with the author's final revisions), and notes and additional material in English. The editor's introduction contextualizes the essay and discusses central features: autobiographical and textual origins, intellectual sources, reception and canonization, generic ambiguity, structure, and governing symbols. The intellectual sources identified range from Marx, Nietzsche and Freud to the more contemporary ones of the French College of Sociology (Caillois), the Surrealist movement, the ideas of D. H. Lawrence, previous essays from writers in Mexico (such as Samuel Ramos) and Latin America. Several lines of interpretation are examined to show how the work can be read as a psycho-historical essay, an autobiographical construct or a modern literary myth. Transdisciplinary by nature, this literary essay is both an imaginative construction of personal and national identity, and also a critical deconstruction of dominant stereotypes. It seeks to redefine the complex relationships that exist between psychology, myth, history and Mexican culture. This edition also includes excerpts of the author's opinions on his essay, a time-line of Mexican history, a selected vocabulary, and themes for discussion and debate. Paz's first full-length prose work remains his most well-known and widely read text, and this edition will appeal to sixth-form and university students, teachers, researchers and general readers with a knowledge of Spanish. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2006

        El Caballero de Olmedo by Lope de Vega Carpio

        by Catherine Davies, Anthony Lappin

        El Caballero de Olmedo is a history play, a retelling of a folk talk, a celebrated piece of Golden Age drama, and also an intense mediation upon the power of desire, the deceits of eroticism and literary convention, the injustice of a world obsessed with appearance, and the tragic potential inherent in the courting of beautiful women. The introduction sets this play within the context of Baroque eroticism and sexual mores as well as dramatic practice. The text is presented with glosses to words unfamiliar to undergraduate students; the notes comprise summaries of acts and scenes from a dramatic point of view, and in-depth notes to problematic passages in the text, written with an undergraduate readership in mind. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Fabelhafte Welt der Mandalas. Eine Entspannungsreise

        by Rosengarten, Johannes

        Mandalas sind seit jeher Quellen der Kraft und Entspannung. In diesem Band sind 48 traumhafte Motive von der Fantasie inspiriert. Da ist für jeden Geschmack und jedes Temperament etwas dabei.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1985

        Der Traum der Helden

        Roman. Aus dem Spanischen von Joachim A. Frank

        by Adolfo Bioy Casares, Joachim A. Frank

        Adolfo Bioy Casares wurde am 15. September 1914 in Buenos Aires (Argentinien) geboren. 1932 lernte er im Haus der Essayistin und Literaturkritikerin Victoria Ocampo Jorge Luis Borges kennen und zwei Jahre darauf seine spätere Frau Silvina Ocampo, die ihn gemeinsam mit Borges überzeugte, sein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der Philosophie aufzugeben und sich ganz der Literatur zu widmen. 1940 veröffentlichte er La invención de Morel (dt. Morels Erfindung, Neuübersetzung von 2003), sein wohl bekanntester Roman und inzwischen ein Klassiker der phantastischen Literatur. 1954, das Jahr in dem seine einzige Tochter, Marta, geboren wurde, veröffentlichte er El sueño de los héroes (dt. Der Traum der Helden), einen seiner durch Thematik, Sprach- und Lokalkolorit »argentinischen« Romane. Unter den gemeinsamen Pseudonymen H. Bustos Domecq und B. Suárez Lynch verfaßte er mit Borges zusammen zahlreiche Erzählungen, unter anderem die Kriminalgeschichten Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi (dt. Sechs Aufgaben für Don Isidro Parodi). 1990 erhielt Bioy Casares den bedeutendsten Literaturpreis der spanischsprachigen Welt: den Premio Cervantes. Er starb 1999 in Buenos Aires.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Die schönsten Kindergarten Mandalas. Malen, Träumen, Entspannen

        by Rosengarten, Johannes

        Mandalas sind seit jeher Quellen der Kraft und Entspannung. In diesem Band sind 48 traumhafte Motive von der Fantasie inspiriert. Da ist für jeden Geschmack und jedes Temperament etwas dabei.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary Spanish cinema

        by Barry Jordan, Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas

        Contemporary focus, right up to date with material from 1980s and 90s. Wide-ranging analyses of major directors, themes, genres and issues, including historical film, genre cinema, women in film and autonomies.

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