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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2013
Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats
Unfinished business
by Frances Babbage, Matt Cole
Richard Wainwright, the Liberals and Liberal Democrats: Unfinished Business now available in paperback, offers new research on familiar themes involving loyalties of politics, faith and locality. Richard Wainwright was a Liberal MP for seventeen years during the Party's recovery, but his life tells us about much more than this. Wainwright grew up in prosperity, but learned from voluntary work about poverty; he refused to fight in World War Two, but saw war at its cruellest; he joined the Liberal Party when most had given up on it, but gave his fortune to it; lost a by-election but caused the only Labour loss in Harold Wilson's landslide of 1966. He then played a key role in the fall of Jeremy Thorpe, the Lib-Lab Pact and the formation of the SDP-Liberal Alliance and the Liberal Democrats; he represented a unique Yorkshire constituency which reflected his pride and hope for society; and though he gave his life to the battle to be in the Commons, he refused a seat in the Lords. Richard Wainwright's story is central to the story of the Liberal Party and sheds light on the reasons for its survival and the state of its prospects. At the same time this book is a parable of politics for anyone who wants to represent an apparently lost cause, who wants to motivate people who have been neglected, and who wants to follow their convictions at the highest level. ;
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July 2018Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge
by Teju Cole, Uda Strätling
Teju Cole betrachtet Kunst, wie er die Welt betrachtet: mit dem Blick eines unsystematischen Historikers, der zunächst beobachtet, beschreibt, das Offensichtliche in den Blick nimmt, um zu dem weniger Sichtbaren vorzudringen, das darunterliegt. Seine Essays handeln von der Erfahrung des Unterwegsseins und von politischer Moral, von Rassismus und davon, warum auch ein Präsident, der die »richtigen« Bücher liest, in seinem Amt Menschen tötet. Und er schreibt über das, was ihn geistig nährt: über Baldwin, Sebald und Tranströmer; über Brasilien, Italien, Palästina; über die Ästhetik westafrikanischer Auftragsfotografie und über Instagram. In bereichernden, betörenden und originellen Essays offenbart Teju Cole den Reichtum seiner Interessen. Immer wieder zieht er erhellende Verbindungen, von der konkreten Gegenwart zur Dichtung, von der Geschichte zur Kunst. Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge wird zu einer Schule des Sehens.
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November 2010Wilson Cole: Flaggschiff
Roman. Wilson Colel 5
by Resnick, Mike / Übersetzt von Schichtel, Thomas
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2020Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France
by Alistair Cole
This book looks at the period 2015-18 in French politics, a turbulent time that witnessed the apparent collapse of the old party system, the taming of populist and left-wing challenges to the Republic and the emergence of a new political order centred on President Emmanuel Macron. The election of Macron was greeted with relief in European chancelleries and appeared to give a new impetus to European integration, even accomplishing the feat of making France attractive after a long period of French bashing and reflexive decline. But what is the real significance of the Macron presidency? Is it as transformative as it appears? Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France provides a balanced answer to this pressing question. It is written to appeal to a general readership with an interest in French and European politics, as well as to students and scholars of French politics.
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