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        October 2013

        Der gekreuzigte Teufel

        Roman. Aus dem Englischen von Susanne Koehler

        by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Susanne Koehler

        Der gekreuzigte Teufel wurde von Ngũgĩ heimlich im Gefängnis - er wurde wegen eines Theaterstücks in Gĩkũyũ verhaftet, aber nie vor Gericht gestellt - auf Toilettenpapier niedergeschrieben. Erst kurz vor seiner Entlassung wurde das Manuskript entdeckt und beschlagnahmt, ihm jedoch wieder zurückgegeben. Die Publikation dieses Romans auf Gĩkũyũ war ein (nicht nur literarisches) Ereignis. Wariinga verläßt aufgrund einer verzweifelten Situation Nairobi und will in ihrem Heimatdorf Ilmorog Zuflucht suchen. Sie fährt mit einem Matatu-Taxi zu einer Einladung - einer Einladung zu einem Fest der Diebe, das vom Teufel organisiert wird. Diese Diebe (lokale und ausländische Geschäftsleute) veranstalten einen Wettkampf in der Prahlerei damit, wie sie reich wurden. Durch dieses Feiern von Korruption in all ihren Formen wird Wariinga zu der Einsicht gebracht, daß ihr Leben nichts anderes war als die Duldung von Korruption. Ngũgĩ kehrt in Der gekreuzigte Teufel den westlichen Symbolismus um. Er konfrontiert Illusion und Wirklichkeit, Träume und harte Tatsachen. Die Erzählung verwendet die alten Rhythmen des traditionellen Geschichtenerzählens als Gegengewicht zum Schreibstil. Aus dieser Verbindung des Alten mit dem Neuen ergibt sich ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für die politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Unabhängigkeit des kenianischen Volkes.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        False profits of ethical capital

        Finance, labour and the politics of risk

        by Claire Parfitt

        False profits of ethical capital is a thought-provoking approach to understanding stakeholder capitalism. Rather than focusing on the inadequacies of corporate responsibility, sustainable investment and consumer politics, this book grapples with the technical and rhetorical functions of ethical capital for profit and accumulation. It provides a unique and eclectic analysis of the political dynamics between finance, capital and labour, offering a refreshing perspective on struggles interlocking social, ecological and economic crises, and suggesting new ways of thinking about sustainability politics.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2024

        Capitalism in contemporary Iran

        Capital accumulation, state formation and geopolitics

        by Kayhan Valadbaygi

        By situating Iran within the neoliberal global capitalism and resulting geopolitics, this book traces the patterns of capital accumulation and transformations in class and state formation emanating from it. It shows that Iranian neoliberalisation has brought about two capital fractions, namely the internationally-oriented capital fraction and the military-bonyad complex. It substantiates that the co-existence of these competing class fractions with different accumulation strategies has generated hybrid neoliberalism. The book further demonstrates how this new class formation has reorganised the function and operation of state institutions and transformed state ideology. By documenting the ways in which Iranian neoliberalisation has reshaped the subaltern classes and formed Iran's volatile foreign policy, it also provides a novel account of major events and processes in contemporary Iran, such as the post-2017 wave of uprisings, the nuclear programme and international sanctions.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Afterlives of war

        by Michael Roper

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2009

        Intertextuality in modern Arabic literature since 1967

        by Luc Deheuvels, Mike Thompson, Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, Paul Starkey

        This volume of essays is the first to be dedicated to the subject of intertextuality in modern Arabic literature. Beginning with a general overview of the topic by Roger Allen, it brings together essays on a range of writers from all parts of the Arab world, including, among others, Edwar al-Kharrat, Sa'd Allah Wannus, Najib Mahfuz, Rabi' Jabir, Salim Matar and the recently deceased Sudanese writer al-Tayyib Salih, whose seminal work Season of Migration to the North heralded a new phase in the modern Arabic literary tradition. The volume, which also includes two essays on aspects of intertextuality in Gulf literature, also discusses transformations of popular medieval literature such as the Alf Layla wa-Layla (the Thousand and One Nights) in modern Arabic literature. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Globalized urban precarity in Berlin and Abidjan

        Young men and the digital economy

        by Hannah Schilling

        Digital technologies promise efficiency and comfort, but the smoothness of platform services relies on the hidden social labour of those who keep the gig economy running. This book presents a comparative ethnography of young men making a living through digital technologies: selling mobile airtime in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, and app-based delivery riders in Berlin, Germany. These case studies explore the significance of symbolic capital in urban youth's social existence and organisation of livelihood in the digital economy, and the technological mechanisms producing a new form of urban precarity. Globalized urban precarity in Berlin and Abidjan puts forward an original comparative approach to develop a global urban sociology for the digital era. It provides an innovative analytical toolbox that decentres discussions of precarity from the standard of a normal employment contract. With its focus on symbolic capital, the ethnography shows the consequences of the proliferating gig economy for status struggles among urban youth, and carefully embeds the densification of software and services into the socio-material relations on which these new urban infrastructures are built.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Human capital and empire

        by Andrew Mackillop

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        September 2020

        Washington Black


        by Edugyan, Esi

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Washington Black


        by Edugyan, Esi

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1995

        Washington und Rom.

        Der Katholizismus in der amerikanischen Kultur.

        by Zöller, Michael

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