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      • Little Newton Science Education Company

        Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd. Little Newton is one of the leading children and science publishing company in Taiwan. Began with publication of “Newton Magazine”in 1983, “Little Newton Magazine” in 1984, and “Little Newton for Kids and Toddlers” in 1990. Till now, we have created over 1,000 best seller publications. In 2003, we released our titles in China Mainaland via copyright licensing. They have been loved by many children, parents and teachers . Little Newton is taken as an important brand for children publication in China. Now, we will extend from paper books and eBooks to on-line courses,and from Chinese-speaking world to worldwide.

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        October 2446

        Was Newton nicht wusste

        Chaos im Sonnensystem

        by Ivars Peterson, Anita Ehlers

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/1

        by Fred Schurink, Rachel Winchcombe

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 1999

        Bussy D'Ambois

        By George Chapman

        by N. S. Brooke

        Revels stuff. . . .|This Edition of George Chapman's tragedy differs from all other modern editions in being primarily based on the Quarto of 1607 in preference to the much revised Quarto of 1641. N. S. Brooke believes that the earlier text gives a more certain indication of Chapman's intentions and he has supported this view in an introduction and by a bibliographical and critical study of the play. The divergence between the texts of 1607 and 1641 are set out clearly in this volume, which includes the usual textual and critical apparatus found in the Revels series. ;

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        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Ellen N. La Motte

        by Lea Williams, Christine Hallett

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2019

        Paving the Empire Road

        BBC television and black Britons

        by Darrell M. Newton

        Beginning in the 1930s and moving into the post millennium, this book provides a historical analysis of the policies and practices established by the BBC as it attempted to assist white Britons in adjusting to the presence of African-Caribbeans. Among the themes the book explores are current representations of race, the future of British television and its impact on multi-ethnic audiences. The chapters include an extensive analysis of television programming, along with personal interviews that reveal the efforts of black Britons working for the BBC, whether as writers, producers or actors.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 1977

        The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence

        With extracts from Newton's 'Principia' and 'Optiks'

        by Robert Gavin Alexander

        n 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between the two greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time.In this edition, an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's Principia and Opticks are appended. In 1715 Leibniz wrote to his friend the Princess of Wales to warn her of the dangers Newton's philosophy posed for natural religion. Seizing this chance of initiating an exchange between two of the greatest minds in Europe, the princess showed his letter to the eminent Newtonian scientist and natural theologian, Samuel Clarke. From his reply developed an exchange of papers which was published in 1717. The correspondence was immediately seen as a crucial discussion of the significance of the new science, and it became one of the most widely read philosophical works of its time. Kant developed his theory of space and time from the problems at issue, and the post-Newtonian physics of the twentieth century has brought a revival of interest in Leibniz's objections: some of the problems are still not finally resolved. In this edition an introduction outlines the historical background, and there is a valuable survey of the subsequent discussions of the problem of space and time in the philosophy of science. Significant references to the controversy in Leibniz's other correspondence have also been collected, and the relevant passages from Newton's "Principia" and "Opticks" are appended. ;

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        September 2022

        The Masked Singer 1. Monsterchens großer Auftritt

        by THiLO, Vera Rehaag

        In "The Masked Singer 1. Monsterchens großer Auftritt" nimmt Bestsellerautor THiLO junge Leserinnen und Leser mit nach Candyworld, wo das charismatische Monsterchen vor einer spannenden Herausforderung steht: Am letzten Schultag findet ein Gesangswettbewerb statt, und Monsterchen träumt davon, auf der Bühne zu glänzen. Als es endlich soweit ist und Monsterchen im Rampenlicht vor den Mitschülern steht, nimmt das Ereignis eine unerwartete Wendung. Inspiriert von den beliebten Figuren der Erfolgsshow „The Masked Singer“, die in Zusammenarbeit mit ProSieben entstand, erzählt das Buch eine mitreißende Geschichte über Freundschaft, Mut und die Erkenntnis, dass niemand perfekt sein muss, um großartig zu sein. Die Botschaft, unterstützt von der Beziehung zwischen Monsterchen und seinem besten Freund, dem Faultier, zeigt, dass wahre Größe im Sein und nicht im Schein liegt. Von Bestsellerautor THiLO: Garantiert hochwertige Kinderunterhaltung mit Tiefgang, die junge Leserinnen und Leser nicht nur fesselt, sondern auch wichtige Lebenslektionen vermittelt. Zielgruppe 5 bis 7 Jahre: Ideal für Vorlesestunden oder als Einstieg ins selbstständige Lesen, begleitet von farbenprächtigen Illustrationen, die die Fantasie anregen. Lehrreich und unterhaltsam: Vermittelt Werte wie Freundschaft und Selbstakzeptanz durch eine mitreißende Geschichte, die Kinder inspiriert und gleichzeitig unterhält. Hervorragende Rezensionen: Eltern und Großeltern loben das Buch als perfektes Geschenk für Kinder, betonen die Qualität des Lesestoffs und das positive Leseerlebnis. Thematisiert Lampenfieber und Selbstvertrauen: Bietet eine ideale Grundlage, um mit Kindern über Ängste und Selbstbewusstsein zu sprechen, unterstützt durch beliebte Figuren wie Monsterchen und das Faultier. Verbindung zu beliebten TV-Charakteren: Nutzt die Bekanntheit und Beliebtheit der Charaktere aus „The Masked Singer“, um eine sofortige Verbindung mit jungen Lesern herzustellen und sie für das Buch zu begeistern.

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