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      • Egmont Bulgaria

        Egmont Publishing Bulgaria is a leading publishing house for books and magazines in Bulgaria. Among the international partners of the company are renowned publishers such as Disney, Mattel and Hasbro. Egmont Publishing Bulgaria is the Bulgarian publisher of famous and high-profile authors such as J. K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, John Green, Rick Riordan, Sara J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo and Elif Shafak. Egmont Publishing Bulgaria is part of the leading Scandinavian media group Egmont which was founded in 1878 and owned by the Egmont Foundation, a charitable trust dedicated to supporting children and young people. The company’s mission is to create and tell stories through books, magazines, film, TV, music, games and mobile.

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      • Tara Books (Pvt.) Ltd.

        Tara Books is a collective of writers, artists and designers, based in Chennai, south India. We publish illustrated and handmade books for children and adults. While we generate many of our titles in-house, we also work with artists, writers and designers across the world. Known for our richly illustrated books, we offer a unique list that includes titles in children’s literature, photography, graphic novels, art and art education. Tara has also won around 60 international awards, including the Bologna Ragazzi Award for the Best Children’s Publisher in Asia and the London Book Fair International Publishing Industry Excellence Award.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        January 2018

        Die supergeheime Pfötchen-Gäng (4). Das knifflige Kröten-Duell

        by Alves, Katja

        Was ist nur mit Fräulein Adele los? Ständig ist die Chamäleon-Dame in Eile und tischt eine Ausrede nach der anderen auf, warum sie an den Treffen mit ihren Freunden von der Pfötchen-Gäng nicht teilnehmen kann. Ob die beiden Frösche vom Gartenteich gegenüber etwas damit zu tun haben? Und warum hat Fräulein Adele neuerdings kleine Spielwürfel in ihrer Handtasche dabei, um die sie ein riesengroßes Geheimnis macht? Ein ziemlich kniffliger Fall für die Haustiere vom Nusskernweg!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        Leah und Adele

        Die wahre Geschichte einer ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft

        by Komaiko, Leah

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2001

        Top Girl

        Die unwahrscheinliche Karriere der Katya Livingston. Roman

        by Lang, Adele

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        May 2018

        Burning Bad Boy


        by Mann, Adele

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        August 2019

        Becoming Bad Boy


        by Mann, Adele

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        A Workbook of Chemistry for Students of Medicine and Biology

        Introduction to the material covered in standard examinations

        by Dirk Röbke and Udo Wolfgramm

        Rote learning is one way to pass examinations, but really understanding the subject is even better. Most textbooks are limited to presenting facts without helping the reader review and practice. This workbook fills the gap with more than 1,000 sample examination questions from general, inorganic and organic chemistry. With it, students can practice and deepen what they have learned from textbooks. The problems can be solved without aids, and solutions are provided with detailed explanations. The workbook enjoys great popularity after helping countless students study successfully. From the contents: atomic structure and chemical bonds: noble gas configuration, electronegativity, hybridization, intermolecular interactions | nomenclature and structural formulas of inorganic and organic compounds | chemical equations: double transformations, acid-base reactions, complexes | quantities and concentrations of substance: gravimetry, titrations, percent by mass and by volume | law of mass action | acids, bases and salts: calculating pH value, titration curves, buffers, solubility product | redox reactions and oxidation numbers, Nernst equation | complex compounds | configurational and conformational isomerism | inductive and mesomeric effects | substitution, addition, elimination | aromatic compounds: reactions and second substitution | natural products: carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides | carbonyl reactions: carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones

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        March 1998

        Sämtliche Gedichte

        by Annette Droste-Hülshoff, Karl Schulte Kemminghausen

        Annette von Droste-Hülshoff wurde am 10. Januar 1797 auf Schloß Hülshoff bei Münster geboren. Von 1812 bis 1819 wurde sie von Professor Anton Matthias Sprickmann unterrichtet und gefördert. Eine erste größere Reise führte sie 1825 an den Rhein nach Köln, Bonn und Koblenz. In Bonn lernte sie Sibylle Mertens-Schaaffhausen kennen, mit der sie fortan eine enge Freundschaft verband. Zu ihrem Freundeskreis zählten außerdem Johanna und Adele Schopenhauer sowie Goethes Schwiegertochter Ottilie. In Bonn, das sie bis 1842 mehrfach besuchte, begegnete Annette von Droste-Hülshoff außerdem August Wilhelm Schlegel. Sie stand in brieflichem Kontakt mit intellektuellen Zeitgenossen wie den Brüdern Grimm und sah ihre Berufung als Dichterin, worin sie besonders von dem wesentlich jüngeren Levin Schücking unterstützt wurde. Ihre Balladen, wie Der Knabe im Moor, ebenso ihre Novelle Die Judenbuche, machten sie berühmt, auch wenn sie zu Lebzeiten als schreibende Frau keine Anerkennung fand. Ein wichtiges Dokument religiöser Dichtung ist ihr Gedichtzyklus Das geistliche Jahr. Ab 1841 wohnte sie vorwiegend auf Schloss Meersburg am Bodensee, wo sie am 24. Mai 1848 starb.

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        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

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