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TURLA (Turkish Literature Abroad)
TURLA Meetings organized by the Association of Press and Publishers is an online copyrights platform, that has adapted to the ongoing changes in the world. TURLA Meetings, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduces Turkish publishers to international publishing professionals and enables online copyrights meetings for Turkish publishers. TURLA Meetings which is the first international online publishing platform in Turkey will take place between 17 - 19 November 2020. The program will give Turkish and international publishers the opportunity to hold copyrights meetings and matchmaking activities. Within the context of TURLA Meetings the publishers from Turkey and around the world will meet with live video B2B meetings on the website for 3 days. The Turkish publishers who contribute to TURLA's catalogs and the international publishers from the different countries can create their profiles and online publishing house showcases on the TURLA Meetings website. The publishers can also continue to promote their books on their online showcases outside of the event dates. TURLA Meetings collects international book fairs and the international publishing market on one website, for the easy access of Turkish publishers.
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Promoted ContentThe ArtsJuly 2021
Cue and Cut
A practical approach to working in multi-camera studios
by Roger Singleton-Turner
Cue & Cut is a 'practical approach to working in television studios' for anyone who might want to work in that medium. It's full of useful information about kit, and how you would use it to create multi-camera content. Written by a multi-camera producer-director with years of drama and teaching experience, it presents both a way of handling studios and a source of information about how things have changed from the days of monochrome to HD tapeless modes - with some thoughts on 3D HDTV The book is firmly based in first-hand teaching experience and experience of producing, direction, floor managing (and so on) and on working with top flight Actors, Writers, Musicians, Designers of all disciplines and Sound and Camera crews, both at the BBC and in ITV. The book will certainly cover multi-camera aspects of Undergraduate, HND and B.Tech courses and should be useful to those on short courses, whether practical or post-graduate.
Promoted ContentThe ArtsJuly 2021
Cue and Cut
A practical approach to working in multi-camera studios
by Roger Singleton-Turner
Cue & Cut is a 'practical approach to working in television studios' for anyone who might want to work in that medium. It's full of useful information about kit, and how you would use it to create multi-camera content. Written by a multi-camera producer-director with years of drama and teaching experience, it presents both a way of handling studios and a source of information about how things have changed from the days of monochrome to HD tapeless modes - with some thoughts on 3D HDTV The book is firmly based in first-hand teaching experience and experience of producing, direction, floor managing (and so on) and on working with top flight Actors, Writers, Musicians, Designers of all disciplines and Sound and Camera crews, both at the BBC and in ITV. The book will certainly cover multi-camera aspects of Undergraduate, HND and B.Tech courses and should be useful to those on short courses, whether practical or post-graduate.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2024
William Turner
Biografie | Ein Leben aus der Perspektive seiner Bilder | Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen
by Boris Brauchitsch
Von seinen Zeitgenossen entweder gefeiert oder für verrückt erklärt, gilt William Turner heute längst als der bedeutendste Künstler Großbritanniens. Kein anderer Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts hat die weitere Entwicklung der Kunst stärker geprägt als er – ob Impressionismus, Abstraktion oder Futurismus, Turner hat vieles vorweggenommen, was erst Jahrzehnte nach seinem Tod Furore machen sollte. William Turner (1775-1851), Sohn eines Barbiers, verfolgte seinen Traum von Anerkennung und Wohlstand erfolgreich mit den Mitteln der Kunst. Wohl keiner reiste und zeichnete so viel wie er, bediente einerseits gekonnt den Kunstmarkt und schuf zugleich Werke, von denen der Autor und Sammler William Beckford sagte, Turner »malt, als ob sein Hirn und seine Fantasie auf der Palette mit Seifenlauge und Schaum vermischt wären.« Zu seinem 250. Geburtstag folgt Boris von Brauchitsch dem exzentrischen Maler in dieser atmosphärisch dichten Biografie vor gesellschaftspolitisch geweitetem Horizont auf seinen abenteuerlichen Reisen durch Europa, beobachtet ihn bei seinem Wettstreit mit den Großen der Kunstgeschichte, begleitet ihn beim Kampf für die Ebenbürtigkeit der Landschaftsmalerei und geht so manchem Geheimnis nach, das ihn umgibt.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2024
William Turner
Biografie | Ein Leben aus der Perspektive seiner Bilder | Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen
by Boris von Brauchitsch
Von seinen Zeitgenossen entweder gefeiert oder für verrückt erklärt, gilt William Turner heute längst als der bedeutendste Künstler Großbritanniens. Kein anderer Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts hat die weitere Entwicklung der Kunst stärker geprägt als er – ob Impressionismus, Abstraktion oder Futurismus, Turner hat vieles vorweggenommen, was erst Jahrzehnte nach seinem Tod Furore machen sollte. William Turner (1775-1851), Sohn eines Barbiers, verfolgte seinen Traum von Anerkennung und Wohlstand erfolgreich mit den Mitteln der Kunst. Wohl keiner reiste und zeichnete so viel wie er, bediente einerseits gekonnt den Kunstmarkt und schuf zugleich Werke, von denen der Autor und Sammler William Beckford sagte, Turner »malt, als ob sein Hirn und seine Fantasie auf der Palette mit Seifenlauge und Schaum vermischt wären.« Zu seinem 250. Geburtstag folgt Boris von Brauchitsch dem exzentrischen Maler in dieser atmosphärisch dichten Biografie vor gesellschaftspolitisch geweitetem Horizont auf seinen abenteuerlichen Reisen durch Europa, beobachtet ihn bei seinem Wettstreit mit den Großen der Kunstgeschichte, begleitet ihn beim Kampf für die Ebenbürtigkeit der Landschaftsmalerei und geht so manchem Geheimnis nach, das ihn umgibt.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsDecember 2007
J. M. W. Turner
The making of a modern artist
by Sam Smiles, Alan Rutter
Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his art. This book shows how Turner was reinvented to become the artist we recognise today. On Turner's death in 1851 he was already known as an adventurous, even baffling, painter. But when the Court of Chancery decreed that the contents of his studio should be given to the nation, another side of his art was revealed that effected a wholescale change in his reputation. This book acts as a guide to the reactions of art writers and curators from the 1850s to the 1960s as they attempted to come to terms with his work. It documents how Turner was interpreted and how his work was displayed in Britain, in Europe and in North America, concentrating on the ways in which his artistic identity was manipulated by art writers, by curators at the Tate and by designers of exhibitions for the British Council and other bodies. ;
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Trusted PartnerFebruary 1991
Sommer im Treibhaus
by George Turner, Michael Koseler
George Turners Buch, das im englischen Sprachraum beträchtliche Aufmerksamkeit gefunden hat und mit einem SF-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, ist ein Bildungsroman. Erzählt wird die Geschichte einiger junger Leute, die in einer zukünftigen Stadt Australiens aufwachsen, in der sich die Massen drängen, in der aber nur die Privilegierten Arbeit und menschenwürdige Unterkünfte haben, und die Städte allmählich in den steigenden Fluten des Ozeans und des Elends versinken – eine Folge des Treibhauseffektes, der zu katastrophalen Klimaveränderungen und als Folge davon zu weltweiten Hungersnöten führt. Der überwiegende Teil der Bevölkerung muß eine von Gewalt geprägte, kümmerliche Existenz fristen. Trotz des düsteren Hintergrunds, der andere Antiutopien anklingen läßt, ist dies keineswegs ein pessimistisches, deprimierendes Buch, sondern eine differenzierte Lektüre, die menschlichen Unternehmungsgeist und Mut feiert, die sich auch durch bedrückende äußere Umstände nicht unterkriegen lassen.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2013
Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus
by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann
This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2020
Bordering intimacy
Postcolonial governance and the policing of family
by Joe Turner
Bordering intimacy explores the interconnected role of borders and dominant forms of family intimacy in the governance of postcolonial states. Combining a historical investigation with postcolonial, decolonial and black feminist theory, the book reveals how the border policies of the British and other European empires have been reinvented for the twenty-first century through appeals to protect and sustain 'family life' - appeals that serve to justify and obfuscate the continued organisation of racialised violence. The book examines the continuity of colonial rule in numerous areas of contemporary government, including family visa regimes, the policing of 'sham marriages', counterterror strategies, deprivation of citizenship, policing tactics and integration policy.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJuly 2021
Vielleicht Jetzt
by Carolin Wahl
Maybe Now (MAYBE Trilogy, Vol. 1) Gabriella, Joana and Karla share a flat. To finance their studies, they all work at a catering company. And the three not only realize their professional dreams, but also find the love of their lives. Gabrielle almost missed her plane in Brazil and now she sits next to this super rude guy. Great! She‘s flying to Munich to finally meet her biological father. Undercover, as she starts an internship in his catering company. On her first day in the kitchen, her instructor turns out to be, of all people, Anton. Her rude – or rather rudely handsome – seatmate from the plane! He not only lights a fire at the stove... Gabriella tries in vain to fight the sparks between them. Because Anton has clear rules when it comes to relationships at work. As hot as the Brazilian sun and as seductive as a perfect chocolate mousse! • Feel-good page turner for New Adults• Original plots in heartfelt narrations, leaving out familiar clichés• Girl power: 3 self-confident protagonists and their strong friendship• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place
Trusted PartnerOctober 2021
Vielleicht Nie
by Carolin Wahl
Maybe Never Gabriella, Joana and Karla share a flat. To finance their studies, they all work at a catering company. And the three not only realize their professional dreams, but also find the love of their lives. Since her older sister died in a fatal car accident, Joana does everything for a perfect life. She tries to follow her sister’s dream, out of guilt. In her life everything seems to be perfect: nice (but boring) boyfriend, successful biochemistry studies, a job at the catering company, affordable flat-sharing and wonderful friends. But everything changes when Kilian, the brother of her best friend Karla, shows up in Munich again. Kilian doesn’t fit into Joana‘s perfectly planned future at all. But he makes her feel what she has long supressed – the real Joana, who actually wanted to become a make-up artist. Ironically, since she has been wearing a mask herself since the death of her sister. • Feel-good page turner for New Adults• Original plots in heartfelt narrations, leaving out familiar clichés• Girl power: 3 self-confident protagonists and their strong friendship• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2020
The United States in the Indo-Pacific
Obama's legacy and the Trump Transition
by Inderjeet Parmar, Oliver Turner
This edited volume examines the political, economic and security legacies former US President Barack Obama leaves across Asia and the Pacific, following two terms in office between 2009 and 2017. The aim is to advance our understanding of Obama's style, influence and impact during that time and the regional footprint he leaves behind. Moreover, it is to inform upon the endurance of, and prospects for, that legacy after two years of the Presidency of Donald Trump. The volume uniquely explores US engagement with key Indo-Pacific states including China, India and Japan; multilateral institutions and organisations such the East Asia Summit and ASEAN; and issue areas such as regional security, politics and diplomacy, and the economy. It does so with contributions from high-profile scholars and policy practitioners including Michael Mastanduno, Bruce Cumings, Maryanne Kelton, Robert Sutter, and Sumit Ganguly.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2018
Miss Olivia und ihr ziemlich umwerfender Wintercocktail
by Catherine Miller
Olivia Turner hat zwei große Leidenschaften: ihre Strandhütte an der schönsten Küste Englands und einen guten Drink. In ihrem Gin Club könnte die höchst agile 84-Jährige eigentlich jeden Abend in Ruhe ihren Gin Tonic genießen – und den weltbesten Wintercocktail kreieren. Wenn … ja, wenn nicht wieder einmal alles ganz anders käme: Eine neue Bar versucht, den Gin Club in den Ruin zu treiben, und ein Unbekannter dringt heimlich in Olivias Strandhütte ein und beschmiert außerdem die Wände des Gin Clubs. Doch nicht mit Olivia! Mit ihrem Segway nimmt die tatkräftige Lady die Verfolgung auf und flitzt durch die Westbrook Bay, um den Strolchen auf die Schliche zu kommen … Ein mitreißender und amüsanter Roman über eine Best Agerin, die sich nicht unterkriegen lässt und ihre Träume lebt …
Trusted PartnerOctober 2018
Miss Olivia und ihr ziemlich umwerfender Wintercocktail
by Catherine Miller, Katharina Förs, Sonja Schuhmacher
Olivia Turner hat zwei große Leidenschaften: ihre Strandhütte an der schönsten Küste Englands und einen guten Drink. In ihrem Gin Club könnte die höchst agile 84-Jährige eigentlich jeden Abend in Ruhe ihren Gin Tonic genießen – und den weltbesten Wintercocktail kreieren. Wenn … ja, wenn nicht wieder einmal alles ganz anders käme: Eine neue Bar versucht, den Gin Club in den Ruin zu treiben, und ein Unbekannter dringt heimlich in Olivias Strandhütte ein und beschmiert außerdem die Wände des Gin Clubs. Doch nicht mit Olivia! Mit ihrem Segway nimmt die tatkräftige Lady die Verfolgung auf und flitzt durch die Westbrook Bay, um den Strolchen auf die Schliche zu kommen … Ein mitreißender und amüsanter Roman über eine Best Agerin, die sich nicht unterkriegen lässt und ihre Träume lebt …
Trusted PartnerHistory of Art / Art & Design StylesFebruary 2017
After 1851
The material and visual cultures of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham
by Edited by Kate Nichols, Sarah Victoria Turner
Echoing Joseph Paxton's question at the close of the Great Exhibition, 'What is to become of the Crystal Palace?', this interdisciplinary essay collection argues that there is considerable potential in studying this unique architectural and art-historical document after 1851, when it was rebuilt in the South London suburb of Sydenham. It brings together research on objects, materials and subjects as diverse as those represented under the glass roof of the Sydenham Palace itself; from the Venus de Milo to Sheffield steel, souvenir 'peep eggs' to war memorials, portrait busts to imperial pageants, tropical plants to cartoons made by artists on the spot, copies of paintings from ancient caves in India to 1950s film. Essays do not simply catalogue and collect this eclectic congregation, but provide new ways for assessing the significance of the Sydenham Crystal Palace for both nineteenth- and twentieth-century studies. The volume will be of particular interest to researchers and students of British cultural history, museum studies, and art history.
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Trusted Partner1992
Die eingetragene Genossenschaft im System des Gesellschaftsrechts
Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Wahl der Unternehmensform, insbesondere in den neuen Bundesländern
by Turner, George