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        The Arts
        October 2024

        Queer cinema in contemporary France

        Five directors

        by Todd Reeser

        Jacques Martineau, Olivier Ducastel, Alain Guiraudie, Sébastien Lifshitz and Céline Sciamma. The films of these five major French directors exemplify queer cinema in the twenty-first century. Comprehensive in scope, Queer cinema in contemporary France traces the development of the meaning of queer across these directors' careers, from their earliest, often unknown films to their later, major films with wide international release. Whether having sex on the beach or kissing in the high school swimming pool, these cinematic characters create or embody forward-looking, open-ended and optimistic forms of queerness and modes of living, loving and desiring. Whether they are white, beur or black, whether they are lesbian, gay, trans* or queer, they open up hetero- and cisnormativity to new ways of being a gendered subject.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023


        The secret feeling

        by Bettina Schulte

        Envy is a relationship drama. The other is the thorn in the flesh. The first murder in the Bible is when Cain killed Abel: out of envy. And today, influencers dazzle their followers with their enviable lives. Bettina Schulte's essay spans an arc from the gruelling agony of subjective envy to the question of its legitimate social role. And of course, it's also about jealousy as a form of envy ...

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Unter Menschen


        by Bettina Balàka

        Berti heißt auch Fekete, Robert Pattinson, Ricky, Zorro und Bagheera. Er ist das Ergebnis der Liaison eines Jack-Russell-Terriers mit einem Straßenköter. Der übermütige Welpe ruiniert die Geschäfte eines ungarischen Hundehändlers, bricht einer Zwölfjährigen das Herz, weckt die Lebensgeister eines neurotischen Physikers und landet auf der Müllhalde eines Haustiermessies. Überall, wo er hinkommt, hinterlässt er seine Spuren in den Herzen und in den Leben seiner Menschen, die er als kleiner Schatten ihres Glücks und Unglücks begleitet. Bettina Balàka erzählt in ihrem Roman nicht nur die Geschichte eines Hundelebens: Unter Menschen ist zugleich ein Reigen zwischenmenschlicher Tragödien und Komödien – grandios komponiert, ironisch und unterhaltsam, voll überraschendem Witz und geistreicher Erkenntnis.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1988

        Achim und Bettina in ihren Briefen

        Briefwechsel Achim von Arnim und Bettina Brentano. Herausgegeben von Werner Vordtriede. Mit einer Einleitung von Rudolf Alexander Schröder. (2 Bde.)

        by Bettina Brentano, Achim Arnim, Werner Vordtriede

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2014

        Mit Hunden durch das Jahr

        Ein immerwährender Kalender

        by Gesine Dammel, Bettina Strauss

        »Natürlich kann man ohne Hund leben - es lohnt sich nur nicht.« Heinz Rühmann Dieser Kalender versammelt für jeden Tag des Jahres ausgewählte Zitate aus der Weltliteratur und präsentiert die schönsten Geschichten und Anekdoten um den besten Freund des Menschen. Von Lassie, Laika, Haichiko und anderen außergewöhnlichen Vierbeinern wird erzählt, von berühmten Hundeliebhabern und von Menschen, die mit Hunden auf besondere Weise verbunden waren. Zahlreiche Farbfotografien von Bettina Strauss illustrieren diesen Band. Ein ebenso praktischer wie unterhaltsamer Begleiter durchs ganze Jahr!

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        What is sex? Or: why don't we just let it be?

        by Bettina Stangneth

        Above all else, and despite all the enlightenment of the age, sex in the 21st century seems to be a problem. Abuse, MeToo, human trafficking, circumcision, role-playing, body cult... But if sex is a mere abyss for modern humans, then why not just let it be? We are the first generation that could actually do it without endangering the survival of the species. And voices are getting louder that once again call for abstinence in a supposedly over-sexualised society. Artificial insemination and artificially intelligent technology for the safe removal of instincts should finally pacify what humans cannot control: instinctive nature. Sex is not the epitome of our animal nature. Every attempt to control the animal in us, either by taming it or by freeing it from tamers in a sexual revolution, inevitably misses the point. Bettina Stangneth asks the quite simple question: what is sex? If every culture of prohibition has failed so far, clearer ideas are obviously needed. Even if we prefer to ignore it, attempts to establish a culture through desire instead of the cultivation of desire have been around for a long time. After all, if you don't want to learn to talk positively about sex, you can't talk meaningfully about coercion and violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1990

        Bettina von Arnim

        Ihr Leben - ihre Begegnungen - ihre Zeit

        by Böttger, Fritz

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        August 2003

        Lang nach Chamfort

        Acht Maximen

        by Samuel Beckett, Wolfgang Held, Wolfgang Held

        »Lang nach« dem Verstummen des französischen Aphoristen und Moralisten Sébastien Chamfort (1741–1794) greift sich Samuel Beckett aus dessen Œuvre die Aphorismen heraus, die ihn mit diesem Vorgänger verbinden, und spitzt sie, lakonischer noch und komischer, zu »Doggerels«, zu Knittelversen zu.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Notting Hill im Schnee


        by Wake, Jules

        Aus dem Englischen von Bettina Ain

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1981

        Bettina von Arnims Armenbuch

        Herausgegeben von Werner Vordtriede

        by Bettine Arnim, Werner Vordtriede

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        The Arts
        June 2021

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this study of a very significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this, the first study of this significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2006

        In den Nächten brütet still der Tod

        Ein Fall für Véra Cabral

        by Brac, Virginie

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