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      • Presses de Sciences Po

        Sciences Po University Press has a triple vocation: to publish research, to edit reference work for students, and to stimulate public and political debate. Founded in the 1950s by Sciences Po (Political Studies Institute of Paris), it has established itself as a leading university publisher. With more than 1,000 titles in its catalogue, Sciences Po University Press publishes the most advanced research in its areas of expertise: geopolitics, globalization and governance, trends in political life, societal change, gender theory and development and 20th century history.

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      • Scion Publishing Ltd

        Scion was formed in 2003 with the aim of producing innovative books for the life, medical and biomedical sciences. Their textbooks are recommended at Harvard, Yale and Stanford universities.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        Magic Girls 4. Gefangen in der Unterwelt

        by Marliese Arold, Sabine Falkenberg

        Elena sorgt sich um ihre Hexenfreundin Miranda, die sich ganz plötzlich sehr krank fühlt. Ist etwa der Fluch des Schwarzmagiers Mafaldus Horus daran schuld? Eines Morgens ist Miranda dann auch noch verschwunden. Elena fi ndet heraus, dass sie von zwei geheimnisvollen Kuttenmännern entführt worden ist. Um Miranda zu befreien, muss Elena in die Unterwelt eindringen, wo der schreckliche Herrscher der Dunkelheit regiert. Nur gut, dass nicht nur die Menschenmädchen Nele und Jana Elena bei ihrer schwierigen Aufgabe zur Seite stehen, sondern auch der junge Zauberer Eusebius, in den Miranda ein klitzekleines bisschen verliebt ist ...

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Get Out of the Nursing Crisis!

        New concepts between profession and solidarity

        by Thomas Klie

        Nursing is sick and lacking. In funding, staff and structure. The issue of who is going to care for Germany's elderly and sick in the future, and how and where they are going to do so, is completely open. One thing is certain: caring won’t work at all without the “joint commitment of everyone”. Thomas Klie, an expert in this fi eld, identifi es and analyses the dilemmas of the care industry. Above all, though, he and other experts present ideas and perspectives for the future – and in doing so challenge the hitherto half-hearted to lurching care policy.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Woman Who Thought Her Husband Was a Doppelganger

        When the brain goes haywire: 36 rare and unusual psychiatric syndromes

        by Monika Niehaus

        The human brain is a wondrous thing, highly complex and highly functional. However, the control centre of our feelings, thoughts and actions can sometimes go out of sync. Some reasons for this are known, such as genetic factors, hormonal effects or trauma. In other cases, we are still in the dark. In an extreme case scenario, the brain may create bizarre delusions – masterful narrations that the people affected fi nd completely conclusive and reasonable. Monika Niehaus has compiled 36 such disorders ranging from love madness and the gourmand syndrome – where gourmet food becomes the purpose of life – to people who desire nothing more than to have their limbs amputated. She tells gripping tales of famous and not so famous cases. With sensitivity and a considerable dose of humour she takes us into the history of art and literature, and presents scientifi c explanations. This fascinating book shows that our brain is a genius – and madness is quite often NOT inexplicable.

      • Trusted Partner

        Do You Hear the Elephants Roaring?

        A Book for Children Whose Parents Regularly Argue

        by Joan Schaaf, Marie Frerich, Johannes Hauck, Lea Klein-Reesink, Leonie Zahn

        “The little jumping mouse wakes up quite frightened. Her parents are arguing again, so loudly that she can’t help but hear.” That is how the story of the little jumping mouse begins. The conflict between her parents makes her very miserable and sad. The mouse decides to leave home. Walking with the wise eagle through the savannah, she observes different animal families who are also having arguments. They discover that no argument is like the other, and the two of them fi nd out that it is normal and  sometimes important to argue, but that certain rules must be followed, so that at the end of the day everyone can get along, and nobody suffers from the quarrels. This book is intended to make it easier for affected children to understand their situation  and to deal with it. It shows that there are different types of quarrels, and that sometimes  it is even okay to argue.   For: • children of elementary school age (between 6 and 12 years of age) who are  suffering because of their parents’ quarreling• parents, relatives• therapists

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Home Media - PC, TV & Hi-Fi vernetzen

        So bringen Sie Film, Bilder und Musik zusammen

        by Schwarz, Manfred

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Home Media - PC, TV & Hi-Fi vernetzen (DIGITAL lifeguide)

        So bringen Sie Film, Bilder und Musik zusammen

        by Schwarz, Manfred

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Mein Lotta-Leben. Alles Bingo mit Flamingo

        Buch zum Film. Filmstart am 29.08.2019

        by Pantermüller, Alice

        Eine ganz neue „Mein-Lotta-Leben“-Geschichte! Das Buch zum Mein Lotta-Leben Film „Alles Bingo mit Flamingo“! Ganz neu erzählt - für alle „Mein Lotta-Leben“-Buch- und Kinofans. Voll fies! Die hochnäsige Berenike von Bödecker hat wirklich alle zu ihrem Geburtstag eingeladen. Sogar Paul. Nur Lotta und Cheyenne nicht. Und dabei haben sie sich in letzter Zeit doch echt Mühe gegeben, nett zu Berenike und ihren blöden Lämmer-Girls zu sein. Klar, dass Lotta und Cheyenne, sich das nicht gefallen lassen! Doch sogar ihre Idee, den berühmten Sänger Marlon mit zur Party zu bringen, scheitert. Und dann scheint sich auch noch Cheyenne gegen Lotta zu verschwören. Da wird doch echt der Flamingo verrückt. Von allen Fans ersehnt: Der neue Band der internationalen coolen Bestsellerreihe von Alice Pantermüller und Daniela Kohl für Mädchen ab 9. In gewohnter Gestaltung der „Mein Lotta-Leben“-Reihe: Mit hohem Illustrationsanteil zum Selbstlesen auch für weniger geübte Leser geeignet - garantiert ein Erfolgserlebnis. Das Buch zum Kinofilm von Neele Leana Vollmar („Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten“) nach einem Drehbuch von Bettina Börgerding („Bibi und Tina“-Reihe, „Benjamin Blümchen“) mit vielen deutschen Stars (Laura Tonke, Oliver Mommsen, Carolin Kebekus, Lukas Rieger, Caro Cult, Milan Peschel) Pünktlich zum Filmstart: Zusätzlich mit den besten Fotos aus dem „Mein Lotta-Leben-Kinofilm“. Weitere Infos unter

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Strawberry Fairy. The Loveliest Stories to Read Aloud

        by Stefanie Dahle

        The Strawberry Fairy works her magic again! For this top-quality gift edition, decorated with glitter and foil embossing, the author and illustrator Stefanie Dahle has chosen her own favourite stories from the three books. There is always something going on in the strawberry garden: the little fairy cures the sore throats of the frog choir, helps Don Carlo to win the love of his sweetheart, and enjoys some jolly parties in the garden. Later everyone cuddles up by the fire and makes plans for the spring while drinking a delicious cup of strawberry tea. A book to treasure, and not just for Strawberry Fairy fans.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Tilda Appleseed. Christmas in the Winter Forest

        by Andreas H. Schmachtl

        There are 24 days to go until Christmas. In the mouse house there is a delicious smell of punch, and Tilda busily hunts through her pantry: she wants to do some baking. The best of all flavours is still Aunt Emily’s frost-hip jelly. Christmas can’t come without that. But what a shock! There are no frost hips left! And it’s so difficult to get fresh ones, because they only grow in the north. Without further ado, Tilda sets off on an exciting journey through the winter forest, and she has the most weird and wonderful Christmas adventures on the way…

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        My Life as Lotta. My/ Your Lotta Best Friends Forever book. For you and your BFF.

        by Alice Pantermüller/Daniela Kohl

        Hooray! I’m really happy that I’ve got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne. I can simply tell her anything and everything, and the two of us have wonderful adventures together. Best of all, though, is that we have no secrets from one another. But it’s better if nobody else gets to know about them – especially the silly Lamb girls. Have you also got a brilliant best friend like Cheyenne? If you have, you can both write down or draw all your secrets, adventures and even wishes or jokes here. This is a book that’s only for you!

      • Trusted Partner

        Little Unicorn Finya Brightstar. Read-Aloud Stories from the Wishing Wood

        by Mila Berg/Marina Krämer

        In the secret Wishing Wood, a wonderful world of unicorns is just waiting to be discovered! Enjoy magical adventures in the company of the little unicorn Finya Brightstar and her friends, Trixie the goblin girl and Kalle the bat. When they leave their tent one night, the three brave friends find out the cause of some strange noises. They come up with a clever plan to help the big unicorn Elara, who has been feeling horribly sad for several days. And when Finya and Trixie have a nasty quarrel, Kalle succeeds in getting them to make up. Because after all, best friends are always there for one another! Twelve stories to read aloud, on a wide range of subjects, all sheer delight! With beautifully designed four-colour illustrations by Marina Krämer on every page, and fine foil embossing on the cover. Ideal for bedtime reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Magical Pharmacy (4). The Contest of a Thousand Talents

        by Anna Ruhe/ Claudia Carls

        A world full of scents – and an adventure full of magic, racing hearts and dangers! Luzie Alvenstein can sense it right down to her fingertips: there is something wrong with the invitation she is holding in her hand. Her rival Elodie de Richemont has invited her to enter the “Contest of a thousand talents” – a competition for the world’s finest scent pharmacists. Of course the only thing Elodie is interested in is finding new talents to run her scent pharmacies. But Luzie has no choice. Together with Mats, Leon and Daan de Bruijn she goes to England in order to take part in the competition. What begins as a great game soon develops into a fight for survival – and this threatens to rob Luzie of everything she has ever loved… This is the fourth volume in the bestselling series of children’s books for boys and girls aged 10+. Written by the highly successful author Anna Ruhe and with atmospheric and beautifully detailed black-and-white illustrations by Claudia Carls.

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