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Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency
The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.
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Promoted ContentDecember 2023
Pocket Art
Deine 100-Tage Kreativreise
by Scobie, Lorna
Aus dem Englischen von Vanessa Kreitlow
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Kribbel Krabbel auf der Wiese
Ein Memospiel mit 30 Klappen
by Prasadam-Halls, Smriti / Illustriert von Scobie, Lorna; Übersetzt von Menge, Stephanie
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Blubber-Blubb unter Wasser
Ein Memospiel mit 30 Klappen
by Prasadam-Halls, Smriti / Illustriert von Scobie, Lorna; Übersetzt von Menge, Stephanie
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Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groupsJuly 2015Refractions of Bob Dylan
Cultural appropriations of an American icon
by Edited by Eugen Banauch
Bob Dylan's cultural production in the second half of the twentieth century, his songs, but also his changing images and self-fashionings have informed and productively re/shaped certain images of America from outside and within. Refractions of Bob Dylan collects scholarly essays which thoroughly investigate the routes of Bob Dylan's cultural appropriations. The collection looks at how Dylan has been used and interpreted by others, and how his work has been reworked into cultural expressions in culturally and regionally divergent spaces. Additionally, a number of essays look at what Dylan has appropriated and incorporated in his own work, focusing on questions of plagiarism, tribute, allusion, love and theft. Some of the essays originate from the Refractions of Bob Dylan conference in Vienna ( which took place around the 70th birthday of Bob Dylan, and included Dylan experts such as Clinton Heylin, Stephen Scobie and Michael Gray.
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January 2009Das Leben, die Liebe und ein Jahr auf der Couch
Der Roman meines Lebens
by Martin, Lorna
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March 2011How does it feel
Das Bob-Dylan-Lesebuch
by Herausgegeben von Theweleit, Klaus; Beiträge von Theweleit, Klaus; Beiträge von Rotolo, Suze; Beiträge von Hentoff, Nat; Beiträge von Gray, Michael; Beiträge von Gill, Andy; Beiträge von Winkler, Willi; Beiträge von Gleason, Ralph J.; Beiträge von Thompson, Hunter S.; Beiträge von Diederichsen, Diedrich; Beiträge von Roos, Theo; Beiträge von Heidkamp, Konrad; Beiträge von Thompson, Toby; Beiträge von DeLillo, Don; Beiträge von Shepard, Sam; Beiträge von Mellers, Wilfrid; Beiträge von Heidenreich, Elke; Beiträge von Marcus, Greil; Beiträge von Langenbacher, Andreas; Beiträge von Scobie, Stephen; Beiträge von Wilentz, Sean; Beiträge von Kemper, Peter; Beiträge von Klein, Richard; Beiträge von Detering, Heinrich