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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2023

        Imagining the Irish child

        Discourses of childhood in Irish Anglican writing of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

        by Jarlath Killeen

        This book examines the ways in which ideas about children, childhood and Ireland changed together in Irish Protestant writing of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It focuses on different varieties of the child found in the work of a range of Irish Protestant writers, theologians, philosophers, educationalists, politicians and parents from the early seventeenth century up to the outbreak of the 1798 Rebellion. The book is structured around a detailed examination of six 'versions' of the child: the evil child, the vulnerable/innocent child, the political child, the believing child, the enlightened child, and the freakish child. It traces these versions across a wide range of genres (fiction, sermons, political pamphlets, letters, educational treatises, histories, catechisms and children's bibles), showing how concepts of childhood related to debates about Irish nationality, politics and history across these two centuries.

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        June 2018

        Die allerbeste Prinzessin

        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        An innovative & different princess story!   • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant!   Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Scottishness and Irishness in New Zealand since 1840

        by Angela McCarthy, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        This book examines the distinctive aspects that insiders and outsiders perceived as characteristic of Irish and Scottish ethnic identities in New Zealand. When, how, and why did Irish and Scots identify themselves and others in ethnic terms? What characteristics did the Irish and the Scots attribute to themselves and what traits did others assign to them? Did these traits change over time and if so how? Contemporary interest surrounding issues of ethnic identities is vibrant. In countries such as New Zealand, descendants of European settlers are seeking their ethnic origins, spurred on in part by factors such as an ongoing interest in indigenous genealogies, the burgeoning appeal of family history societies, and the booming financial benefits of marketing ethnicities abroad. This fascinating book will appeal to scholars and students of the history of empire and the construction of identity in settler communities, as well as those interested in the history of New Zealand.

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        November 1971

        Die Ratte im Labyrinth

        Eine Science-fiction-Anthologie von Franz Rottensteiner

        by Franz Rottensteiner, Marie Thérèse Kerschbaumer, Klaus Staemmler, Rudolf Hermstein, Michael Maier

        Lem, Stanisl'aw: Die Ratte im Labyrinth. Deutsch von Klaus Staemmler. Colin, Vladimir: Die letzte Verwandlung des Tristan. Deutsch von Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer. Sturgeon, Theodore: Reife. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Gunn, James E.: Ein Ungeheuer namens Smith. Deutsch von Michael Maier. McLean, Katherine: Ein unmenschliches Opfer. Deutsch von Michael Maier. Lafferty, R.A.: Regierungsform und Brauchtum der Camiroi. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Blish, James: _. Kidd, Virginia: An der Wand der Jagdhütte. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 1998

        Irish Home Rule

        by Alan O'Day, Mark Greengrass

        Irish Home Rule considers the pre-eminent issue in British politics during the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries. It is the first account to explain the various self-government plans, to place these in context and examine the motives for putting the schemes forward. The book distinguishes between moral and material home rulers, making the point that the first appealed especially to outsiders, some Protestants and the intelligentsia, who saw in self-government a means to reconcile Ireland's antagonistic traditions. In contrast, material home rulers viewed a Dublin Parliament as a forum of Catholic interests. This account appraises the home rule movement from a fresh angle, distinguishing it from the usual division drawn between physical force and constitutional nationalists It maintains that an ideological continuity runs from Young Ireland, the Fenians, the early home rulers including Isaac Butt and Charles Stewart Parnell, to the Gaelic Revivalists to the Men of 1916. These nationalists are distinguishable from material home rulers not on the basis of methods or strategy but by a fundamental ideological cleavage. ;

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        March 1997

        Die Journalistin


        by Saiichi Maruya, Hayasaki Yukari, Sabine Mangold, Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit

        Sabine Mangold, geboren 1957, hat mehrere Jahre in Japan als Dozentin gearbeitet und zahlreiche literarische Werke aus dem Japanischen ins Deutsche übertragen. 2019 wurde sie mit dem Preis der Japan Foundation ausgezeichnet. Mangold lebt in Berlin.

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        September 1999

        Der Stachel des Todes


        by Toshio Shimao, Wolfgang E. Schlecht, Sabine Mangold, Wolfgang E. Schlecht

        Sabine Mangold, geboren 1957, hat mehrere Jahre in Japan als Dozentin gearbeitet und zahlreiche literarische Werke aus dem Japanischen ins Deutsche übertragen. 2019 wurde sie mit dem Preis der Japan Foundation ausgezeichnet. Mangold lebt in Berlin.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2009

        Irish Literature Since 1990

        by Michael Parker, Scott Brewster

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        January 2018

        Meine Insel der Stille. Entspannungsgeschichten für Zappelkinder

        by Seyffert, Sabine

        Nicht wenige Kinder sind heute übermäßig unruhig, haben Schwierigkeiten, stillzusitzen und sich zu konzentrieren. Die Entspannungspädagogin Sabine Seyffert lädt „Zappelkinder“ dazu ein, sich ganz bewusst zu entspannen. Ihre Geschichten nehmen die Kinder mit auf die Reise ins Land der Fantasie und der schöpferischen Kräfte. So finden sie zu mehr innerer Ruhe, Gelassenheit, Mut und Kreativität.

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        August 2023

        Verfassende Urteile

        Eine Theorie des Rechts

        by Sabine Müller-Mall

        Gerichte nehmen mit ihren Urteilen großen Einfluss auf Verfassungsentwicklungen. Wie aber können diese Urteile Verfassungen erweitern, verdichten oder verändern? Und was heißt es überhaupt, rechtlich zu urteilen? Um verfassende Urteile über ihre Rechtsförmigkeit zu erklären, rekonstruiert Sabine Müller-Mall in ihrem scharfsinnigen Buch Verfahren juridischen Urteilens. Sie entwirft nicht nur eine grundlegende Perspektive auf den Zusammenhang von Recht und Konstitutionalisierung, sondern auch eine Theorie des Rechts, die das Urteilen zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt.

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