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View Rights PortalSpanish literary fiction. House founded in 2015 in Valparaíso (Chile). We want to provide a haven for readers in times of storm. Now that the arrival of new titles is overwhelming, at Kindberg we are committed to a detailed rhythm, to slow-publishing instead of disposable titles. The books we choose are the ones we like and that is why we believe in them and we want other readers to like them. And yes, we only publish fiction, because "poetry, beauty, art, love are the things that keep us alive".
View Rights PortalIn "Tillys Kinderkram. Tilly trickst Corona aus" taucht Jasmin Schaudinn tief in die Welt der fünfjährigen Tilly Appelboom ein, die zusammen mit ihrer Familie den Alltag während des Corona-Lockdowns und die Zeit danach meistert. Trotz der Herausforderungen, die die Pandemie für Kinder mit sich bringt, verliert Tilly nie ihren Optimismus und ihre Lebensfreude. Mit einer gehörigen Portion Witz und einer unerschöpflichen Fantasie findet sie kreative Wege, die neuen Alltagsbeschränkungen zu umspielen. Von Übungen, „aus der Flasche zu trinken“ mit Mundschutz bis hin zum Bau von Hängematten für Spielzeugfiguren aus demselben, zeigt Tilly, wie man die Welt auch unter schwierigen Umständen bunt und lebenswert gestalten kann. Ihre Geschichten bieten nicht nur Unterhaltung, sondern auch einen frischen Blick darauf, wie Kinder aktuelle Themen wie Gesundheit und Sicherheit wahrnehmen und verarbeiten. Dieses Buch verbindet auf liebenswerte Weise Humor mit der Realität des Lebens in der Pandemie und ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel dafür, wie Resilienz und Kreativität Kindern helfen können, herausfordernde Zeiten zu überstehen. Kindgerechter Zugang zu aktuellen Themen: Veranschaulicht, wie Kinder ab 4 Jahren die Pandemie erleben und bewältigen, auf eine Weise, die gleichzeitig bildend und unterhaltsam ist. Kreativität und Optimismus: Zeigt, wie mit Fantasie und Erfindungsgeist Einschränkungen überwunden werden können, und stärkt damit die Resilienz junger Leser*innen. Humorvolles und lebensnahes Erzählen: Die Geschichten von Tilly bieten Spaß und Abwechslung im Alltag und sind sowohl für Kinder als auch für Vorlesende ansprechend. Interaktive Elemente: Mit einer Tipps- und Tricks-Seite von Tilly am Ende jeder Geschichte sowie einem begleitenden Podcast, der die Inhalte lebendig werden lässt. Ein sympathischer Charakter: Tilly Appelboom ist eine Figur, mit der sich Kinder leicht identifizieren können, und deren Abenteuer ihnen Mut und Freude schenken.
More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.
The ascent of globalisation tells the sweeping historical drama of the development of globalisation, from the Second World War to the present day. The story is told through the richly detailed accounts of eighteen remarkable men and women, describing how these architects reshaped the modern world, for better or worse. Profiling their lives, ideas and struggles reveals fresh insights into the nature of globalisation. The book also examines their legacies, shedding new light on many of the problems the world faces today: the global financial crisis, the political and economic malaise afflicting Europe, the numerous failures of the United Nations, the unchecked power of corporations and the inability of governments to cooperate on critical issues such as climate change. ;
Das Werk gilt als unübersetzbar, und dennoch, oder gerade deshalb, hat es immer wieder Übersetzer und Schriftsteller, Außenseiter und Fachleute gereizt, Übersetzungen zu probieren. Gerade die Unterschiedlichkeit der übersetzerischen Ansätze - vom genauen Zusammentragen der einzelnen Sinnschichten bis hin zu einem eleganten Darüberhinhuschen - vermag einen Eindruck dieses rätselhaften Buches zu vermitteln.
This bestselling title is a practical handbook on the concept of basic stimulation in nursing and its application for patients suffering from perceptional deficits, developmental delays and mental handicaps. It enables nurses to develop, improve and stabilize physically and mentally handicapped people with impaired perceptional, communicative and motor skills. Target Group: Nurses
This book studies the negative stereotypes around the women who worked as sick nurses in this period and contrasts them with the lived experience of both domestic and institutional nursing staff. Furthermore, it integrates nursing by men into the broader history of care as a constant if little-recognised presence. It finds that women and men undertook caring work to the best of their ability, and often performed well, despite multiple threats to nurse reputations on the grounds of gender norms and social status. Chapters consider nursing in the home, in general hospitals, in specialist institutions like the Royal Chelsea Hospital and asylums, plus during wartime, illuminated by multiple accounts of individual nurses. In these settings, it employs the sociological concept of 'dirty work' to contextualise the challenges to nurses and nursing identities.
Noah's Flood is one of the Bible's most popular stories, and flood myths survive in many cultures today. This book presents the first comprehensive examination of the incorporation of the Flood myth into the Anglo-Saxon imagination. Focusing on literary representations, it contributes to our understanding of how Christian Anglo-Saxons perceived their place in the cosmos. For them, history unfolded between the primeval Deluge and a future - perhaps imminent - flood of fire, which would destroy the world. This study reveals both an imaginative diversity and shared interpretations of the Flood myth. Anglo-Saxons saw the Flood as a climactic event in God's ongoing war with his more rebellious creatures, but they also perceived the mystery of redemption through baptism. Anlezark studies a range of texts against their historical background, and discusses shifting emphases in the way the Flood was interpreted for diverse audiences. The book concludes with a discussion of Beowulf, relating the epic poem's presentation of the Flood myth to that of other Anglo-Saxon texts.
A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.
A Vision of Battlements is the first novel by the writer and composer Anthony Burgess, who was born in Manchester in 1917. Set in Gibraltar during the Second World War, the book follows the fortunes of Richard Ennis, an army sergeant and incipient composer who dreams of composing great music and building a new cultural world after the end of the war. Following the example of his literary hero, James Joyce, Burgess takes the structure of his book from Virgil's Aeneid. The result is, like Joyce's Ulysses, a comic rewriting of a classical epic, whose critique of the Army and the postwar settlement is sharp and assured. The Irwell Edition is the first publication of Burgess's forgotten masterpiece since 1965. This new edition includes an introduction and notes by Andrew Biswell, author of a prize-winning biography of Anthony Burgess.
Keine Solidarität, geschlossene Schlagbäume statt offener Grenzen. Als die Corona-Pandemie Europa erreichte, waren sich die Beobachter bald einig: Brüssel hat versagt, im Angesicht der Gefahr ist die EU »zu Roststaub zerfallen« (Der Spiegel). Die Rhetorik des bevorstehenden Untergangs begleitet die Union freilich seit mindestens einem Jahrzehnt – und erwies sich doch stets als stark übertrieben. Der Eindruck der Dauerkrise, so Luuk van Middelaar, verdankt sich einer Metamorphose von der Regel- zur Ereignispolitik: Statt stiller Technokratie ist Improvisationsfähigkeit gefragt. Da Corona die Körper alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger bedroht, wird Europa zu einer öffentlichen Angelegenheit. Und die EU realisiert, dass sie sich zwischen China und den USA selbstbewusst positionieren muss.
In 2008, the banks that had been bailed out with billions by the government were considered “systemically relevant”, in the corona pandemic of 2020 it was members of poorly paid professions such as healthcare workers. Reading Maximiliane Schaffrath‘s book on the situation regarding healthcare and nursing staff, it seems almost miraculous that Germany had managed to escape a corona disaster for so long. She gives a very personal and gripping account of the stages in her own training – and the unsustainable conditions that are suffered not only by the people who are supposed to care for and look after us, but also by everyone who depends on them.
Puma - disentangled from the three-part structure of The End of the World News and published here for the first time in its intended format - is Anthony Burgess's lost science fiction novel. Set some way into the future, the story details the crushing of the planet Earth by a heavyweight intruder from a distant galaxy - the dreaded Puma. It is a visceral book about the end of history as man has known it. Despite its apocalyptic theme, its earthquakes and tidal waves, murder and madness, Puma is a gloriously-comic novel, steeped in the rich literary heritage of a world soon to be extinguished and celebrating humanity in all its squalid glory. In Burgess's hands this meditation on destruction, mitigated by the hope of salvation for a select few, becomes powerful exploration of friendship, violence, literature and science at the end of the world.
Are we all still only moving around in our bubbles, unwilling and unprepared to engage in the positions of "the others"? Will only someone be heard who polarises and defames loudly enough, who ignores facts, denies them, twists them, who even calls for violence? The debate over the corona measures has given a new urgency as we address the question of how democracy can be lived and protected in times of an erosion of the centre and social cohesion. Karoline M. Preisler asks herself these questions and, as a passionate democrat, advocates creating new tools and meeting places for the necessary dialogue on controversial topics such as the limits of freedom, religion, climate crisis, immigration and the family.