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      • Sandu Publishing Co., Limited

        Established in 2001, Sandu Publishing (China) embraces a global vision ever since. Specialized in international design and visual communication, Sandu keeps abreast with the latest design trends and diffuse outstanding and all-round design information. So far Sandu has published Chinese and English books and magazines in more than 70 countries worldwide. Amongst Design 360°, Asian Pacific Design and a series of professional design books are highly appreciated by design institutes and designers. For more info, please go to and

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        June 2017

        Alba und Seven

        Vertraue niemals der Erinnerung:

        by Ngan, Natasha / Übersetzt von Koseler, Michael

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2022

        The Irish parliament, 1613–89

        The evolution of a colonial institution

        by Coleman A. Dennehy

        The Irish parliament was both the scene of frequent political battles and an important administrative and legal element of the state machinery of early modern Ireland. This institutional study looks at how parliament dispatched its business on a day-to-day basis. It takes in major areas of responsibility such as creating law, delivering justice, conversing with the executive and administering parliamentary privilege. Its ultimate aim is to present the Irish parliament as one of many such representative assemblies emerging from the feudal state and into the modern world, with a changing set of responsibilities that would inevitably transform the institution and how it saw both itself and the other political assemblies of the day.

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        Verrückt hinter Gittern

        Von den Leiden der Zootiere

        by Sanna, Emilio

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 1995

        Edward the Second

        Christopher Marlowe

        by Charles Forker

        The introduction to this edition contains an analysis of the first quarto (including new evidence of its original dating) and a reconsideration of the play's complex relation to the Shakespearean histories that preceded and followed it. Charles R. Forker offers a discussion of Marlowe's use of sources, and presents a new argument for the drama's five-act structure. He delves into the conflicting and controversial opinions concerning the genre and sexual politics of the play, and also includes a full record of the stage history. Forker has collated some 46 editions (including the important, rare and usually ignored editions of Broughton and Oxberry in 1818). The appendices provide substantive variants from the Broughton and Oxberry texts as well as extracts from the sources. ;

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        July 2019

        Meine Freunde (Wilde Tiere)

        Erinnerungsbuch für Kinder ab 6 Jahre

        by Illustriert von Wandtke, Sanna

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2013

        From entertainment to citizenship

        Politics and popular culture

        by John Street, Sanna Inthorn, Martin Scott

        From entertainment to citizenship reveals how the young use shows like X-factor to comment on how power ought to be used, and how they respond to those pop stars - like Bono and Bob Geldof - who claim to represent them. It explores how young people connect the pleasures of popular culture to the world at large. For them, popular culture is not simply a matter of escapism and entertainment, but of engagement too. The place of popular culture in politics, and its contribution to democratic life, has too often been misrepresented or misunderstood. This book provides the evidence and analysis that will help correct this misperception. It documents the voices of young people as they talk about popular culture (what they love as well as what they dislike), and as they reveal their thoughts about the world they inhabit. It will be of interest to those who study media and culture, and those who study politics. ;

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        October 1983

        Spectaculum 37

        Sechs moderne Theaterstücke

        by Samuel Beckett, Sean O’Casey, Edward Bond, Thomas Brasch, Cecil P. Taylor, Martin Walser, Elmar Tophoven

        Samuel Beckett zeigt in Katastrophe, wie ein Gefangener in Szene gesetzt wird. Ihm gelingt zweierlei: die Katastrophe des Gefangenen zu zeigen und zugleich die ›Katastrophe‹ dessen, der dieses Elend darzustellen versucht. Edward Bond nennt sein neues Stück »Sommer« im Untertitel ein ›europäisches‹ Stück und sagt, er schreibe nicht über einen Deutschen (der in dem Stück von den Greueln der Vergangenheit berichtet, als beschreibe er einen Sonntagsausflug), sondern er schreibe über das Böse als etwas ganz Banales. C.P. Taylor versteht sein Stück »so gut, so schlecht« über den Nazi-Professor Halder als Frage nach seiner eigenen (unserer) Rolle hinsichtlich der ›Friedensverbrechen‹ der westlichen Welt gegenüber der Dritten Welt. Martin Walser untersucht, ob Abhängigkeit und Selbstverwirklichung notwendig ein Widerspruch sind. Zeitlich näher ist uns Rotter, den Thomas Brasch in seinem gleichnamigen Stück beschreibt. Wie soll man einen neuen Staat aufbauen, wenn die Menschen dieselben geblieben sind? Das Irland O'Caseys, wie weit ist das? Viel näher, als man denken könnte. Das, was in der Routine des Alltags zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden ist, bricht unvermutet heftig aus: der bigotte Katholizismus des Stadtrats Reiligan und der ihn unterstützenden Geistlichkeit, der primitive Antikommunismus.

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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Der Wunderstürmer - Falsches Spiel beim großen Turnier (Band 7)

        by Ocke Bandixen

        The Ace Striker (Vol. 7) - Wrong Game at the Big Tournament Tim and his friends are going to the European Championship in France in their motor home. The Ace Striker has also traveled there with the Italian national team. In his luggage, Sergio Mavalli has his lucky charm Toto, a cheese made of cloth. Without him, Sergio can't score goals at tournaments. When Toto and the mascots of other players are suddenly stolen, the whole tournament is in danger! No one is lucky anymore... Tim's concentrated coaching knowledge is needed! He must give the star players self-confidence and at the same time chase after the thieves. The thieves turn out to be Sergio's old kicker cronies: they wanted to use the thefts to annoy the professional soccer players, who only seem to care about money. Due to Tim’s tracings, the situation is being resolved. Everyone gets their mascots back, the tournament can continue! World Champion Football Series for Kids - to be continued, and with different Spin-offs!

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        Computing & IT
        March 2024

        The seven veils of privacy

        by Kieron O'Hara

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